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全 文 :图 2 薄层色谱图
  1.丁香 2.木香 3.降香 4.胆酸 、
猪去氧胆酸 5.丁香 、 木香 、 降香 、
展开后 , 均呈现出阴性反应 , 结
果见图 2。
3 讨论
经过反复试验 , 确定正己烷
-醋酸乙酯-醋酸-甲醇 (20:
剂 , 四种药材在同一块薄层板上
本试验速度快 , 斑点颜色非
常鲜亮 , 且稳定性好 , 24 小时
本试验重视性好 , 5个成分
一斑点 , 操作简单易行 。综上所
述 , 认为以上方法可作为控制古
日古木-13水丸的检验方法 。
(收稿日期:2001年 6月 7日)
白翠兰 巴根那 王秀兰
(内蒙古民族大学蒙医药学院 , 内蒙古 通辽 028041)
摘 要 为蒙药肋柱花开发研究提供信息 , 采用化学反应 、 薄层色谱和紫外光谱法对其进行鉴别研究。 结
果表明 , 蒙药肋柱花盐酸-镁粉反应阳性 , 薄层色谱斑点清晰 , 紫外光谱在 242nm 处根 、 全草及叶均有一吸收
峰 , 同时根 、 全草及叶分别在 270、 318、 340nm 处有一吸收峰。本次实验结果可作为肋柱花定性鉴别标准。
关键词 肋柱花 化学反应 薄层色谱 紫外光谱
Lomatogonium rotatum (L)Friesex
Nym.的干燥全草 , 系蒙医临床
常用药。肋柱花味苦 , 性寒 , 具
有平息协日 、清热 、 健胃愈伤之
功能 。主要用于协日热 、 瘟疫 、
流感 、 伤寒 、 中暑头痛 、 肝胆
热 、 黄疸 、 胃协日 、 伤热等病
症〔1〕 。临床上多配方用 。为了探
索肋柱花的药材质量标准 , 为其
分析检测提供信息 , 采用化学反
应 、 薄层色谱和紫外光谱法 , 对
1 实验材料与仪器
勒盟西乌旗采集 。经我院蒙药鉴
花 Lomatogonium rotatum (L)
Friesex Nym.的干燥全草 。齐墩
果酸 (709—8903)对照品由中
国药品生物制品鉴定所提供 , 所
2 实验方法与结果
2.1 样品液的制备
称取肋柱花根 、 全草 、 叶 、
花各 1g , 加甲醇 50ml , 回流提
取 2h , 定容至 50ml。
2.2 对照液的制备
称取齐墩果酸对照品 10mg ,
加甲醇溶解 , 配成 0.100mg ml
2.3 化学鉴别
吸取样品液各 1ml分别置试
管中 , 加入少量镁粉 , 滴加 2 ~
3滴浓盐酸 , 即出现剧烈反应 ,
根及花甲醇溶液呈粉红色 , 全草
及叶甲醇溶液呈深紫色 。
2.4 薄层色谱鉴别
精密吸取样品液各 10μl , 分
别点于同一块硅胶 G 板上 , 以
酸 (10:20:7:0.3)展开 , 展
距 14cm 。取出晾干后喷硫酸-
乙醇 (1:1)溶液 , 并在红外灯
下烘 5min 后日光下观察 , 可见
236 中国民族民间医药杂志 2002年总第 57期
到5个斑点 (a 浅绿色 、 b 浅灰
色 、 c紫色 、 d浅黄绿色)。紫外
灯下观察可见到 3 个斑点 (a 红
色 、 c橙色 、 e亮蓝)。见图 1。
2.5 紫外光谱特征
吸取样品液 1ml , 加 19ml甲
醇混匀 , 以甲醇作空白对照 , 用
日立 557双波长双光束分光光度
计在 200 ~ 400nm 波长范围内进
行扫描 , 结果在 242nm处根 、 全
草及叶均有一吸收峰 , 同时 ,
根 、全草及叶分别在 270 、 318 、
340nm处有一吸收峰 , 见图 2。
3 讨论
液盐酸-镁粉反应阳性 , 可初步
鉴别特征 , 其中各部位均含有齐
墩果酸 。紫外光谱中根 、 全草及
果可作为肋柱花定性鉴别标准 。
其化学成分的提取分离 、结
1 内蒙古卫生厅.内蒙古蒙药材标
准.赤峰:内蒙古科学技术出版社 , 1987:
(收稿日期:2002年 3月 12日)
4 、 麦冬 90g , 茯苓 15g , 水煎服。治小便不利。
5 、 风化石灰 30g , 茯苓 90g。共为细末, 调水为丸 , 梧桐子大 , 每服 20~ 30丸 , 空腹用米汤送下。治妇女白带。
6 、 白茯苓 60g , 乳香 0.3g。共为末 , 蒸饼为丸 , 梧桐子大 , 每服 30g , 食后睡前用麦门冬汤下。治小便白浊 , 梦遗不禁。
237中国民族民间医药杂志 2002年总第 57期
A Preliminary Approach to
the Andrology of Mongolian Medicine
YANG A-min(Affiliated Hospital , Inner Mongolian Nationality University)
ABSTRACT The andrology of mongolian medicine is a
clinical subject that study all the disease of andrology spe-
cially.Because of some facts from the history , the for-
mulation of thoery , and the accumulation of the experi-
ence have been inf luenced for many years.
The mongolian andrology have been separated from
surgery and internal medicine of mongolian medicine and
devloped obviously in resent ten years.It have been es-
tablished that the complete theory which was based on its
clinical experience and it is believable that the glorious
future of the section during the development of the modern
medicine. (Original article on page 187)
Study Report on Folk
Prescription in Jinlin Province
ZHOU You(Department of Biology , Tonghua Teacher s College)
ABSTRACT 24 folk prescriptions were collected and
studied , which provides some source materials for the ex-
ploitation of the medicinal materials in Jilin province.(Original article on page 225)
The Analysis of Amino Acid in
Tibetan Medicine Wangla [ Rhizoma
of Coeloglossum Viride (L.)
Harm.Var.bracteatum (Willd.)Richter]
HUANG Sheng -yang , et al(Institute of Materia Medica , Chinese
Academy of Medical Science)
ABSTRACT Objective:Analysing the content of ami-
no acid of Tibetan medicine Wangla [ Rhizoma of Coelo-
glossum Viride (L.) Harm. Var. bracteatum(Willd.)Richter] .Method:Determining the constitu-
ents and content of amino acid by means of amino acid
automatic analyzer.Result:Total free amino acid cont-
ent of Tibetan medicine Wangla amounts to 558.44mg
100g.The amino acid constituents comes to 16 types , in
which 7 types are essential to man and 3 types are semi-
essential to man.Conclusion:The result provides data
for evaluating the medicinal value of
Tibetan medicine Wangla.(Original article on page 229)
The Changes of Blood SerumMDA ,
SOD and GSH-PX in Mice
S180-bearing and the Effects of FCPS
on Its Change
ZHU Fan-he , et al
(Jinning Medical College ,
Jinling Province)
ABSTRACT Objective:To investigate the changes of
malondialdehyde (MDA ), supeeroxide dismutase(SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-PX)activity
in blood serum of S180-bearing mice , and the effects of
FCPS on them.Methods:The model of S180-bearing
mice was estiblished , FCPS were administrated by oral
route (200.400mg kg) for 10d , the content of MDA ,
SOD , GSH-PX were measured in blood serm of S180-
bearing mice treated with and without FCPS.Result:
The S180-bearing mice had higher levels of MDA than
that of normal controls , wheresa the activity of SOD and
GSH -PX in S180-bearing mice group were lower in
comprision with control group , FCPS could enhance SOD
and GSH -PX activity , and decrease MDA content of
blood serum in S180-bearing mice.Conclusion:The
anti-tumor effect of FCPS might relevent to increasing
the activity of SOD , GSH-PX and decreasing the leves
of MDA in S180-bearing mice.(Original article on page 231)
Identification of Mongolian Medicinal
Material Herba Lomatognii
BAI Cui-lan , et al(College of Traditional Mongolian)
Medicine of Inner Mongolian
National University , Tongliao
Inner Mongolian)
ABSTRACT In order to provide information for exploit-
ing and study of herba lomatognii , normal chemical iden-
tification , TLC and UV-absorption spectroscopy identi-
fied the drug , the results showd that the chemical compo-
sition of the drug presented positive reaction in tests for
flavnol , and the character of UV spectra showed that
there was a same absorption peaks at 242nm in samples
from roots , herb and leaves , and there were absorption
peaks at 368 nm , 270 nm and 238 nm in samples from
foots , herb and leaves respectively.(Original article on page 236)
Herbological Study of Temuri-aoriyanggu
and Investigation of Its Goods
BU Ri-e(Editorial Department of Inner Mongolia
University for Nationalities)
ABSTRACT By herbological study and investigation ,
Temuri-aoriyanggu used by Mongolia doctor mainly con-
tains 9 species 2 genra of 2 family , but Temuri-aoriy-
anggu in inner mongolia standard of medicinals materials
only contains 1 species which is Clematis aethusifolia
Turcz. (Original article on page 240)
248 中国民族民间医药杂志 2002年总第 57期