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全 文 :1 Introduction
During a continuing exploration for saprobic
microfungi in Xishui National Nature Reserve of
Guizhou, China, Blastocatena pyracanthae as one
new species was collected and identified. The genus
Blastocatena was erected by Subramanian, et al [1]
with B. pulneyensis Subram. & Bhat as the type
species. It was mainly characterized by macronematous,
unbranched conidiophores aggregating into erect,
cylindrical, dark brown synnemata, and integrated,
terminal, monoblastic, determinate conidiogenous
cells that produce holoblastic, distoseptate conidia
in acropetal, unbranched chains. The characters
separate Blastocatena from its similar genera
Parablastocatena Y.D. Zhang & X.G. Zhang [2] and
Lylea Morgan-Jones[3]. The conidia of Parablastocatena
are euseptate, and the condiophores of Lylea are
micronematous and mononematous and the conidial
chains are branched. Until now, only one species
has been reported in Blastocatena.
2 Materials and methods
Specimens of decomposed branch collected in
Xishui National Nature Reserve, Guizhou Province,
were incubated in Petri dishes (d=9 cm) with mositened
filter paper at 27℃ in a SPX-250B-Z Biochemical
Incubator for 2-3 weeks. Then samples were examined
at regular intervals under an Olympus SZ61 stereo
microscope. Conidiophores and conidia were removed
from the surfaces of the decomposed branches with
a needle, and transferred to a drop of lactophenol
on a slide, and then the cover slips were sealed with
netral balsam. Finally, the slides were evaporated
in a drying oven (55 ℃ ). Micrographs were taken
with an Olympus BX51 microscope.
3 Descriptions
Blastocatena pyracanthae Z.J. Xiao & X.X. Li,
热带作物学报 2015, 36(4): 746-747
Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops
收稿日期 2014-10-22 修回日期 2014-12-15
基金项目 贵州省科技厅自然科学基金项目[黔科合J字LKZS(2014)20]; 贵州省科技创新人才团队建设项目[黔科合人才团队(2012)4004号]。
作者简介 李小霞(1979年—), 女, 硕士, 副教授; 研究方向: 真菌学。 *通讯作者(Corresponding author): 肖仲久(XIAO Zhongjiu), E-mail:
A New Species of Blastocatena from Guizhou,
China: Blastocatena pyracanthae
LI Xiaoxia1,2, XIAO ZhongJiu1,2*
1 Zunyi Normal College, Life Sciences Institute, Zunyi, Guizhou 563002, China
2 Key Laboratory of Regional Characteristic for Conservation and Utilization of Plant
resource in Chishui River Basin, Zunyi, Guizhou 563002, China
Abstract Blastocatena pyracanthae sp. nov. is described and illustrated on decomposed branches of Pyracantha
fortuneana. The specimen was collected from Xishui Nature Reserve of Guizhou Province. The type specimen is
deposited in the Mycological Herbarium of Zunyi Normal College (HMZNC).
Key words Taxonomy; Blastocatena pyracanthae
doi 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2561.2015.04.018
李小霞 1,2, 肖仲久 1,2*
1 遵义师范学院生命科学学院, 贵州遵义 563002
2 贵州省赤水河流域植物资源保护与应用研究特色重点实验室, 贵州遵义 563002
摘 要 通过对采自贵州省习水自然保护区暗色丝孢真菌的处理 , 发现了一个芽串孢属新种——火棘芽串孢
Blastocatena pyracanthae, 并对其进行了形态学特征描述和图解 。 研究标本保存在遵义师范学院真菌标本室
关键词 分类; 火棘芽串孢
中图分类号 Q939 文献标识码 A
第 4 期
sp. nov.
Fungal Name FN570083
Colonies effuse on decomposed branch dark
brown, hairy. Mycelium partly superficial, partly
immersed in the substratum. Conidiomata synnematous,
solitary, erect, dark brown, cylindrical, fertile in the
upper part, becoming scatter toward the apex, up
to 1 300 μm high, up to 110 μm wide at the swollen
base, 31-68 μm wide in the middle. Conidiophores
macronematous, synnematous, unbranched, septate,
smooth, brown to dark brown, up to 1 300 μm long,
3.5-6.0 μm wide, diverging laterally and terminally.
Conidiogenous cells monoblastic, intergrated, terminal,
smooth, cuniform to lageniform, 4.5-6.0 μm wide in
the middle, 3.0-4.0 μm wide at the truncate apex.
Conidia holoblastic, obclavate, developing in acropetal
chains or sometimes solitary, 5 -14 -distoseptate,
smooth walled, brown, 59-184 μm long, 8.0-13.5 μm
wide in the widest part, 2.5 -4.0 μm wide at the
truncate base, with apex extended into a hyaline to
subhyaline beak 2-3 μm wide.
Specimen examined: on decomposed branches
of Pyracantha fortuneana ( Maxim.) Li, Guizhou
Province, China, 18 Jun. 2013, HMZNC 0008.
Blastocatena pyracanthae is morphologically similar
to B. pulneyensis in synnematous conidiophores,
and distoseptate conidia developing in acropetal
chains (Fig. 1). However, the conidia of B. pyracanthae
are obclavate while those of B. pulneyensis are obovoid
to cylindrical. In addition, the conidia of B. pyracanthae
are longer than those of B. pulneyensis ( 59 -184,
5-14 μm vs. 21-44, 3-5 μm), and there are more
distoseptate (5-14 vs. 3-5), which are obviously
different from the B. pyracanthae.
[1] Subramanian C V, Bhat D J. Hyphomycetes from South India
I. Some new taxa[J]. Kavaka, 1987, 15(1-2): 41-74.
[2] Zhang Y D, Ma J, Ma L G, et al. Parablastocatena tetracerae
gen. et sp. nov. and Corynesporella licualae sp. nov. from Hainan,
China[J]. Mycoscience, 2012, 53(5): 381-385..
[3] Morgan-Jones G. Notes on Hyphomycetes. VIII. Lylea, a new
genus[J]. Mycotaxon, 1975, 3(1): 129-132. 责任编辑: 黄 艳
A~B: 分生孢子梗, 产孢细胞和分生孢子; C: 分生孢子。
A-B: Conidiophores, conidiogenous cells and conidia; C: Conidia.
图1 Blastocatena pyracanthae的微观结构
Fig. 1 Microscopic structures of Blastocatena pyracanthae
50 μm 50 μm
李小霞等: 中国贵州芽串孢属一新种——火棘芽串孢 747- -