Abstract:Observations were made on the fertilization and early embryo development in intergeneric cross between Triticum aestivum cv. Chinese Spring and Elytrigia elongata (Host) Nevski. The pollen germination of E. elongata appeared normal on the stigma of T. aestivum and the pollen tubes grew into the style and entered the embryo sacs. Of the 170 ovaries observed 17.65 % had double fertilization and had embryo and endosperm, and 9.41 % had only embryo and 4.71% had only endosperm. The total rate of fertilization was 31.77 %. The total rate of embryo formation was 27.06%. Because the endosperms were abnormal, it was very difficult to produce viable mature seeds. Cytoembryological evidence was given to demonstrate the high freqeuncies of fertilization and embryo formation in crosses between wheat and E. elongata.