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Transgenic Maize Plants Obtained by Pollen-mediated Transformation

The genetic transformation was achieved by pollen-mediated approach on maize ( Zea mays L.) inbred lines Tai 9101 and Zong 31. Plasmid DNA of pGLⅡ-RC-1 was mixed with fresh pollen of maize inbreds in sucrose solution. The pollens were treated by ultrasonication and collected, pollinated on silks of maize ears. Transformants were confirmed by dot blot hybridization, PCR amplification and PCR-Southern blot hybridization. The pollen-mediated transformation approach could circumvent the tedious tissue culture procedures like in particle bombardment and Agrobacterium infection, etc. This approach is simple, easy to operate, and could be widely used in practice.

王景雪 孙毅* 崔贵梅 胡晶晶

摘要:利用花粉作为外源基因的载体进行遗传转化在玉米(Zeamays L.)上获得了成功。以玉米自交系太9101、综31等为受体,以pGLⅡ-RC-质粒为供体,在玉米开花期,用花粉与质粒DNA混合并附加超声波处理,然后辅以人工授粉的方法将外源基因导入到受体中。DNA斑点杂交和PCR扩增以及PCR_Southernblot杂交检测结果证明,几丁质酶基因确已导入玉米自交系中。所得结果表明:玉米花粉可以介导外源基因的转化。利用花粉作为载体介导外源基因转化,避免了传统的基因枪法和土壤杆菌法转化所要求的组织培养技术,转化方法简单,易操作,具有很强的实用性。

关键词: 玉米;花粉介导法;基因转化

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