Abstract:The concrete extracted from the flowers of Jasminum sambac is a precious perfume. The absolute has been analysed by CC-MS with two capillary columns of non-polar (OV-101) and polar (PEG-20 M) stationary phase respectively. The Kovats indices of the peaks on OV-101 were determined also. The results were highlighted on minor components and are shown in Tables 1 and 2. Several important components are: 2,6-dimethyl heptanal; methyl n-methyl anthranilate; bergmotene; torreyol; cis-3-hexenyl butyrate; cislinalool oxide; 2H-pyran-3-ol, 6-ethenyl tetrahydro-2,2,6-trimethyl and a few sesquiterpenes. Together with those previously determined, 50 components of the absolute have been identified, their contents have been determined also. These results offer quite detailed information to the compounding and technology in perfumery.