Abstract:The process of in vitro seed germination of Cymbidium ensifoliumcultivar Si-ji-lan could be divided into the following five stages: (1) Proembryos wereswollen, outer layer cells became irregular in shape. The tangential wall of outer layer cells of proembryos was thickened. The terminal cells were much smaller than basiccells. (2) Seeds germinated and differentiated into protocorms with terminal or lateralmeristem. (3) On one flank of the terminal meristem a single cotyledon was differen-tiated. (4) After the first foliage leaf was formed in the opposite side of the cotyledon,the protocorms developed into rhizomes. (5) As the third or forth leaf was formed, young roots were initiated. The results stained by Suden IV shot that the possiblecause for quite slow seed germination rate of Cymbidium ensifolium in vitro is due tothe thickened layers of seed coat, reducing its penetrability on the surface of proem-bryo. During seed germination the lipid and starch in the embryo cells were reduced.The reduction of starches may be closely correlated to the meristem formation.