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The Major Types of Caryopses of the Chinese Gramineae in Relation to Systematics

Examinations were made on the morphology of caryopses of 324 grass species re-
presenting over 109 genera and 31 tribes.  The evolutionary tendency of the important characte-
ristics and the relation with distribution areas and habitats are discussed.   According to  the
shape of caryopses, the morphology of ventral faces and hilum, the proportion of embryos to
caryopses in size, the existence or absence of the top fine hairs, the persistence or shedding of
styles, the size of fruits and especially the outline of the middle cross section, etc., the caryopses
may be divided into three major types and seven subtypes: Bambusoid (including True Bambusoid,
Arundinoid, Oryzoid, Stipoid), Panicoid (including True Panicoid, Eragrostoid) and Pooid
(including the Subtype Pooid only).  In this study, the different types of caryopses are found to
be correlated with the characteristics of embryos, seedlings, habits and chromosomes, and on
these grounds, the genera of the Gramineae are grouped into seven corresponding subfamilies:
Bambusoideae, Oryzoideae, Arundinoideae, Stipoideae, Eragrostoideae, Panicoideae and Pooideae.

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