Abstract:Insect pest is one of the most important factors adversely affecting the development of crop production,and the control method intensively depending on insecticide application has brought serious 3R (residue, resistance and resurgence) problems. The novel control strategy based on the behavioral manipulation of phytophagous insects has become a main research field in recent decades for sustainable management of crop pests. Many trap and repellent techniques derived from the natural plant resources (e.g. trap crop, repellent crop and trap twig bundle), physical stimulant materials (e.g. trap color, repellent color and trap model) and synthetic compositions (e.g. attractant, repellent, stimulant, deterrent) have been developed successfully. Beside the single trap strategy, the pull-pull strategy combining different trap measures and the push-pull strategy integrating the utilization of trap and repellent measures, have been widely exploited for pest management in agricultural production.