Moisture dynamics of soil dry layer and water-restoring effects of alfalfa (Medicago sativa)-grain crop rotation on soil dry layer in alfalfa farmlands in Mountainous Region of Southern Ningxia
Abstract:In two consecutive years, the study measured the soil water contents in the farmlands on which alfalfa had grown for different periods and the soil water contents in the farmland on which alfalfa had grown for ten years and then rotated with other crops in different years and then compared the soil water contents with those in different croplands. The study indicated that while alfalfa growth was prolonged the depth and thickness of soil dry layer firstly increased and then declined. The depth of soil dry layer was 720cm in the farmland with alfalfa growing for three years , at most 1000cm in the farmland with alfalfa growing for six years , and 920cm in the farmland with alfalfa growing for ten years and soil dry layer spanned nearly 0-700cm soil in the farmlands with alfalfa growing for 3-12 year. In alfalfa farmlands, the Average humilities declined in 0-800cm soil as the growth of alfalfa was prolonged. In 2004, the average soil water contents were measured to be 5.30%,5.22% and 5.01% 0-700cm soil in the farmlands, with alfalfa growing for 4, 7 and 12 year, respectively; in 2005, the soil humidities were measured to be 6.26%、5.60% and 5.27% in 0-800cm soil in farmlands with alfalfa growing for 3,6 and 10 year, respectively; But the soil humidities tended to rebound in 800-1000cm after alfalfa grew for a certain period. 300cm is the maximum soil depth to which the rainwater could infiltrate down, and thus soil dry layer , tended to stay permanently once it formed in soil below 300 cmm deep., the soil humidity remained only 40% in 300-700cm soil in the farmlands with alfalfa growing for 7-12 year. the thickness and humidities of Soil dry layer differed greatly between alfalfa farmland and cropland, but alfalfa-crop rotation made the soil humidities of soil dry layer recover to those of the croplands and its such effect was intensified in different soil layers as the rotation was prolonged ..furthermore, the 18 year alfalfa-crop rotation made the farmland with alfalfa growing for 18 years recover its soil water content to that of cropland.