作 者 :李永华,王献,孔德政,叶庆生
期 刊 :生态学报 2007年 27卷 5期 页码:1852~1857
Keywords:Anthurium andraeanum Lind, Net photosynthetic rate, CO2 enrichment, Growth,
摘 要 :以开顶式塑料薄膜温室为设施,研究了红掌(Anthurium andraeanum L.)幼苗植株生长、叶片净光合速率和光合酶活性对长期高CO2浓度的响应。结果表明:处理90 d时,处理组T1((700±100) μmol•mol-1 CO2)的株高、单叶面积、株鲜重分别比对照组((360±30)μmol•mol-1)增加了15.76%、14.30%、29.62%,而处理组T2 ((1000±100)μmol•mol-1 CO2)的株高、单叶面积、株鲜重分别比对照增加了15.00%、9.63%、3622%;处理150 d时T1的株高、单叶面积、株鲜重与对照相比分别增加了1608%、17.30%、49.09%,而T2增加了16.61%、10.10%、48.87%。在各自生长环境下处理组T1、T2的净光合速率在整个处理期间均高于对照,处理150 d时,T1、T2的净光合速率分别比对照高8.25%、20.62%;但处理90 d时,在对照CO2浓度下测定的净光合速率处理组开始低于对照组,可能此时处理组的红掌叶片开始出现光合适应现象;CO2浓度升高促进了叶片中可溶性糖和淀粉积累,处理90 d时T1、T2处理组中淀粉含量分别比对照高52.60%、67.66%;处理150 d时,T1组红掌叶片中淀粉与可溶性糖含量比对照高53.43%、6.32%,T2比对照高58.44%、8.07%,叶绿素含量在处理90 d时也开始低于对照组;整个实验过程中,Rubisco活性前期增加,90 d以后开始下降;乙醇酸氧化酶活性则明显下降,T1、T2处理组试验结束时与对照组相比分别下降了41.28%、45.35%。一定处理时间(90 d)的高浓度CO2处理提高了红掌叶片的净光合速率和碳水化合物的积累,促进了营养生长,但随着处理时间的延长,这种促进作用逐渐降低。
Abstract:CO2 enrichment stimulates the rate of photosynthesis and growth, plants mass is also enhanced under CO2 enrichment. Few studies have addressed the photosynthesis and growth of Anthurium andraeanum L. with higher ornamental value under CO2enrichment. Therefore, the effects of elevation of CO2 for 150d on net photosynthetic rate, growth rate and photosynthetic enzymatic activity of Anthurium andraeanum L. seedlings were studied in open-top plastic chambers. The results showed that plants grown under T1 treatment ((700±100) mol mol-1 CO2) for 90 d, the plant height,leaf area and fresh weight increased by 15.76%, 14.30% and 29.622% respectively in comparison with those of plants grown under ambient [CO2]( CK (360±30) mol mol-1 CO2). There are 15.00%, 9.63%, 36.22%increment respectively for T2 treatment((1000±100)μmol•mol-1 CO2); At the treatment of 150 d, the plant height,leaf area and fresh weight of T1 increased by 16.08%, 17.30% and 49.09% respectively in comparison with those of CK, there are 16.61%, 10.10%, 48.87%increment respectively for T2 treatment; However, plants for T1,T2 treatment under individual growth conditions at the whole period, their net photosynthetic rate were higher than those grown under the ambient [CO2], at the treatment of 150 d, Pn in T1, T2 increased by 8.25%,20.62% in comparison with that in CK. Photosynthetic acclimation might start to appear in that the Pn in T1, T2 plants determined under ambient [CO2] were lower than that for CK from 90 d. Elevated [CO2] caused a marked rise in soluble sugar and starch accumulation in leaves, but significantly reduced their stomata conductance and transpiratory rate; The starch content in T1,T2 was 52.60%, 67.66% higher than that in CK at the treatment of 90 d; The starch and sugar content in T1 increased by 53.43%, 6.32% respectively in comparison with those in CK at the treatment of 150 d, there were 58.44%, 8.07% increment for T2, the chlorophyll content in T1,T2 presented lower in comparison with that of CK from 90 d. In addition, elevated [CO2] had positive effect on Rubisco activity firstly and negative effect from 90 d, and glycolate oxidase activity apparently decreased in leaves through the whole experiments, the glycolate oxidase activity in T1, T2 decreased by 41.28%, 45.35% respectively at the treatment of 150 d. Increase in CO2 concentration in a certain extent (90 d) might be most beneficial for increasing net photosynthetic rate and the content of carbohydrate accumulation, and furthermore, the vegetative growth, but the promotion decreased slowly if CO2 enrichment prolonged.