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Taxonomic Studies on the Genus Delphinium (Ranunculaceae) from China (Ⅱ):The Identity of D. angustirhombicum


全 文 :In 1986, Wang[1] described Delphinium angustir-
hombicum W. T. Wang on the basis of a gathering, J.
S. Yang s. n. (Fig. 1), from Zhongdian, northwestern
Yunnan, China. He compared his new species with
D. spirocentrum Hand.-Mazz., a species distributed
in northwestern Yunnan and southwestern Sichuan,
China, obviously because the spur of the upper sepal
in both of them is subulate, recurved, U-shaped or
spirally curved (Figs.1–3). In the Latin protologue,
D. angustirhombicum was described as having the
stem most sparsely spreading puberulent, the petiole
sparsely spreading puberulent, the inflorescence
rachis proximally glabrous, distally retrosely white
puberulent and yellowish glandular puberulent, and the
pedicel also retrosely white puberulent and yellowish
glandular puberulent. Through these characters D.
angustirhombicum is indeed readily distinguishable
from D. spirocentrum. The latter species is characterized
by the stem and the petiole densely white hispid, and
the inflorescence rachis and the pedicel hispidulous
and yellowish glandular puberulent[2–6].
The habit, the subglabrous stem and the pubescence
of the inflorescence in Delphinium angustirhombicum,
however, are more reminiscent of D. bulleyanum
Received: 2013–12–02    Accepted: 2014–01–20
This study was supported by the National Basic Research Program (2013FY112100).
* Corresponding author. E-mail: qeyang@scib.ac.cn
热带亚热带植物学报 2014, 22(2): 131 ~ 137
Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany
袁琼, 杨亲二*
(中国科学院华南植物园, 中国科学院植物资源保护与可持续利用重点实验室, 广州 510650)
摘要: 通过标本室和野外观察,发现根据采自我国云南西北部中甸标本描述的狭菱形翠雀花(Delphinium angustirhombicum W.
T. Wang)与当地颇为常见的螺距翠雀花(D. bulleyanum Forrest ex Diels)没有区别,故将其处理为后者的异名。
关键词: 翠雀属; 毛茛科; 分类学
doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005–3395.2014.02.004
Taxonomic Studies on the Genus Delphinium (Ranunculaceae) from China
(II): The Identity of D. angustirhombicum
YUAN Qiong, YANG Qin-er*
(Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Conservation and Sustainable Utilization, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Guangzhou 510650, China)
Abstract: Both herbarium and field observations have shown that Delphinium angustirhombicum W. T. Wang
described from Zhongdian, northwestern Yunnan, China, is not essentially different from D. bulleyanum Forrest
ex Diels, a very common species in that area. We therefore reduce D. angustirhombicum to the synonymy of D.
Key words: Delphinium; Ranunculaceae; Taxonomy
132 第22卷热带亚热带植物学报
Forrest ex Diels (Figs. 4–5), a species vey common in
northwestern Yunnan. Our careful scrutiny of the rich
herbarium material of D. bulleyanum from northwestern
Yunnan has shown that D. angustirhombicum matches
perfectly D. bulleyanum in all characters. The rhizome
is robust, somewhat woody, strongly elongated; the
stem is glabrous or subglabrous, somewhat violet; the
leaves are well distributed, but gradually reduced up
the stem, pentagonal in outline, 3-cleft; the inflorescence
rachis is proximally glabrous, distally retrosely white
puberulent and yellowish glandular puberulent; the
pedicel is also retrosely white puberulent and yellowish
glandular puberulent; the spur of the upper sepal is
subulate, recurved, U-shaped or spirally curved.
In our field observations, we found that Delphinium
bulleyanum is most often of a caespitose habit,
with several stems of various heights arising from
a rootstock (Fig. 5: A), whereas D. spirocentrum is
usually subscapose in habit, with only one stem (very
rarely three ones) arising from a rootstock (Figs. 2–3).
In addition, D. bulleyanum is usually much taller than
D. spirocentrum (0.4–2 m vs. 16 – 90 cm), and the
rhizome of D. bulleyanum is robust, strongly elongated,
and usually much longer than that of D. spiricentrum.
From a morphological perspective, therefore, it seems
that D. bulleyanum may be only distantly related to D.
spirocentrum, and that their resemblance in the spur of
the upper sepal is only superficial. From the caespitose
habit and the strong elongation of the rhizome, D.
bulleyanum may be closely related to D. tongolense
Franch., D. pseudotonglolense W. T. Wang and their
allies. The putative closest relatives of D. spirocentrum
seem to be D. delavayi Franch., D. omeiense W. T.
Wang, D. pogonanthum Hand.-Mazz. and their allies.
Obviously Wang[1] was wrong to compare his new
species with D. spirocentrum. As shown in Figure 5:
A, it can be safely assumed that the type specimens of
D. angustirhombicum are no more than two smaller
Fig. 1 Specimens of Delphinium bulleyanum Forrest ex Diels. A: J. S. Yang s. n. (holotype of D. angustirhombicum W. T. Wang, PE), Zhongdian,
Yunnan, China; B: J. S. Yang s. n. (isotype of D. angustirhombicum, PE), Zhongdian, Yunnan, China.

134 第22卷热带亚热带植物学报
Fig. 4 Specimens of Delphinium bulleyanum Forrest ex Diels. A: G. Forrest 2694 (holotype, E), Lichiang (Lijiang), Yunnan, China; B: K. M. Feng
2001 (PE), Zhongdian, Yunnan, China; C: Beijing Inst. Bot. Hengduan Shan Exped. 3108 (PE), Zhongdian, Yunnan, China; D: Q. E. Yang & Q. Yuan
30 (PE), Zhongdian, Yunnan, China.
第 2 期 袁琼等:中国毛茛科翠雀属的分类学研究 (二):狭菱形翠雀花的名实订正 135
Fig. 5 Delphinium bulleyanum Forrest ex Diels in the wild. A: Habitat; B: Inflorescence; C: Flower, lateral view; D: Flower, top view. (Photographe d
from Zhongdian, Yunnan, China)
individuals of D. bulleyanum. It is necessary, therefore,
to reduce D. angustirhombicum to the synonymy of D.
Taxonomic treatment
Delphinium bulleyanum Forrest ex Diels in
Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 5: 265. 1912; Hand.-
Mazz., Symb. Sin. 7: 280. 1931; W. T. Wang in Acta
Bot. Sin. 10: 153. 1962; Munz in J. Arnold Arb. 49:
234. 1968, p.p., excl. pl. Sichuan; W. T. Wang in
Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 27: 414. 1979; et in Vas.
Pl. Hengduan Mount. 1: 485. 1993, p.p., excl. pl.
Sichuan; et in Fl. Yunnan. 11: 127. 2000; W. T. Wang
& Warnock in Fl. China 6: 255. 2001, p.p., excl. pl.
136 第22卷热带亚热带植物学报
Sichuan. Type: China. Yunnan: Lichiang (Lijiang),
11–12000 ft, moist, rocky situations amongst scrub,
Aug. 1906, G. Forrest 2694 (holotype, E!; isotype,
D. spirocentrum var. pauciflorum Chen in Bull.
Fan. Mem. Inst. Biol., n. s., 1: 170. 1948. Type:
China. Yunnan: Lijiang, 2800 m, grassy slope, Sept. 8,
1937, T. T. Yu 15544 (holotype, PE!; isotypes, KUN!,
D. polyanthum W. T. Wang in Acta Bot. Sin. 10:
145. 1962; Munz in J. Arnold Arb. 49: 238. 1968,
p.p., quoad holotypum tantum. Type: China. Yunnan:
Deqen, Baima Shan, 3500 m, Sept. 1935, C. W. Wang
69805 (holotype, PE!; isotypes, NAS!, PE!).
D. angustirhombicum W. T. Wang in Bull. Bot.
Res., Harbin 6(1): 9. 1986. syn. nov. Type: China.
Yunnan: Zhongdian, Dongwang, Jul. 1984, J. S. Yang
s. n. (holotype, PE!; isotype, PE!).
Notes. Some of the specimens cited by Munz[3]
under D. bulleyanum, including J. F. Rock 9669, 9755,
9766, were also referred to D. spirocentrum by him
in the section ‘Representative exsiccatae’ at the end
of the same paper. These specimens and all the other
specimens cited under this species by Munz[3] need re-
examination. The Sichuan specimens cited by Wang[7]
under D. bulleyanum, i.e., Sichuan Veget. Exped
1625 (CDBI, PE) from Batang and Qinghai-Xizang
83-14492 (KUN, PE) from Muli, actually belong to
D. tongolense. The Muli gathering, J. F. Rock 16884
(K), identified by Yuan and Yang[8] as D. bulleyanum,
should also belong to D. tongolense.
Distribution and habitat. Delphinium bulleyanum
is distributed in northwestern Yunnan and southeastern
Xizang (Zayu) (Fig. 6). It grows in scrub or on grassy
slopes at altitudes of 3100–4800 m.
Additional specimens examined. China: Xizang:
Zayu, Qinghai-Xizang Exped. 10806 (KUN, PE),
Q. E. Yang 2007-40 (IBSC). Yunnan: Deqen, C. W.
Wang 69805 (PE), T. T. Yu 10864 (KUN, PE), 9699
(IBSC, KUN, PE); Lijiang, R. C. Ching 30934 (KUN,
PE), 21180 (KUN, PE), 30560 (KUN, PE), K. M.
Feng 21281 (KUN, PE), 21295 (KUN, PE), 22561
(KUN, PE), Y. Luo & Y. S. Chen 496 (PE), W. T.
Wang 162 (KUN, PE), Q. E. Yang 94119 (PE), Q. E.
Yang & H. H. Kong 3173 (IBSC), Q. E. Yang & Q.
Yuan 160 (PE), T. T. Yu 15544 (KUN, PE); Weixi,
C. W. Wang 68390 (IBSC, NAS, PE); Zhongdian,
Beijing Inst. Bot. Hengduan Shan Exped. 3108 (PE),
Fig. 6 Distribution of Delphinium bulleyanum Forrest ex Diels (■)
第2期 137
3154 (PE), W. W. Chen 62-012 (PE), K. M. Feng
2001 (KUN, PE), 2272 (KUN, PE), 23201 (KUN,
PE), Q. E. Yang 9494 (PE), Q. E. Yang & H. H.
Kong 3006 (IBSC), 3031 (IBSC), 3035 (IBSC), 3125
(IBSC), Q. E. Yang & H. Z. Kong 98-258 (PE), Q. E.
Yang & Q. Yuan 12 (PE), 19 (PE), 30 (PE), 105 (PE),
2198 (IBSC), T. T. Yu 10902 (PE), 13715 (KUN, PE),
Zhongdian Division 844 (KUN), 2082 (KUN, PE).
Acknowledgments  We are grateful to the curators of BM,
E, IBSC, K, KUN, NAS, PE, and WU for the loan of specimens
or the permission to use their scanned images of specimens.
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[2]  Handel-Mazzetti H. Ranunculaceae [M]// Symbolae Sinicae, VII.
Teil. Wien: Verlag von Julius Springer, 1931: 265–321.
[3]  Munz P A. A synopsis of the Asian species of Delphinium, sensu
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[4]  Wang W T. Delphinium L. [M]// Flora Reipublicae Popularis
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[5]  Wang W T. Delphinium L. [M]// Flora Yunnanica, Tomus 11.
Beijing: Science Press, 2000: 108–148.(in Chinese)
[6]  Wang W T, Warnock M J. Delphinium L. [M]// Flora of China,
Vol. 6. Beijing: Science Press; St. Louis: Missouri Botanical
Garden Press, 2001: 223–274.
[7]  Wang W T. Delphinium L. [M]// Vascular Plants of the Hengduan
Mountains, Vol. 1. Beijing: Science Press, 1993: 474–493.(in
[8]  Yuan Q, Yang Q E. A further correction to the misidentifications
of the Chinese Delphinium made by P. A. Munz in his “A synopsis
of the Asian species of Delphinium, sensu stricto” [J]. Acta
Phytotax Sin, 2003, 41(6): 553–562.(in Chinese)