摘 要 :华南植物园二十多年来共引种姜科植物23属,135种,3变种,3变型,其中存活18属,103种,2变种,2变型。对长果姜(Siliquamomum tonkinense Baill.)、茴香砂仁[Etlingera yunnanensis(T.L Wu et Senjen)R.M.Smith]等三级保护植物进行了迁地保护。姜科植物在我园引种有高的成活率,开花结实的种类较多,引种较为成功,特别是原产亚热带、热带的姜科种类生长较好;原产中高海拔的种类生长较差或死亡;原产喜马拉雅山区高海拔地区和特殊生境的种类则引种后死亡。姜科植物生境因子分析法能较好指导姜科植物的引种工作。
Abstract:Zingiberaceous plants including 135 species, 3 varieties and 3 forms in 23 genera have been introduced from home and abroad to the South China Botanical Garden at Guangzhou for more than two decades. Of all the plants introduced, 103 species with 2 varieties and 2 forms in 18 genera can grow well. Siliquamomum tonkinense Baill. and Etlingera yunnanensis (T. L. Wu et Senjen) R. M. Smith, which are of rare and endangered species, are in ex situ conservation in the Garden. Of all the introduced species, the survival rate is 74.5%,and the percentages of spedes which can flower and fruit are 56.3% and 33.8%,respectively. From the 8 important genera,the survival rate is 100% in species of Costus and Curcuma, but species of Cautleya and Roscoea fail to survive.The survival rate in both Alpinia and Kaemferia species is 83.3%, and survival rates in species of Hedychium and Zingiber are 57.1% and 85.7%, respectively.The factors, such as climatic,soil,
geographical and biological factors, which affect the introduced plants are elucidated.