Comparative Analysis on Soil Physi-Chemical Properties and the Tree Growth in Taiwania flousiana Plantations and Successive Rotation Plantations of Cunninghamia lanceolata Introduction and ecological effects of an exotic mangrove species Sonneratia apetala Introduction and Site-moisture Dynamics of Herbages in the Hilly and Gully Regions of the Loess Plateau DISCUSSION ON INTRODUCING PINUS KORAIENSIS INTO DAXINGANLING MOUNTAINS INTRODUCTION AND PROVENANCE TRIAL OF EUCALYPTUS NITENS AND ITS POTENTIAL IN PLANTATION FORESTRY IN CHINA ON THE STRATEGY FOR GROWING EXOTIC FORESTS IN CHINA Introduction and Domestication of Several Superior Mangroves in Shenzhen Bay Introduction and Provenance Test of Acacia crassicarpa Study on Climate of Lac-producing Areas and Lac Insect Introduction in China A Study on Rattan Tissue Culture Study on Introduction of Germanium into Panax ginseng Cultured Cells via Chemical Vectors Studies on Introduction of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica, P. sylvestriformis, P. densiflora and P. thunbergii The Natural Distribution and a Brief Account in the Introduction of Parakmeria lotungensis A PRELIMINARY REPORT ON INTRODUCTION OF TAIW ANIA FLOUSIANA AT SEABOARD, ZHEJIANG PROVINCE Introduction of foreign color cotton in the adaptation area of China-One of the application studies of biology adaptation area analysis system A study on introduction of Acacia mearnsii in dry-hot valley of Jinsha River Basin Introduction of upland rice cultivars to eastern Keerqin sandy land and their biological characteristics The climatic suitable ecotopes in China for introduction of almond Rev iew of Study on Germpla sm Resources of Blue Honeysuckle ( L on iceracae ru lea L. ) Foreign Wheat Germplasm Investigation, Introduction and Utilization in Ningxia Comparative study on several physiological characters among the re introduced population of Cycas debaoensis Studies on the selection of gardening liana in Guangxi STUDY ON SELECTION OF PLUS TREE OF PENCIL CEDAR Introduction and selection of new poplar clones in shelterbelts/windbreaks in northern Liaoning A study on the introduction and cultivation of American alfalfa in semi-humid area Cultivation of introduced alfalfa varieties in an arid area of Minqin county Investigation and Introduction of Ornamental Resources of Salvia in West Sichuan Province A DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR INTRODUCTION OF EXOTICS Ⅰ. DELINEATION OF SUITABLE ZONES A ANALYSIS OF EFFECT OF JAPANESE LARCH INTRODUCTION IN SOUTH OF TAIHANG MOUNTAINS IN SHANXI PROVINCE Research on Adaptability Evaluation of Various Tree Species to Sites in Loess Hilly and Gully Region Phenophase observation and introduction and cultivation of ornamental ferns THE RESEARCH OF INTRODUCTION AND PROPAGATION OF DENDRANTHEMA INDICUM VAR. AROMATICUM A STUDY ON THE INTRODUCTION OF EXOGENOUS DNA AND VARIATION OF WHEAT A STUDY ON THE SHADE-RESISTANCE OF 11 GROUND COVERS A STUDY ON THE STRESS-RESISTANCE OF 8 GRASSES The Introduction, Selection and Evaluation of Stylosanthes scabra cv. Seca and Utilization Biodiversity of Cardiocrinum giganteum and Observation during Its Introduction Application of MaxEnt ecology model in near-nature forestry plant introduction regionalization with Hedychium coccineum as an example Introduction and Cultivation of Halenia ellipitica(Gentianaceae) Study about introduction experiment of varieties of Buckwheat in loess hilly gully region ANEMONE OF MORPHOLOGY CHARACTERISTIC AND INTRODUCTION APPLY STUDY RETROSPECT AND PROSPECT ON PLANT INTRODUCTION AND ACCLIMATIZATION IN SHAANXI PROVINCE STUDY ON INTRODUCTION AND ACCLIMATIZATION OF FINE HERBAGEIN THE LOESS HILLY REGION INTRODUCTION,DOMESTICATION AND DEVELOPING PROSPECT OF LILY FOR CUT FLOWER STUDY ON THE INTRODUCTION AND CHROMOSOMES OFALLIUM SECT.CALOSCORDUM THE BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND INTRODUCTION AND DOMESTICATION OF PRUNUS PEDUNCULATA Introduction and Conservation of Casuarina Trees in China A Preliminary Report on Introducing Lily Cultivars Research on the Adaptability of Several Newly Introdued Plants Grown on Sandy Land of Yanchi County of Ningxia The Biological Characters of Azadirachta indica and Result of Introduction and Cultural Trail A Study on Introduction and Culture of Taiwania flousiana in Guangdong and Its Cultural Regional Assignment An Introduction Report with Provenances of 5 Tree Species among Casuarinaceae An Experiment on Introduction and Cultivation of Exotic Poplar Clones in Fuzhou Area Species and Provenance Selection for Eucalyptus Leaf Oils Production A Preliminary Report on Introduction Adaptability and Cultivation Trials of Melaleuca alternifolia Technological Study on Introduction of Exogenous DNA into Pigeon Pea and Its Application in Breeding Genetic diversity of introduced natural enemy Agasicles hygrophila (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).  A STUDY ON INTRODUCTION OF LARCH THE INTRODUCTION AND CULTIVATION OF THE MEDICINAL PLANTS FROM THE RESERVOIR AREA (HUBEI SECTION)OF THE THREE-GORGE PROJECT TO WUHAN VERIFICATION OF THE GENETIC VARIATION INDUCED BY INTRODUCTION OF EXOGENOUS DNA INTO WHEAT BY USING ELECTROPHORETIC PATTERNS ANALYSIS OF SEED GLIADINS The Research on Introduction and Cultivation of Chinese Wild Rice Shoots in Washington Region of America Research and Development of Teak in China Turf grasses introduction and cultivation in central area of shaanxi Introduction and cultivation of Dioscorea panthaica Marker-Based Evidence of Broadening the Genetic Base of Chinese Soybeans by Using Introduced Soybeans RAPD VERIFICATION OF RUST RESISTANT WHEAT VARIANTS STUDIES ON IMPROVMENT FOR WHEAT SEED PROTEIN BY DIRECT GENE TRANSFER TECHNIQUES Impact of Plant Introduction or Domestication on the Recent 500 Years of Civilization and Scientific Research Value of Plant Living Collections The Introduction and Cultivation of Heliconia in South China Botanical Garden A SURVEY OF THE INTRODUCTION OF ZINGIBERACEOUS PLANTS THE RESEARCH OF YELLOWFRUIT RASPBERRY‘‘‘‘S WILD GERM PLASMRESOURCE AND ITS INTRODUCTION IN THE QINLING MOUNTAINS PEST PROBLEMS AND ITS MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES OF PLANT INTRODUCTION AND ACCLIMATIZATION AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON INTRODUCTION OF FINE GRASS LAWN AND THEIR UTILIZATION Investigation and Introduction of Ornamental Resources of Salvia in West Sichuan Province Flows of Crop Germplasm Resources into/out of China Introduction trial of medicine mulberry (Morus nigra) in Chongqing Technology on the Introduction and Cultivation of Rhodiola sachalinensis A. Bor. Textual research on history of introdution and herbal medicine of Pogostemon cablin PRELIMINARY STUDIES ON MALE STERILE MUTANT AFTER EXOGENOUS DNA INTRODUCED INTO WHEAT Experiment of Introduced of Pasture Species in Hongchiba of a Middle Mountain in Sichuan

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