Pollen Morphology of the Family Zingiberaceae in China—Pollen Types and Their Significance in the Taxonomy REVISION AND ADDITIONAL NOTES OF ZINGIBERACEAE OF YUNNAN, CHINA Morphology, distribution and chromosome counts of two varieties of Hedychium villosum (Zingiberaceae) Chemical constituents of rhizomes of Zingiber officinale Studies on chemical constituents from rhizomes of Hedychium chrysoleucum

Chemical Constituents in Volatile Oil from Fruits of Alpinia oxyphylla Miq. Light Effects on the Style Curvature and Anther Dehiscence of Alpinia mutica (Zingiberaceae) A SURVEY OF THE INTRODUCTION OF ZINGIBERACEOUS PLANTS NOTES ON CURCUMA IN CHINA Cloning and RNA in Situ Hybridization of Calmodulin Gene in Alpinia oblongifolia Chromosome numbers of ten Zingiberaceae species Reproductive Ecology of Rhynchanthus beesianus W. W. Smith (Zingiberaceae) in South Yunnan, China: A Ginger with Bird Pollination Syndrome Taxonomic changes regarding three species of Zingiber (Zingiberaceae) from Thailand New Taxa of Zingiberaceae from Yunnan Testing the potential of proposed DNA barcodes for species identification of Zingiberaceae FLOWERING PATTERN AND PROTANDRY IN BOESENBERGIA LONGIFLORA EFFECTS OF FLORAL LONGEVITY ON MALE AND FEMALE FITNESS IN HEDYCHIUM VILLOSUM VAR. VILLOSUM Progress in Zingiberaceae Researches Application of Cluster Analysis to Chemical Identificationof the Drugs from Fruits or Zingiberaceae Chemical constituents in roots and rhizomes of Curacuma aromatica Vascular System Anatomy of the Flower of Hedychium forrestii (Zingiberaceae) and Its Systematic Significance Advances in studies on naturally occurring linear diarylheptanoids Roscoea cangshanensis M. H. Luo, X. F. Gao & H. H. Lin, a new species of the Zingiberaceae from Yunnan, China Chemical constituents from aerial part of Curcuma wenyujin PHYTOGEOGRAPHY OF THE ZINGIBERACEAE Hedychium menghaiense (Zingiberaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China Prospects for discriminating Zingiberaceae species in India using DNA barcodes Pollen morphology of the genus Cornukaempferia (Zingiberaceae) in Thailand Advances in the study of breeding system and pollination biology of gingers (Zingiberaceae and Costaceae) A new species of Zingiber (Zingiberaceae) from Taiwan, China, based on morphological and molecular data Curcuma nankunshanensis (Zingiberaceae), A New Species from China Comparative Studies on Reproductive Mechanisms of Three Species in Globba (Zingiberaceae)