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Taxonomic Studies on the Genus Delphinium (Ranunculaceae) from China (IX): Correction of a Typographical Error in the Protologue of D. muliense


全 文 :热带亚热带植物学报 2016,24(1):37 ~ 39
Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany

Received: 2014-12-26 Accepted: 2015-03-27
This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 31470303) and the Science and Technology Basic Work (Grant No.
* Corresponding author. E-mail: qeyang@scib.ac.cn


袁琼, 杨亲二*
(中国科学院华南植物园,中国科学院植物资源保护与可持续利用重点实验室,广州 510650)

摘要:毛茛科木里翠雀花(Delphinium muliense W. T. Wang)同时用拉丁文和中文发表。在拉丁文原白中,该种的模式标本被错
prattii C. H. Wright ex Hemsl.)。
doi: 10.11926/j.issn.1005-3395.2016.01.005

Taxonomic Studies on the Genus Delphinium (Ranunculaceae) from China
(IX): Correction of a Typographical Error in the Protologue of D. muliense

YUAN Qiong, YANG Qin-er

(Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Conservation and Sustainable Utilization, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou
510650, China)

Abstract: Delphinium muliense W. T. Wang (Ranunculaceae) was published in both Latin and Chinese. Its type
correction has been wrongly cited as T. T. Yü (= T. T. Yu) 6988 in the Latin protologue, although correctly cited as
T. T. Yü 6989 in the accompanying Chinese translation of the Latin protologue. The collection T. T. Yü 6988
belongs to Allium prattii C. H. Wright ex Hemsl. in the Amaryllidaceae.
Key words: Delphinium; Ranunculaceae; Typographical error
In the course of revising the Chinese Delphinium
L. (Ranunculaceae), we discovered an error in the
citation of the type collection of D. muliense W. T.
Wang. The aim of this note is to correct the error.
In 1957, Wang
named and described Delphinium
muliense in both Latin and Chinese. In the Latin
protologue, he cited the type collection as ―Szechuan:
Mu-li, Ha-lin, alt. 3500 m, in silvis, herba perennis,
8–14 unc. alta, fl. violaceo-purpurei, 11 Jul. 1937, T. T.
Yü 6988 (Typus)‖. In the accompanying Chinese
translation of the Latin protologue, however, he cited
the collecting number of the type as ―T. T. Yü 6989‖.
This discrepancy has led Munz
to cite the type
information of the species as ―Szechuan: Mu-li, Ha-lin,
3500 m, July 11, 1937, T. T. Yü 6989?, published as
6988 (PE, A), photo. (A); photo. and isotype seen‖ in
his synopsis of the Asian species of Delphinium.
We have been able to retrieve both T. T. Yü 6988
(three sheets) and T. T. Yü 6989 (two sheets) from the
Herbarium of the Institute of Botany, Chinese
Academy of Sciences (PE). Both collections were
made by T. T. Yü (= T. T. Yu), a distinguished Chinese
collector of plants, at the same locality on the same
day. It is evident that T. T. Yü 6988 (Fig. 1) is a
38 热带亚热带植物学报 第 24 卷

species of Allium L. (Amaryllidaceae) (identified as A.
prattii C. H. Wright on the determinavit slip), whereas
T. T. Yü 6989 (Fig. 2) is a species of Delphinium. On
the determinavit slip glued to one sheet of T. T. Yü
6989 (PE00027019; Fig. 2: A) was annotated, in W. T.
Wang‘s hand, ―Delphinium muliense W. T. Wang, sp.
nov., Typus‖, and on the determinavit slip glued to the
other sheet of T. T. Yü 6989 (PE00027018; Fig. 2: B)
was annotated, also in W. T. Wang‘s hand,
―Delphinium muliense W. T. Wang, sp. nov., Isotypus‖.
Undoubtedly the former sheet is the holotype
specimen of Delphinium muliense and the latter is an
isotype. According to Munz
, another isotype of the
species is kept in the Herbarium of the Arnold
Arboretum (A), but we have not seen it.
In conclusion, the type collection of Delphinium
muliense is T. T. Yü 6989 (A, PE) as correctly cited in
the accompanying Chinese translation of the Latin
protologue of the species, not T. T. Yü 6988 (PE)
which has been wrongly cited in the Latin protologue.
The latter collection belongs to Allium prattii C. H.
Wright ex Hemsl. in the Amaryllidaceae.
Fig. 1 A sheet of the collection T. T. Yü 6988 (PE) from Muli, Sichuan, China. This collection belongs to Allium prattii, but has been incorrectly cited as the
type of Delphinium muliense in the Latin protologue.
第 1 期 袁琼等:中国毛茛科翠雀属的分类学研究(九):木里翠雀花原白中一个排印错误的改正 39

Fig. 2 Type specimens of Delphinium muliense, T. T. Yü 6989, Muli, Sichuan, China. A: Holotype (PE); B: Isotype (PE).
[1] WANG W T. Notulae de Ranunculaceis sinensibus [J]. Acta Phytotax
Sin, 1957, 6(4): 361–391. (in Chinese)
[2] MUNZ P A. A synopsis of the Asian species of Delphinium, sensu
stricto [J]. J Arn Arb, 1968, 49(1): 73–166.