全 文 :热带亚热带植物学报 2016, 24(2): 167 ~ 172
Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany
Received: 2015–12–03 Accepted: 2016–01–12
This work was supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China (Grant nos. 31070175, 31270247, 31470302) and Chinese Academy of Sciences
135 Program (XTBG-F03).
* Corresponding author. E-mail: yfdeng@scbg.ac.cn
(1. 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园,中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园生物多样性保护中心,云南 勐腊 666303;2. 中国科学院华南植物园,中国
科学院植物资源与可持续利用重点实验室,广州 510650;3. 中国科学院大学,北京 100049)
摘要:报道中国爵床科一新记录种——翅柄裸柱草[Gymnostachyum sigantum (Benoist) J. B. Imlay],并提供了该种的描述。为
名称 Gymnostachyum sigantum 指定了后选模式。
doi: 10.11926/j.issn.1005-3395.2016.02.006
Gymnostachyum signatum, A Newly Recorded Species from Yunnan, China
TAN Yun-hong1, LIN Zhe-li2,3, DENG Yun-fei2
(1. Center for Integrative Conservation, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Mengla 666303, Yunnan, China; 2. Key
Laboratory of Plant Resource and Sustainable Utilization, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, China;
3. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China)
Abstract: Gymnostachyum sigantum (Benoist) J. B. Imlay (Acanthaceae) is reported as newly recorded species
from China. The description of the species is also provided. The lectotype is designated here for the name
Gymnostachyum sigantum.
Key words: Acanthaceae; China; Gymnostachyum; Typification.
Gymnostachyum Nees is a genus of about thirty
species of Acanthaceae distributed in tropical region
of Asia[1–3]. It belongs to tribe Andrographideae
together with Andrographis Nees, Phlogacanthus
Nees, Cystacanthus T. Anderson, Diotacanthus Benth.,
Graphandra J. B. Imlay, Haplanthodes O. Kuntze and
Indoneesiella Sreem.[4–7]
Lo[8] is the first one to study the genus Gymno-
stachyum from China. In 1979, he described two new
species, viz., G. subrosulatum H. S. Lo and G. kwang-
siense H. S. Lo, from Guangxi. The difference
between these two species is mainly in the ratio of the
limb and corolla tube. Hu et al.[2] merged them as a
single species G. subrosulatum. Chu[9] transferred
Andrographis sinensis H. S. Lo, a species described
from Guangxi, to Gymnostachyum as G. sinense (H. S.
Lo) H. Chu. Shui & Chen[10] reported Gymnostachyum
listeri Kurz from Yunnan province. In recently
published Flora of China, Hu et al.[2] recognized three
species from China, viz., G. listeri, G. sinense and G.
During the floristic surveys of the local flora
supported by the project “Theory and Practice on full
Conservation of Regional Biodiversity in Xishuang-
banna” in 2013, we found that a collection of Gymno-
stachyum represents a newly recorded species from
China, i.e., G. signatum (Benoist) J. B. Imlay.
Gymnostcahyum signatum was originally described
168 热带亚热带植物学报 第 24 卷
as Cryptophragmium signatum Benoist[11] based on
the gathering Poilane 19722 from Vietnam. We traced
three duplicates in herbarium P. Since no holotype was
indicated in the protologue, the specimen P00719629
(Fig. 1) with full field notes is here designated as the
lectotype of the name Cryptophragmium signatum.
Since this species has not yet been described in English,
the emended full description is provided below.
Fig. 1 Lectotype of Gymnostachyum signatum
第 2 期 谭运洪等: 中国爵床科一新记录种——翅柄裸柱草 169
Gymnostachyum signatum (Benoist) J. B. Imlay,
Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1939(3): 128. 1939. Cryp-
tophragmium signatum Benoist, Bull. Soc. Bot.
France 81: 602. 1934. Lectotype (here designated!):
Vietnam. Dong Nai: Bien Hoa, Cochinchina, km 58
on colonial route 20, forest floor on basaltic soil, Oct.
14, 1931, M. Poilane 19722 (P barcode P00719629!;
isolectotypes: P barcode P00719631!, P barcode
P00719632!) (Fig. 2).
Isophyllous herbs, perennial, 15–30 cm high.
Stems terete, pubescent, with 2 grooves when dry.
Leaves opposite; petioles 2.5–6 cm long, winged,
pubescent; leaf blades ovate, 7–10 cm×5–6 cm, base
cuneate, margin entire, apex obtuse, adaxially pubescent
and densely covered with linear cystoliths, abaxially
pubescent, secondary veins 7–8 on each side of midvein,
camptodromous. Spikes terminal and axillary, 5–8 cm
long, pubescent. Peduncle 1 cm long, pubescent.
Bracts linear, 2 mm×0.5 mm, pubescent; bracteoles 2,
linear, 1.5 mm×0.5 mm, pubescent. Calyx 5-lobed
almost to the base, lobes linear-triangular, 5 mm×1 mm,
covered with long glandular hairs. Corolla 13 mm
long, purple, outside pubescent, bilabiate, upper lip
minutely 2-lobed, lower lip 3-lobed and inner side
Fig. 2 Gymnostachyum signatum. A: Habit; B: Inflorescence; C: Infructescence; D: Equatorial view of pollen grain
170 热带亚热带植物学报 第 24 卷
bullate. Stamens 2, inserted at base of throat; filament
ca. 4 mm long, glabrous; anther bithecous, theca linear,
2.5 mm long, each with a short spur at base; connectives
covered with short glandular hairs. Pollen grains sub-
prolate, 34.39 (31.5–36.7) μm×24.75 (23.1–26.0) μm,
P/E=1.39, tricolporate. Ovary oblong-ovoid, 2 mm
long, densely glandular-hairy, 2-locular, 10 ovules per
locule; style 1.2 cm long, pubescent; stigma unlobed.
Capsule linear, densely covered with long glandular
Fig. 3 Distribution map of Gymnostachyum signatum
Distribution: Gymnostachyum signatum is
distributed in China, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam (Fig.
3). It is newly recorded from China.
Habitat: Under evergreen broad-leaved forest,
850 m alt.
Phenology: Flowering September-October;
fruiting October-November.
Notes: Gymnostachyum signatum can be easily
第 2 期 谭运洪等: 中国爵床科一新记录种——翅柄裸柱草 171
distinguished from the other three Chinese species of
Gymnostachyum by its leaf base decurrent onto the
petioles forming winged petioles and flowers densely
arranged on the spikes. An identification key to
Chinese species is provided below.
Key to Chinese species of Gymnostachyum
1a. Leaf base attenuate and decurrent on the petioles forming narrow wings ······································································ G. signatum
1b. Petioles wingless
2a. Stems very short, less than 5 cm; leaves in a basal rosette·······················································································G. subrosulatum
2b. Stems elongate, longer than 30 cm; leaves cauline.
3a. Spikes axillary, several-flowered; corolla red····················································································································· G. listeri
3a. Spikes terminal, few-flowered; corolla yellow················································································································· G. sinense
Specimens examined: CHINA. Yunnan: Jing-
hong Shi, Mengwang Xiang, Manhong, 850 m, Sep.
13, 2013, Tan Yunhong 10329 (HITBC, IBSC); LAOS.
Locality Unkown: M. Massie s. n. (P). Hua Phan:
Vieng Xai District, Phoun Mai Village, 350 m, Dec. 5,
2013, Sun Hang et al. 17545 (IBSC, KUN); THAI-
LAND. Chaiyaphum: Chaiyaphum Distrct, 600 m,
Dec. 20, 1971, C. F. Van Beusekom et al. 4466 (L).
Chiang Mai: Mueang Chiang Mai District, Me Hia, c.
400 m, Oct. 25, 1922, A. F. G. Kerr 6448 (ABD, BM,
K); Muang District, Doi Sutep-Pui National Park, SW
side, 1000 m, Oct. 22, 2000, J. F. Maxwell 00-436 (A,
CMUB, L, MO); Pong Duead, 700 m, Sep. 4, 1999, P.
Suksathan 1753-1 (QBG); Mae Rim District, Mae Sa
Fall, Sep. 22, 1994, W. Nanakorn et al. 19026 (QBG);
Mae Rim District, 650 m, Aug. 31, 1994, W. Nana-
korn et al 1491 (QBG); Chiang Dao District, Doi
Chiang Dao, 575 m, Nov. 11, 1989, J. F. Maxwell
89-1406 (A, CAS, E, L, MO); Chiang Dao District,
Ban Bing Hong, 500 m, Oct. 29, 1987, J. F. Maxwell
87-1303 (CAS, L); Chiang Dao District, Doi Chiang
Dao Animal Sanctuary, 450 m, Oct. 27, 1990, J. F.
Maxwell 90-1193 (A, CAS, L, MO); Mae Dtang Diatrict,
Mae Lao-Mae Sae Wildlife Sanctuary, 700 m, Sep. 17,
1995, Kai Larsen 46560 (QBG); Mae Dtang District,
Pa Pae Wildlife Sanctuary, 950-1100 m, Sep. 17, 1995,
W. Nanakorn et al 4488 (QBG); Mae Dtang District,
PaaPae Wildlife Sanctuary, 950-1100 m, Sep. 17,
1995, W. Nanakorn et al 4513 (QBG); Mae Dtang
District, Geut Chang Subdistrict, Doi Sahng Liang,
1075 m, Aug. 27, 1997, J. F. Maxwell 97-893 (A,
CAS, MO); Mae Dtang District, Bah Bae Subdistrict,
925 m, Oct. 14, 1990, J. F. Maxwell 90-1167 (A, L, MO).
Chiang Rai: Sanaong Distrcit, Mae Sahn Subdistrict,
Mae Kahn (Karen) Village, 675 m, Oct. 12, 2001, J. F.
Maxwell 01-529 (A, MO); Doi Tam Ta Pu, c. 520 m,
Oct. 5, 1924, H. B. G. Garrett 202 (ABD, K). Chon-
buri: Siricha District, Kow Kieo, 100 m, Oct. 20,
1975, J. F. Maxwell 75-1061 (L). Lampang: Muang
Bahn (Pan) District, Jae Sawn National Park, 525 m,
Aug. 22, 1995, J. F. Maxwell 95-522 (CAS, CMUB,
L); MuangBahn (Pan) District, Jae Sawn National
Park, 500 m, Aug. 22, 1996, J. F. Maxwell 96-1099
(CMUB); Chae (Jae) Hom District, Bahn Sah Subdis-
trict, Doi Pra Bah, 400 m, Nov. 9, 2008, J. F. Maxwell
08-207 (CMUB, QBG). Loei: Phu Ruea District, Phu
Luang Wildlife Reserve, 29 Sep. 1990, P. Chantara-
nothai, J. Parnell & D. Simpson 90/460 (K); Phu
Kradueng District, Pha Nok Khao, 500 m, 1958, T.
Sørensen et al. 2448 (E); Na Haeo District, Ha Haew,
Hua Hom, Phu Suan Sai National Park, Sep. 1, 2008, C.
Maknoi2694 (QBG). Nakhon Nayok: Muang District,
Khao Yai National Park, 798 m, Nov. 10, 1999, S.
Chongko 41 (CAS, CMUB, L); Muang District, Bin
Dahng Subdistrict, KhaoYai National Park, 825 m,
Aug. 12, 2000, J. F. Maxwell 00-340 (A, CMUB, L,
MO). Nakhon Ratchasima: Pak Chong District,
300 m, 29 December 1923, Marcan 1527 (ABD).
172 热带亚热带植物学报 第 24 卷
Phayao: Chiang Khan District, Rom Yen Subdistrict,
Doi Pha Dam, 1030 m, Aug. 15, 2013, W. La-ongsri et
al. 3044 (QBG). Phrae: Song District, Dow Boom
Subdistrict, Mae Yom National Park, 225 m, Dec. 10,
1991, J. F. Maxwell 91-875 (A, CAS, E, L, P). Sara-
buri: Ban Nawang Bua, Sep. 26, 1927, Put 1080
(ABD, BM, K, L); Muak Lek District, Sep. 5, 1928,
Put 1896 (ABD, BM, K); Mueang Saraburi District,
Sahm Lahn, 150 m, Aug. 24, 1974, J. F. Maxwell
74-837 (L). Uthaithani: KlongPluu, 500-600 m, Oct.
21, 1993, Thaya 1237 (QBG). VIETNAM. Dong Nai:
Bao Chianh, Sep. 1869, L. Pierre s.n. (A, K, P, SING);
Bien Hoa, Oct. 14, 1931, M. Poilane 19703 (A, P);
Bien Hoa, Oct. 14, 1931, M. Poilane 19722 (P).
Acknowledgments We are grateful to Dr. YU Sheng-xiang
(PE) for preparing the distribution map. We would like to thank
the curators of following herbaria for their helps for research
facilities: A, ABD, BM, CAS, CMUB, E, IBSC, K, L, MO, P,
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