摘 要 :对云南特有珍稀植物蓑衣油杉(Keteleeria evelyniana var. pendula)的地理分布、自然生境概况及种群大小和年龄结构等种群特性进行研究,并掌握其形态特征、生长发育规律及种子散布和萌发等生物学特性。结果表明:蓑衣油杉在云南省华宁县主要分布于平地和吗哒等山区村寨周边地区;现有蓑衣油杉自然居群均为小种群,高群集分布,年龄结构不合理,种群处于相对不稳定阶段;虽然种子的种翅特征利于远距离传播,但可育种子产率极低,种子向幼苗难以转化使其有性生殖受阻,生活史趋于断裂,是最终导致其濒危的重要内因之一;自然生境的严重破坏、成年植株的过度采挖对蓑衣油杉种群的生存构成严重威胁,也是造成部分野生种群个体数量急剧减少的主要外因。本文还针对蓑衣油杉的濒危机制提出进行保护和利用的有效措施。
Abstract:The geographical distribution and natural habitats, as well as the population size and the age structure of the population of Keteleeria evelyniana var. pendula in Huaning County, Yunnan Province were studied in this paper, and the biological characteristics, such as the morphological features, the development rule of the growth and its spreading and germination of seeds were well knew. It was concluded that K.evelyniana var. pendula was mainly distributed in the mountain areas near villages, such as Pingdi and Mada in Huaning County; the existing groups of this variety were the small populations, the clustering populations were characterized by the illogical age structure, and the populations were in a relatively unsteady stage. Although the characteristics of the seed wing were good for spreading over long distances, the seed yield was extremely low and the transformation of seeds to seedling is difficult. Therefore, the sexual reproduction was suffocated and the life history tended to break, which is an important one of the internal reasons that results in its being endangered condition at last. Furthermore, the survival of this species is severely threatened by the natural habitats being seriously damaged and the adults being excessively excavated, which is the main external reasons that cause the dramatical decreasing of the individuals in the wild population. The effective measures of protection and utilization were proposed, based on the endangered mechanism of K.evelyniana var. pendula.