全 文 :第 24卷 第 1 期 植 物 研 究 2004 年 1月
马书荣 李海英 祖元刚
(东北林业大学森林植物生态学教育部重点实验室 ,哈尔滨 150040)
摘 要 采用 LI-6400便携式光合分析系统对裂叶沙参和泡沙参进行了不同遮光水平蒸腾速率
的测定 ,并同步测定了叶片气孔大小 、气孔密度 、气孔开度和气孔导度等气孔行为。采用相关系数
表明:不同遮光水平测定的气孔行为对裂叶沙参和泡沙参蒸腾作用的直接影响大致相同 ,其中 ,两
相关关系 。
关键词 裂叶沙参;泡沙参;气孔行为;蒸腾特性
The relationships between stomata behaviors of Adenophora
lobophylla and A.ptaninii and transpiration
MA Shu-Rong LI Hai-Ying ZU Yuan-Gang
(Key Laboratory of Forest Plant Ecology , Ministry of Education , Northeast Forestry University ,Harbin 150040)
Abstract The transpiration rates of A.lobophylla and A.potaninii under different shape level were tested
by use the LI-6400 convenient photosynthesis analysis instrument.In the meanwhile , the stomata behaviors
such as stomatal size , stomatal density , stomatal open and stomatal conductivity were tested.By using the
methods of path coefficient analysis and correlation coefficients , the relationships between stomata behaviors
and transpiration of A.lobophylla and A.potaninii under different shape level were analyed.The results
showed that there was roughly same influence on transpiration of A.lobophylla and A.potaninii by stomatal
behaviors under different shape level.There was bigger inf luence on transpiration rare by stomata density of
these two plants.There were significent correlations between stomata conductivity and transpiration of A.
Key words Adenophora lobophylla;A.potaninii;stomata behavior;transpiration
Photosynthesis is the basis of growth and development
of plant;and there are directly relationships between tran-
spiration and water utilization of plant.Transpiration is the
course of evaporation under the control of physiology.The
strength of transpiration is an important index which can
indicate the water.The stomata can supply CO2 as more as
possible to photosynthesis , and can reduce the water ex-
haust of transpiration , because these stomata can influence
the interior and exterior environment.Although the surface
第一作者简介:马书荣(1966—),女 ,副教授 ,主要从事植物生态学研究。
stomata is 1%of total leaf surface , 90%transpiration car-
ry on by stomata.It is very important to study the relation-
ships between the stomata behaviors and transpiration of
plant[ 1~ 3] .A.lobophylla and A.potaninii are perennial-
herb plants , and A.lobophylla is a kind of important pro-
tection endangered plant in our country.Which is dis-
tributed over Jinchuan , Danba County and so on , with an
elevation of 4000 metres , in the northwest of Sichuan
Province.The contrast species A.potaninii is not only dis-
tributed over Maerkang County , the northwest of Sichuan
Province , but also distributed over Qinghai , Gansu ,
Shanxi , Ningxia , and Shanxi Province and so on.Many
studies have been done about the mechanism of endangered
of A.lobophylla[4~ 7] .But there were little studies have
been done about the effect on transpiration by stomata be-
haviors.This paper was preliminary studies about the rela-
tionships between stomata behaviors of A.lobophylla and
A.potaninii and transpiration by means of treating A.
lobophylla and A.potaninii in dark.
1.Research method
The research work went on in green house , which was
in the test forest-farm of Northeast Forestry University in
Harbin.Materials were young cultivated plants in flower
pot of perennial A.lobophylla and A.potaninii.The re-
search work went on in august.There were different shape
levels by using different amount of layers of white gauzes.
The white gauzes were used as cover shed.The rates of
shape level respectively were 20%, 40%, 60%, 82%.
The contrast level was that there were no white gauzes to
shape.There were five treated levels , the A.lobophylla
and A.potaninii were planted in all the five treated lev-
[ 8~ 9] .
The shape treatment tasted one month , then , at 10:00
~ 12:00 in the morning of a sunny day.The transpiration
of living leaves was obtained by using the LI-6400 conve-
nient photosynthesis analysis instrument.Select three sam-
ples in every treatment level and repeat three times.In the
meanwhile , the living leaves in the same position were ob-
tained to observe the stomata behaviors.The stomatal size ,
stomatal density and the stomatal open were determined and
analysed by using computer vision technology.
2 Result and analysis
The relationships between stomata behaviors and tran-
spiration of A.lobophylla and A.potaninii were analysed
by means of path coefficient analysis.Also the interaction
of every stomata behavior and the indirect effects on the
transpiration by stomata behaviors were analysed.The cor-
relation coefficient could be decomposed into a certain
number of sections by the cause of formation , so the effect
on transpiration by stomata behaviors directly or indirectly
were more clearly recognized[10~ 11] .The sum of direst path
coefficient and indirect path coefficient was just correlation
coefficient , so the path coefficient analysis has both char-
acter of regression coefficient and the character of correla-
tion coefficient[12] .
2.1 Stomata behaviors of A.lobophylla and A.potaninni
under different shape level
Stomata behaviors charges under different shape level
were shown in Table 1.The stomatal size and the stomatal
open of A.lobophyllla were bigger compared with the stom-
ata behaviors of A.potaninii.The stomatal conductivity
sharply decline with the increase of shape rate , so the re-
sults were that A.lobophylla were sensitive to the strength
of illumination and the stomatal conductivity decreased with
the increase of shape level.In the same shape level , stom-
ata behaviors of these two plants were different under the
same shape level in which these plants were growing and
developmenting.The reason was the adaptability of plants
themselves to circumstances.
2.2 The relationships between stomata behaviors and
transpiration rate of A.lobophylla and A.potaninii under
different shape level.
Correlation coefficients between transpiration rate and
stomata behaviors of A.lobophylla were not significant
(Table 2).Correlation coefficients between transpiration
rate and stomata conductivity of A.potaninii were signifi-
cant.The stomatal conductivity showed the stomatal con-
duction ability of CO2 and H2O and it directly effect on
transpiration of plant.There are some correlation between
stomata conductivity and other stomata behaviors , as Table
3 show the correlation coefficients between the stomata con-
ductivity of A.lobophylla and stomata density were big.
The correlation coefficient between stomata conductivity of
A.potaninii and stomata open are big.Although these two
kinds of A.denophora plants were growing in the same
habitat , the correlations between stomata conductivity and
stomata density , stomata open of these two kinds of A.
46 植 物 研 究 24 卷
denophora plants were different.From the path coefficient
analysis(Table 4), the stomata density of A.lobophylla
exerted a direct influence on stomata density , and the
stomata size exerted an indirectly influence on transpiration
rate by stomata density.Also the stomata open and stomata
conductivity exert an indirectly influence on transpiration
rate by stomata density.From the path coefficient analysis
of A.potaninii the stomata density exert a direct influence
on transpiration ate , and stomata open exert indirect influ-
ence on transpiration rate by stomata density.Also the
stomata size exerted direct influence on transpiration.
Table 1 Stomata behavior changes under different shape level
From above analysis , the results from the analysis of
the correlation coefficients between transpiration rate and
stomata behaviors and the analysis of the path coefficient
were different , even the positive sign and negative sign of
these two coefficient were different.The cause was that
when the correlation coefficient between transpiration and
stomata behavior rate were analysed by computer in order to
explain the effect on transpiration by stomata behaviors ,
these behaviors being independence were presumed
[12] .In
fact , these behaviors were not independence.From Table
3 , we could see that there were big relationships of these
behaviors.The correlation coefficientswere equal to the di-
rect path coefficient when there behaviors were really inde-
Table 2 Correlation coefficients between transpiration rate and stomata behavior
Table 3 Correlation coefficients between stomatal conductivity and stomata behavior
471期 马书荣等:裂叶沙参和泡沙参气孔行为与蒸腾特性的关系
Table 4 Path coefficient analysis between transpiration rate and stomata behavior
3 Results and discussion
3.1 From above analysis , we could see that there was
roughly same influence on transpiration of A.Lobophylla
and A.potaninii by stomata behaviors under different shape
level.There was bigger influence on transpiration rate by
stomata density of these two plants.There were significant
correlation between stomata conductivity and transpiration.
3.2 In consider of border effect of stomata transpiration.
The stomata size was smaller , and the stomata density was
bigger of A.potaninii.So there was stronger border effect
of stomata transpiration of A.potaninii.In the meanwhile ,
there was more effect on transpiration rate by stomata con-
ductivity.On the other side , the stomata size was big and
the stomata density was small of A.Lobophylla , there were
relatively small border effect , and it was very easy affected
by environment factors.The stomata conductivity reduced
with the increasing of shape level , with the ability of con-
ductivity reducing , it could reduce and control the water
absorb , so the regular consumption course of photosynthesis
physiology was affected.At last the accumulation of
biomass were reduced.
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