摘 要 :本新种与黄山花楸(Sorbus amabilis Cheng ex Yü)近缘,区别在于前者羽状小叶6~7对,边缘圆钝锯齿,托叶宽披针形,花部雄蕊20枚,10长,10短,复伞房果序排列紧密,果多达160~195粒。
Abstract:The new species Sorbus tiantangensis X. M. Liu et C. L.Wang is closely related to the species S. amabilis Cheng ex Yü,but the former differs in its pinnate leaflets 6-7 pairs,margin crenato-serrate,stipule broad lanceolate,stamina in a flower 20,10 of them longer and the other 10 shorter.The ripening fruits in complex corymb are densely aggregated,the total numbers reaching up to 160-195.