Abstract:To study the repellency and antifeedant effects of aromatic plants against Ectropis obliqua (Prout) and to acquire the suitable plants for E.obliqua "push-pull" strategy in tea plantations, behavioral responses of adults E.obliqua to the odors of ten different aromatic plants were measured by using "Y" shaped olfactometer in the laboratory, and the antifeedant activities and nutritional interfering effects of ten aromatic plant extracts against the 3rd-instar larvae were investigated using leaf disc choice bioassays as well. The volatile and the methanol extracts of Ocimum basilicum, Rosmarinus officinalis, Cuminum maculata and Ruta graveolens plants displayed remarkable repellency against female and male E.obliqua. The methanol extracts of Nepeta cataria, R.officinalis and Salvia farinacea plants had strong antifeedant activities to E.obliqua larvae at the concentration of 200 mg/mL. Compared with control, the choice antifeedant rates of 24 h reached 93.85%, 86.00% and 77.32%, and the non-choice antifeedant rates of 24 h were 85.77%, 87.00% and 88.05%, respectively. The growth rate of E.obliqua larvae which were treated by R.officinalis plant extract was only 0.12 mg/d, and the nutritional indexes of larvae feeding, such as relative consumption rate, efficiency of conversion of ingested food and efficiency of conversion of digested food, were obviously interfered in non-choice test. The results showed that among ten aromatic plants, R.officinalis plant exerted the strongest repellent and antifeedant activity against E. obliqua, and could be used as the desirable components of "push-pull" strategy for E.obliqua.