作 者 :龚金龙 邢志鹏 胡雅杰 张洪程 戴其根 霍中洋 许 轲 魏海燕 高 辉
期 刊 :植物营养与肥料学报 2014年 20卷 4期 页码:796-810
Keywords:super rice, indica rice, japonica rice, nitrogen, uptake, utilization, translocation,
摘 要 :【目的】目前我国选育和认定的超级稻品种很多,但如何发挥其高产潜力至关重要。氮素是影响水稻生长发育、 产量和品质形成的最活跃因素之一,因此,深入分析籼、 粳超级稻氮素吸收、 利用与转运特征及其与产量形成的关系,从氮素营养层面上阐明超级粳稻高产形成机理,以期为超级稻品种的合理利用以及增产潜力的挖掘提供参考。【方法】2011~2012年在江苏苏中地区,以主体且具有代表性的5个超级杂交籼稻组合和5个常规粳型超级稻品种为试验材料,对稻-麦两熟制条件下籼、 粳超级稻主要生育期植株含氮率和氮素积累量、 氮素阶段吸收速率和阶段吸收量、 氮素利用效率,以及抽穗至成熟期叶、 茎、 鞘氮素转运量、 表观转运率和转运贡献率等进行了系统的比较研究。【结果】1)粳稻平均实收产量、 氮素吸收总量和百公斤籽粒吸氮量分别达10.89 t/hm2、 224.50 kg/hm2和2.79 kg,分别较籼稻高13.21%、 32.74%和17.45%,差异极显著。2)移栽有效分蘖临界叶龄期、 拔节抽穗期和抽穗成熟期, 粳稻氮素积累量显著或极显著高于籼稻,而有效分蘖临界叶龄期拔节期粳稻极显著低于籼稻。氮素阶段吸收速率表现的趋势与氮素阶段吸收量一致。3)抽穗期和成熟期粳稻植株各器官以及整个生育期整株的含氮率均显著或极显著高于籼稻。4)粳稻氮素吸收利用率和农学利用率略高于籼稻,但氮素生理利用率、 籽粒生产效率、 干物质生产效率和氮肥偏生产力,除氮素生理利用率外,均显著或极显著低于籼稻。5)成熟期,粳稻叶、 茎、 鞘含氮量所占比例均极显著地高于籼稻,但穗中含氮量所占比例极显著低于籼稻,因此,籼稻氮素收获指数极显著高于粳稻。6)抽穗成熟期,粳稻叶、 茎、 鞘氮素转运量、 表观转运率和转运贡献率均小于籼稻,除鞘的氮素转运贡献率外其他指标均达显著或极显著水平。7)籼稻籽粒氮主要依靠抽穗前源器官中贮积的氮素的输出与转运,粳稻主要依靠生育中后期(拔节成熟期)氮素的高速吸收。【结论】在稳定生育前期(移栽拔节期)氮素吸收的基础上,大幅提高生育中期和后期(拔节成熟期)氮素吸收速率和氮素积累量,是稳定形成较高的氮素吸收总量及粳稻高产形成的关键。
Abstract:【Objectives】Currently, a large amount of super rice varieties are bred in China to excavate the high yield potential in rice production. Nitrogen is one of the most active factors for rice growth, yield formation and grain quality. The characteristics in N uptake, utilization and translocation of both indica and japonica cultivars and their relationship with yield formation, and the yield formation mechanisms of japonica super rice related with N nutrition are fully discussed in this paper. 【Methods】Five representative super hybrid indica rice and five conventional japonica super rice cultivars are used as materials in Suzhong region with ricewheat cropping rotation in 2011-2012 N content and N accumulation at the main growth stages, periodic N uptake rate and accumulation, N using efficiency, and N translocation amount, apparent N translocation rate and N translocation conversion rate in stemsheath and leaf from heading to maturity are analyzed systematically. 【Results】 1) The average grain yield, total N accumulation and N uptake per 100 kg of grain of japonica rice are 10.89 t/ha, 224.50 kg/ha and 2.79 kg, which are 13.21%, 32.74% and 17.45% significantly higher than those of indica rice. 2) N accumulation of japonica rice is higher than that of indica rice significantly from transplantingcritical leaf-age for productive tillers stage, jointing-heading stage and heading-maturity stage, while it shows an opposite tendency from critical leaf-age for productive tillers-jointing stage. The periodic N uptake rate follows the same trend as N accumulation. 3) The N contents in leaves, stems, sheaths, panicles at both the heading and maturity stages and the entire rice plants throughout the growth stage of japonica rice are higher than those of indica rice significantly. 4) The N recovery efficiency and agronomic efficiency of japonica rice are slightly higher than those of indica rice, while the N physiological efficiency, N using efficiencies for grain and biomass production, the partial factor productivity of applied N are opposite accordingly, reaching an significant level, except for the N physiological efficiency. 5) At the maturity stage, the ratios of N accumulation in stemsheath and leaves are significantly higher than those of indica rice, but lower N accumulation in panicles of japonica rice leading to the significantly lower N harvest index in japonica rice than in indica rice. 6) The N translocation amount, apparent N translocation rate and N translocation conversion rate in stemsheath and leaves from the heading to the maturity of japonica rice are all significantly lower than those of indica rice, but no significant difference for N translocation conversion rate of sheaths. 7) For the indica rice, the principal grain N is transferred from the N stored in the source organs at the heading stage, while for the japonica rice, the grain N is heavily dependent on the N rapid absorption from the jointing to the maturity stage. 【Conclusions】The proper N management for japonica rice is to control N uptake at transplantingjointing stage, promote periodic N uptake and accumulation at the jointingmaturity stage to satisfy the need of rapid N accumulation and high grain yield.
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