作 者 :初庆刚1,曹玉芳1,姜卓俊2*
期 刊 :西北植物学报 2013年 2期 页码:317~321
Keywords:Fragaria ananassa cv.‘Benihoppe’, low-temperature treatment, short photoperiod, flower bud differentiation, scanning electron microscopy,
摘 要 :于2011年7月23日至8月24日,对草莓品种‘红颜’进行低温(夜温为17~20 ℃变温)、短日照(黑暗时间为16 h)处理,从处理之始到花序现蕾,约每3~5 d取样1次,实体解剖镜下解离草莓顶芽,材料均用FAA固定,临界点干燥,扫描电镜观察,以确定保护地栽培草莓的花芽开始分化始期,为生产中草莓尽早适期定植提供依据。根据扫描观察的微形态特征,将草莓花芽分化的全过程分为花芽未分化期、花芽分化始期、生殖顶端膨大期、花序分化期、顶花花萼与花瓣形成期、雄蕊形成期和雌蕊形成期共7个时期。花芽未分化期,顶芽一直处于营养生长阶段;花芽分化始期,草莓顶芽逐步由尖锐、狭窄的营养顶端向平坦、宽大的生殖顶端发育;生殖顶端膨大期,生殖顶端隆起而膨大;花序分化期,顶花序逐步分化出顶花原基和侧花原基;顶花花萼、花瓣形成期,花萼(包括副萼)、花瓣原基相继分化完成;雄蕊形成期,两轮雄蕊原基相继分化形成;雌蕊形成期,大量雌蕊原基逐步隆起,心皮原基逐步卷合、完成花芽分化。研究认为,草莓的定植期以生殖顶端充分膨大期为宜,即低温短日照处理15~20 d后即可定植大田。
Abstract:An important step in the cultivation of super prematurity strawberry is how to determine the start of flow bud differentiation (FBD),and this is the premise of planting strawberry at the early stage.We conducted experiments Fragaria ananassa cv.‘Benihoppe’ at low-temperature treatment (nocturnal temperature was 17~20 ℃ with fluctuations) and short-photoperiod treatment (dark length was 16 h) from 23rd June through 24th August 2011.From the start of treatments we took samples every 3 to 5 days,separated apexes under anatomical microscopy,fixed all materials with FAA,dried at critical point,and observed them with scanning electron microscope.On the basis of the observed micro-morphological characteristics,we divided the whole process of strawberry flower bud differentiation into 7 phases:flower bud non-differentiation phase,FBD starting phase,reproductive apex swelling phase,inflorescence differentiation phase,top-flower sepal formation phase,flower petal formation phase,stamen formation phase and pistil formation phase.In the flower bud non-differentiation phase,the top bud was in the state of vegetative growth continually.In the FBD starting phase,the top bud turned gradually from sharp,narrow vegetative apex into smooth,broad reproductive apex.In the reproductive apex swelling phase,the reproductive apex uplifted and swelled.In the Inflorescence differentiation phase,top flower primordium and lateral flower primordium gradually appeared during top flower primordium differentiation process.In the top flower sepal and petal formation phase,the differentiation of sepal (including accessory sepal) and the petal was finished.In the stamen formation phase,two-wheeled stamen primordium appeared gradually by differentiation.In the pistil formation phase,a large number of pistil primordium uplifted gradually,the carpel primordium curled,and the FBD process was complete.This result revealed that the suitable time of strawberry planting is after the reproductive apex fully swellen.That is after the low-temperature and short-photoperiod treatment 15~20 days,the strawberry seedling can be planted on field.