[目的] 提出一种基于数学形态学的木材单板节子识别改进算法,对木材单板表面节子进行快速识别和面积判断,旨在转化生产中由计算机智能控制自动分等代替人力分拣,提高木材单板分等效率。[方法] 选取带有节子的木材单板为研究对象,以图像识别初步结果为基础,首先采集木材单板图像并进行灰度变换; 然后根据灰度图像中节子和背景占据的不同灰度级范围,运用最大熵原理选择灰度阈值对图像进行分割,使节子从背景中初步分离出来; 接着通过形态学运算去除各初选节子外部的干扰特征量,使节子外轮廓得以较准确显现; 最后增加检出特征的外形轮廓判定,以防止板面可能存在的裂缝、污痕等其他特征量因颜色较深从背景中分离出来,被误检识别为节子。[结果] 图像分割处理后节子周围存在的一些干扰特征量,通过形态学膨胀处理可切断干扰特征量和节子之间的联系,膨胀后继续进行腐蚀操作可保持节子真实大小,比较形态学开闭运算2种处理方法,形态学闭运算处理后节子更容易被识别出; 检出的特征轮廓在进行椭圆拟合后辅以符合节子外形的条件限制可以提高识别精度,防止非节子被检出,其中通过计算特征轮廓点和拟合椭圆的匹配度大小可以初选是否符合节子特征,节子外形的条件限制主要用于过滤一些虽能拟合为椭圆但为长形物体比如裂隙等的影响。[结论] 通过本项研究,可直观获取单板表面的节子数量和节子相对大小,其实际生产中使用硬件对接后,根据图像采集设备与待采集对象的相对位置、采集图像的分辨率等情况,结合系统判定结果可得出节子的真实大小,实现木材单板的自动分等。
[Objective] Knot is an important evaluation index in the classification of wood veneer. The quantity of veneer knots and the maximum knot area can, to some extent, determine the grade of a wood veneer. Whereas by now, the classification of wood veneer processed in China mainly depends on visual inspection, which is of low efficiency. Therefore, quick identification and area assessment are performed to the surface knot of wood veneer with image recognition. Instead of artificial sorting is automatic classification by computer smart control, which can significantly promote the classification efficiency of wood veneer and is of great significance for the development and progress of wood industry. [Method] The wood veneer with knots are selected as object in this study. Bases on the preliminary results of image identification, an improved identification calculation for wood veneer knots using mathematical morphology is proposed. In order to solve the problem of missing characteristic quantity of partial knots or identification of non-knot characteristic quantity existing in the image identification of wood veneer, this work can be divided into 5 steps, those were, original image extraction, graying processing, image segmentation, margin inspection of characteristic quantity and knot identification. Firstly, images of wood veneer are collected, and grey level transformation is performed for the images for sequential image identification. Secondly, according to the knots in the gray images and different gray scope in the background, the image is split with the gray threshold chosen by the maximum entropy principle, so as to preliminarily separate the knots from the background. Then the interference characteristics outside the knots preliminarily selected are removed with morphological algorithm, thus the outer contour of knots can be accurately presented. Finally, outline assessment is performed for the characteristics detected, to prevent other factors such as crack and dirt being separated from the background due to their dark color and considered as knots. [Result] This study shows that, there are some interference characteristics around the knots after image segmentation, the relationship between interference characteristics and knots can be cut off by morphological expansion, and the corrosion operation after expansion can maintain the real size of knots. By comparing the morphological opening-and-closing operations, it is found that the knots processed by morphological closing operation can be more easily identified. The identification accuracy can be improved by performing ellipse fitting and outline condition restriction for the characteristic profile inspected, to prevent the identification of non-knots. Furthermore, knots can be preliminary assessed by calculating the characteristic profile points and the matching degree of ellipse, and the knots outline restriction is mainly used for filtering the influence of rectangular objects (such as crack) that can be fitted into ellipse. [Conclusion] The knots quantity and relative size on the surface of wood veneer can be obtained by visual inspection, in the practical production processes, after interfacing with hardware, the real size of knots can be obtained according to the relative position of image collecting equipment and collecting objects and the resolution of images collected, etc. by combining the system assessment results, thus to realize the automatic classification of wood veneer.
全 文 :第 51 卷 第 9 期
2 0 1 5 年 9 月
林 业 科 学
Vol. 51,No. 9
Sep.,2 0 1 5
doi:10.11707 / j.1001-7488.20150912
收稿日期: 2014 - 08 - 11; 修回日期: 2014 - 10 - 11。
基金项目: 中国林业科学研究院林业新技术研究所基本科研业务费专项基金项目“基于图像识别的装饰单板外观分等技术研究”
* 郭文静为通讯作者。
陈勇平1,2 郭文静1 王 正1
(1. 中国林业科学研究院林业新技术研究所 北京 100091; 2. 中国林业科学研究院木材工业研究所 北京 100091)
摘 要: 【目的】提出一种基于数学形态学的木材单板节子识别改进算法,对木材单板表面节子进行快速识
取带有节子的木材单板为研究对象,以图像识别初步结果为基础,首先采集木材单板图像并进行灰度变换; 然
从背景中初步分离出来; 接着通过形态学运算去除各初选节子外部的干扰特征量,使节子外轮廓得以较准确显
现; 最后增加检出特征的外形轮廓判定,以防止板面可能存在的裂缝、污痕等其他特征量因颜色较深从背景中
可切断干扰特征量和节子之间的联系,膨胀后继续进行腐蚀操作可保持节子真实大小,比较形态学开闭运算 2
种处理方法,形态学闭运算处理后节子更容易被识别出; 检出的特征轮廓在进行椭圆拟合后辅以符合节子外形
关键词: 木材单板; 节子; 图像识别; 图像分割; 数学形态学; 自动分等
中图分类号: S781. 5 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1001 - 7488(2015)09 - 0090 - 06
An Improved Algorithm of Veneer Knot Image Recognition Based on
Mathematical Morphology
Chen Yongping1,2 Guo Wenjing1 Wang Zheng1
(1 . Research Institute of Forestry New Technology,CAF Beijing 100091; 2 . Research Institute of Wood Industry,CAF Beijing 100091)
Abstract: 【Objective】Knot is an important evaluation index in the classification of wood veneer. The quantity of
veneer knots and the maximum knot area can,to some extent,determine the grade of a wood veneer. Whereas by now,
the classification of wood veneer processed in China mainly depends on visual inspection,which is of low efficiency.
Therefore,quick identification and area assessment are performed to the surface knot of wood veneer with image
recognition. Instead of artificial sorting is automatic classification by computer smart control,which can significantly
promote the classification efficiency of wood veneer and is of great significance for the development and progress of wood
industry. 【Method】The wood veneer with knots are selected as object in this study. Bases on the preliminary results of
image identification,an improved identification calculation for wood veneer knots using mathematical morphology is
proposed. In order to solve the problem of missing characteristic quantity of partial knots or identification of non-knot
characteristic quantity existing in the image identification of wood veneer,this work can be divided into 5 steps,those
were,original image extraction,graying processing,image segmentation,margin inspection of characteristic quantity and
knot identification. Firstly,images of wood veneer are collected,and grey level transformation is performed for the images
for sequential image identification. Secondly,according to the knots in the gray images and different gray scope in the
background,the image is split with the gray threshold chosen by the maximum entropy principle,so as to preliminarily
第 9 期 陈勇平等: 基于数学形态学的木材单板节子识别改进算法
separate the knots from the background. Then the interference characteristics outside the knots preliminarily selected are
removed with morphological algorithm,thus the outer contour of knots can be accurately presented. Finally,outline
assessment is performed for the characteristics detected,to prevent other factors such as crack and dirt being separated
from the background due to their dark color and considered as knots. 【Result】This study shows that,there are some
interference characteristics around the knots after image segmentation,the relationship between interference characteristics
and knots can be cut off by morphological expansion,and the corrosion operation after expansion can maintain the real size
of knots. By comparing the morphological opening-and-closing operations, it is found that the knots processed by
morphological closing operation can be more easily identified. The identification accuracy can be improved by performing
ellipse fitting and outline condition restriction for the characteristic profile inspected,to prevent the identification of non-
knots. Furthermore,knots can be preliminary assessed by calculating the characteristic profile points and the matching
degree of ellipse,and the knots outline restriction is mainly used for filtering the influence of rectangular objects ( such as
crack) that can be fitted into ellipse. 【Conclusion】The knots quantity and relative size on the surface of wood veneer can
be obtained by visual inspection,in the practical production processes,after interfacing with hardware,the real size of
knots can be obtained according to the relative position of image collecting equipment and collecting objects and the
resolution of images collected,etc. by combining the system assessment results,thus to realize the automatic classification
of wood veneer.
Key words: wood veneer; knot; image recognition; image segmentation; mathematical morphology; automatic classification
量的边缘检测(Duan et al.,2005; Maini et al.,2009;
Ruz et al.,2005; Zhi et al.,2004)、特征处理为多,基
(Funck et al.,2003; Pham et al.,2006; Cavalin et al.,
2006; 张怡卓等,2012),较普遍的方法是将图像按规
是个难点问题,即: 1) 节子周边存在干扰特征量导致
节子未被检出; 2) 非节子特征量被检出识别为节子。
坤等,2010; 王树文等,2005; 李朝锋等,2009)以去
子特征量(田俊霞等,2002; 张新明等,2011; 闫蓓
1 材料与方法
1. 1 试验材料
部分,幅面大小为 10 cm × 10 cm。
1. 2 试验方法
致分为 5 个步骤,即提取原始图像→灰度化处理→
1. 2. 1 图像采集与处理 1) 图像采集与灰度化处
理 在图像处理算法中,大多是在灰度图像上进行,
处理的基本原理和方法如下: 在 RGB 颜色模型中,
当 R,G,B 3 个颜色分量值不同时,表现为彩色图
像; 灰度图像是 R,G,B 3 个分量相同的一种特殊的
彩色图像,其取值范围均为 0 ~ 255。灰度图像的描
化处理中,实际常用的方法是根据 RGB 和 YUV 颜
色空间的变化建立亮度 Y 与 R,G,B 3 个颜色分量
的对应关系。在 YUV 色彩空间中,亮度也就是灰阶
值 Y 和色度 U,V 是分离的;如果只有 Y 分量而没有
U,V 分量,表示的图像就是黑白灰度图像,并以此亮
度值表达图像的灰度值。YUV 与 RGB 相互转换的
Y = 0. 299R + 0. 587G + 0. 114B。 (1)
式中: Y 为灰度值; R 为红色亮度值; G 为绿色亮度
值; B 为蓝色亮度值。
2) 运用一维最大熵法的灰度阈值选择 图像
林 业 科 学 51 卷
是: 利用图像的灰度分布密度函数定义图像的信息
[0,L - 1]的图像中,熵函数定义(吴鹏,2014)为:
φ( t) = lgpt(1 - pt) +
HL-1 - Ht
1 - pt
。 (2)
式中: pt = ∑
i = 0
pi, Ht = - ∑
i = 0
pi lgpi, HL-1 = -
L -1
i = 0
pi lgpi,pi 为灰度级 i出现的概率; L 为灰度等级,
其取值范围为 1 ~ 256。当熵函数取得最大值时,对
应的灰度值 t 就是所求的最佳分割阈值 T。
3) 根据阈值 T 对灰度图像进行分割 设原始
图像为 f( x,y),按照一维最大熵的计算方法在该图
像中找到特征值(上述步骤中所求得的阈值 T),根
据特征值将图像分割为 2 部分,分割后的图像 (王
g( x,y) =
b0…f( x,y) < T;
b1…f( x,y) ≥ T{ 。 (3)
式中: b0 为黑,b1 为白。该处理过程即为图像的二
值化,处理后图像显示出黑和白 2 种颜色,从而将所
有初选节子(N 个,N≥0)和其他特征量从背景中分
1. 2. 2 形态学运算 经过二值化处理后的图像,初
1. 2. 3 节子的识别 进行数学形态学运算后的图
像,利用 NET 调用 FindContours 函数找出所有连通
2 结果与分析
本研究应用的开发工具为 Visual Studio 2010,
编程语言为 C#,图像处理为 OpenCV 2. 1,原图像由
2. 1 节子的初步识别
首先,采集单板原始图像(图 1),该图像为彩色
度变换后转为灰度图像(图 2)。
图 1 原始图像
Fig. 1 The original image
图 2 灰度图像
Fig. 2 The gray image
(图 3),可以看出每个灰度级所对应的点数,节子和
256 级,0 代表全黑,255 代表全白); 从图中也可以
2 个波峰所对应的灰度级之间。据此根据式(2)求
取灰度图像(图 2)的一维最大熵,并将该一维最大
处理,使图像显示出只有黑和白 2 种颜色(图 4)。
二值化处理后的图像明显存在 2 个物体特征
量,但从图 4 可以看出特征量中尤其是下侧特征量
第 9 期 陈勇平等: 基于数学形态学的木材单板节子识别改进算法
的偏差,同时图中明显存在 2 道离缝特征量。为此
对图 4 进行数学形态学运算,以切断待检特征量和
运算结果见图 5。
图像进行了开运算(图 5a)和闭运算(图 5b)处理。
从图 5a 可以看出,开运算变换后,节子周边干扰特
征更为明显,导致下侧节子特征未被识别出来; 闭
运算变换(图 5b)后,节子周边干扰特征量被切断,
从图 5c(形态学膨胀处理)也可以看出,首先进行膨
图 3 灰度直方图
Fig. 3 The gray scale histogram
图 4 二值化图像
Fig. 4 The binary image
2. 2 节子的最终判定
加以条件限制。本研究在上述带有 2 个节子①和③
的拼合木材单板上加了 2 个干扰项⑤和⑦,如图 6。
从图 6 可以看出,2 个节子和 2 个其他特征量
均被明显识别,若不加以条件限制,4 个特征量的外
征量(图 6 中⑦)以及符合椭圆规则但是非近圆的
特征量(图 6 中⑤)。为此,分别引入了 Goodness of
fit 算法和拟合椭圆长轴长度 /短轴长度 2 个概念。
图 5 形态学开闭运算处理结果
Fig. 5 The opened and closed operation of mathematical morphological
Goodness of fit 算法主要计算连通区域轮廓
点和拟合椭圆的匹配度 (选择之前连通区域的轮
值,汇总后除以轮廓点总数,再取开方 ),匹配度
大于某个数值(这里选择为 3 )判定非节子; 拟合
椭圆长轴长度 /短轴长度主要用于过滤一些长形
选定长轴 /短轴 > 2 判定为非节子。至此,图 6 中
⑦根据 Goodness of fit 算法距离大于 3,图 6 中⑤
长轴 /短轴 > 2,识别为干扰特征量非节子;同时,
图 6 中离缝明显长轴 /短轴 > 2,识别为干扰特征
最终识别结果为节子个数: 2,最大节子的面积
(像素数): 3 484,图像分割阈值: 129。
林 业 科 学 51 卷
图 6 节子识别结果
Fig. 6 The detection of veneer knot defect image
3 结论
1) 二值化处理后的图像在节子周围可能会存
2) 检出的特征轮廓在进行椭圆拟合后辅以符
合节子外形的条件限制(如拟合椭圆的长轴 /短轴
3) 根据图像采集设备与待采集对象的相对位
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(责任编辑 石红青)