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Differences in Growth and Physiological Characteristics in Different Growth Vigor Clones of Populus deltoides


以高(A)、低(B)生长势2个群体为试验材料,通过表型性状和生理指标的连续采集开展生长性状、光合生理特征及养分吸收等特性相关研究。结果表明: A系号与B系号在根、茎、叶的干质量及总干质量上差异显著或极显著,不同器官干物质分配上根干质量比例最小,且A系号干物质分配倾向于茎,而B系号倾向于叶; 从6—9月,生长和生理特征变化呈现一定的规律性,不同月份间7月份各系号生长最快,生理特征值变化幅度最大; 相关性分析表明: 苗高和地径与单叶面积、夜间呼吸速率、NH4+的吸收速率及总光合速率均呈显著相关(R>0.826, P<0.05),说明幼苗生长主要受自身总光合能力、养分吸收和夜间呼吸消耗的影响,而A系号在这些因子上均优于B系号,由此构建了其高生长势的生理基础。

To investigate differences in physiological characteristics of growth and physiological basis of high growth vigor in the first generation of Populus deltoides which are from different growth vigor clones, here we chose two groups of seedlings with different growth vigor: high(A) and low(B). Indexes of phenotype and physiology were successively measured to study the growth, photosynthesis and nutrient absorption. There were significant or very significant differences in dry mass of root,stem,leaf and the total biomass between A and B. Dry matter of roots had the smallest proportion in different components,and the largest proportion was stem in A,while the leaf had the largest proportion in B. Changes in growth and physiological characteristics showed a certain regularity during June to September.All clones grew the most rapidly and physiological characteristics varied the most significantly in July. Correlation analysis showed that seedling height and ground diameter were both significantly correlated to leaf area, night respiration rate, NH4+ uptake rate and the total photosynthetic rate(R>0.826,P<0.05), suggesting that the seedling growth was mainly affected by their own total photosynthetic capacity, nutrient absorption and night respiration consumption. In general, A was superior to B in all these factors, which construct physiological basis of the high growth vigor.