Soil organic carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) are important components of soil nutrients. In order to explore the variation of soil nutrient contents, soil C and N contents and C:N ratio were investigated in Koelreuteria paniculata forests grown in wasted manganese mine lands in Xiangtan, Hunan for different years in an vegetation restoration program. The result showed that soil C and N contents increased with the increase of the restoration time. The soil C content was 13.36, 14.78, and 26.96 g·kg-1 in 3-, 5- and 9-year-old stands, respectively, and they were 1.30, 1.44 ,and 2.63 times of the control plot (10.27 g·kg-1), respectively. The N were 0.54, 0.59, and 1.12 g·kg-1 in 3-, 5- and 9-year-old stands, respectively, which means that they were about 38%, 51% and 187% higher than the control plot (0.39 g·kg-1), respectively. The soil C and N were significantly higher in 9-year-old stands than the control plot (P<0.05). The soil C and N varied with soil depths in the forests at different restoration stage. The C:N ratio in soil ranged from 26.60 to 23.75 at different restoration stages of forests, and decreased with the increase of the duration. The soil C:N ratio declined by 2.79 in 9-year-old stands compared to control stands. In the study site, soil pH was slightly positively correlated to soil C and N contents, as well as soil C:N ratio (P >0.05). There was a significantly positive correlation between soil C content and soil N content (P <0.01). Significantly positive correlations were found between soil C content and C:N ratio (P <0.01) while positive correlations were found between soil N content and C:N ratio (P <0.05). Our results provided scientific reference for examining the dynamics of soil nutrients during restoration and evaluating the effects of vegetation restoration in mining wastelands.
全 文 :第 50 卷 第 3 期
2 0 1 4 年 3 月
林 业 科 学
Vol. 50,No. 3
Mar.,2 0 1 4
doi: 10.11707 / j.1001-7488.20140318
收稿日期: 2013 - 08 - 10; 修回日期: 2014 - 01 - 20。
基金项目: 国家林业公益性行业科研专项(201104009) ; 湖南省教育厅项目(湘财教字; 2010]70 号); 长沙市科技局创新平台项目
* 田大伦为通讯作者。
罗赵慧 田大伦 宁 晨 闫文德
(1. 中南林业科技大学 南方林业生态应用技术国家工程实验室 长沙 410004)
关键词: 栾树; 植被恢复; 废弃地; 土壤; 碳; 氮; C /N
中图分类号: S72 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1001 - 7488(2014)03 - 0130 - 04
Effections of Koelreuteria paniculata Plantation on Soil Carbon,
and Nitrogen Content in Xiangtan Manganese Mining Wasteland,Hunan
Luo Zhaohui Tian Dalun Ning Chen Yan Wende
(National Engineering Laboratory for Applied Technology of Forestry & Ecology in South
Central South University of Forestry and Technology China Changsha 410004)
Abstract: Soil organic carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) are important components of soil nutrients. In order to explore the
variation of soil nutrient contents,soil C and N contents and C:N ratio were investigated in Koelreuteria paniculata forests
grown in wasted manganese mine lands in Xiangtan,Hunan for different years in an vegetation restoration program. The
result showed that soil C and N contents increased with the increase of the restoration time. The soil C content was 13. 36,
14. 78,and 26. 96 g·kg - 1 in 3-,5- and 9-year-old stands,respectively,and they were 1. 30,1. 44 ,and 2. 63 times of
the control plot (10. 27 g·kg - 1 ),respectively. The N were 0. 54,0. 59,and 1. 12 g·kg - 1 in 3-,5- and 9-year-old
stands,respectively,which means that they were about 38%,51% and 187% higher than the control plot (0. 39 g·
kg - 1 ),respectively. The soil C and N were significantly higher in 9-year-old stands than the control plot (P < 0. 05) .
The soil C and N varied with soil depths in the forests at different restoration stage. The C:N ratio in soil ranged from 26.
60 to 23. 75 at different restoration stages of forests,and decreased with the increase of the duration. The soil C:N ratio
declined by 2. 79 in 9-year-old stands compared to control stands. In the study site,soil pH was slightly positively
correlated to soil C and N contents,as well as soil C:N ratio (P > 0. 05) . There was a significantly positive correlation
between soil C content and soil N content ( P < 0. 01 ) . Significantly positive correlations were found between soil C
content and C:N ratio (P < 0. 01) while positive correlations were found between soil N content and C:N ratio (P < 0.
05) . Our results provided scientific reference for examining the dynamics of soil nutrients during restoration and evaluating
the effects of vegetation restoration in mining wastelands.
Key words: Koelreuteria paniculata; vegetation restoration; wasteland; soil; carbon; nitrogen; C /N
(Nasholm et al.,1998; Dormaar et al.,1990; 任书杰
等,2006)。土壤有机碳和氮素的变化与土地利用 /
征(杨修等,2001; Brads,1997)、林分生物量(田大
第 3 期 罗赵慧等: 栾树林对湘潭锰矿废弃地土壤碳氮含量的影响
C /N 比值的动态研究较少。
矿废 弃 地 不 同 恢 复 阶 段 ( 1,3 和 7 年 ) 栾 树
(Koelreuteria paniculata)人工林及对照地(距造林地
400 m 以外的未经人工恢复的锰矿废弃地)土壤碳、
氮含量及 C /N 比值。以期为矿区植被恢复过程中
1 研究区概况
14 km 处(112°45—112°55E,27°53—28°03N),
年均气温 17. 4 ℃ ; 年均降水量1 431. 4 mm。区域
主要植被为草本植物,如艾蒿 ( Artemisia argyi)、灯
心草( Juncus effusus)、五节芒(Miscanthus floridulus)
和一年蓬(Erigeron annuns)等。
2 研究方法
2004,2008 和 2010 年分别在矿区的矿渣废弃
地采用 2 年生栾树 (苗高约 1. 3 m,地径约 1. 5 cm)
实生苗,挖穴 (0. 5 m × 0. 5 m × 0. 5 m),客土 1. 0
1. 0 m × 1. 3 m。2011 年 10 月分别在 3 个年龄的造
林地内各设置 1 块 20 m × 30 m 标准地,在距造林地
400 m 以外未造林的锰矿废弃地设置 1 块 20 m × 30
m 对照地。分别在每块标准地及对照地中随机设置
4 块 10 m × 10 m 样地,每块样地按“品”字形各设置
3 个样点,每个样点按 0 ~ 15,15 ~ 30 和 30 ~ 45 cm
分别采集土壤样品 1 kg,共采土样 144 个。去除石
砾与杂物,风干后过 20 和 100 目筛,备用。造林地
林分特征见表 1。
表 1 不同林龄栾树人工林林分特征
Tab. 1 Characteristics of different aged Koelreuteria paniculata plantations
age / a
Stand density /
( individual·hm - 2 )
DBH / cm
Average tree
height /m
Biomass of
individual plant / kg
Stand biomass /
( t·hm - 2 )
Stand productivity /
( t·hm - 2 a - 1 )
1 2 250 1. 51 ± 0. 94 1. 73 ± 1. 02 1. 03 ± 0. 27 2. 32 2. 32
3 2 566 6. 12 ± 1. 13 5. 81 ± 0. 51 13. 30 ± 4. 93 34. 12 11. 37
7 3 100 25. 05 ± 2. 97 8. 38 ± 0. 65 32. 92 ± 8. 00 102. 06 14. 58
用重铬酸钾 - 水合加热法测定土壤有机碳含
量,凯氏定氮法测定全氮含量,土壤 pH 值采用电位
法测定,每个样品重复 3 次。
采用 Excel2003 和 SPSS13. 0 软件进行数据处理。
3 结果与分析
3. 1 植被恢复过程中土壤碳、氮含量的时空变异
由表 2 可以看出: 随着恢复时间增加,土壤有机碳
含量逐渐增加,恢复 1,3 和 7 年的土壤(0 ~ 45 cm)
有机碳含量分别为 13. 36,14. 78 和 26. 96 g·kg - 1,
与对照地 ( 10. 27 g·kg - 1 ) 相比,分别增加了
23. 12%,30. 43%和 61. 90% ; 不同恢复阶段土壤有
和 1 年生林地土壤表现出先减少后增加的趋势,3
年生与其相反,7 年生林地土壤则随深度增加而逐
渐增加。7 年生林地土壤有机碳含量与其他恢复阶
段林地都存在显著差异(P < 0. 05)。
由表 2 还可以看出: 土壤全氮含量随恢复时间
势。恢复 1,3 和 7 年的林地土壤(0 ~ 45 cm)全氮含
量分别为 0. 54,0. 59 和 1. 12 g·kg - 1,与对照(0. 39 g
·kg - 1)相比分别增加了 38%,151%和 187% ; 对照
地和 3 年生林地土壤氮含量随深度增加而逐渐减
小,1 和 7 年生林地土壤氮含量随深度增加则表现
为先减小后增大。7 年生林地土壤氮含量要显著高
于其他恢复阶段(P < 0. 05)。
3. 2 植被恢复过程中土壤碳 /氮比 由表 3 可以看
出: 植被恢复前,土壤不同深度的碳氮比均超过 25,
平均值为 26. 60,植被恢复后,各林龄不同深度土壤
碳 /氮比变动较大,为 21. 52 ~ 27. 12; 同一恢复阶段
不同深度间,土壤碳 /氮比没有显著差异; 对照地和
1 年生林地土壤碳 /氮比随深度变化表现出先减小
后增加,而 3 和 7 年生林地土壤则相反; 在同一深
度不同林龄间,除表层土壤 (0 ~ 15 cm)碳 /氮比存
在显著差异外(P < 0. 05),其他深度都不存在显著
差异; 0 ~ 15 cm 土壤碳 /氮比随恢复时间的增加而
逐渐减小,15 ~ 30 cm 土壤碳 /氮比随深度变化未表
现出明显的规律性,30 ~ 45 cm 土壤碳 /氮比呈波动
性下降的趋势; 恢复地 0 ~ 45 cm 土层土壤碳 /氮比
均小于对照地,但不同恢复阶段 0 ~ 45 cm 土层的土
林 业 科 学 50 卷
壤碳 /氮比没有显著差异,经过 7 年的植被恢复,土 壤碳 /氮比较对照地下降了 2. 79。
表 2 不同林龄栾树林土壤碳氮含量的垂直分布①
Tab. 2 Vertical distribution of soil carbon and nitrogen of different recovery stage of Koelreuteria paniculata plantations
g·kg - 1
Stand age / a
0 ~ 15 cm 15 ~ 30 cm 30 ~ 45 cm 0 ~ 45 cm 0 ~ 15 cm 15 ~ 30 cm 30 ~ 45 cm 0 ~ 45 cm
CK 10. 62 ± 1. 10a 9. 83 ± 0. 49a 10. 37 ± 0. 89a 10. 27 ± 0. 24a 0. 39 ± 0. 02a 0. 39 ± 0. 02a 0. 38 ± 0. 03a 0. 39 ± 0. 01a
1 13. 36 ± 1. 07a 11. 74 ± 4. 55a 14. 99 ± 5. 96a 13. 36 ± 0. 94b 0. 55 ± 0. 02ab 0. 50 ± 0. 06ab 0. 56 ± 0. 08a 0. 54 ± 0. 02b
3 14. 08 ± 1. 63a 15. 84 ± 3. 72a 14. 41 ± 2. 96a 14. 78 ± 0. 54b 0. 63 ± 0. 04b 0. 58 ± 0. 02b 0. 55 ± 0. 03a 0. 59 ± 0. 02b
7 24. 56 ± 4. 66b 27. 18 ± 3. 60b 29. 14 ± 3. 40b 26. 96 ± 1. 33c 1. 11 ± 0. 10c 1. 05 ± 0. 09c 1. 19 ± 0. 09b 1. 12 ± 0. 04c
① 同列不同小写字母表示差异显著(P < 0. 05)。Different lowercase in the same column represents significant difference (P < 0. 05) .
表 3 不同恢复阶段各土层的土壤碳氮比①
Tab. 3 Ratio of soil carbon to nitrogen in different soil layers for every recovery stages
林龄 Stand age / a 0 ~ 15 cm 15 ~ 30 cm 30 ~ 45 cm 0 ~ 45 cm
CK 26. 84 ± 0. 32aA 25. 55 ± 0. 59aA 27. 41 ± 0. 71aA 26. 60 ± 0. 59aA
3 24. 36 ± 0. 63aAB 21. 76 ± 0. 46aA 25. 12 ± 0. 33aA 23. 75 ± 0. 49aA
7 22. 22 ± 0. 28aB 27. 12 ± 0. 56aA 26. 24 ± 0. 29aA 25. 20 ± 0. 39aA
9 21. 52 ± 0. 21aB 25. 60 ± 0. 23aA 24. 32 ± 0. 31aA 23. 81 ± 0. 58aA
① 同行相同小写字母表示在 0. 05 水平上差异不显著; 同列不同大写字母表示在 0. 05 水平上差异显著(P < 0. 05)。The same lowercase in
the same row represents no significant difference; different capital in the same column represents significant difference (P < 0. 05) .
3. 3 植被恢复前后土壤各化学因子间的关系 由
表 4 可以看出,植被恢复前后,土壤各因子间存在明
显的相关关系。植被恢复前,土壤 pH 值与土壤碳
( r = 0. 509,0. 400; P > 0. 05),土壤碳含量和氮含
量极显著正相关 ( r = 0. 890; P < 0. 01),碳含量与
碳 /氮比间极显著正相关 ( r = 0. 736; P < 0. 01),氮
含量 与碳 /氮比 间显著 正相关 ( r = 0. 350; P >
0. 05)。植被恢复后,土壤 pH 值与土壤碳含量和氮
量间仍极显著正相关( r = 0. 923; P < 0. 01),但相关
性较植被恢复前有所增强,氮含量与碳 /氮比间显著
正相关( r = 0. 626; P < 0. 05),碳含量与碳 /氮比间
极显著正相关( r = 0. 874; P < 0. 01)。
表 4 植被恢复前后土壤碳氮含量与 pH 值间的相关关系①
Tab. 4 Correlationships among soil C content,N content and pH value before and after recovery
项目 Item
植被恢复前 Before recovery 植被恢复后 After recovery
pH N C C /N pH N C C /N
pH 1 1
N 0. 400 1 0. 295 1
C 0. 509 0. 890** 1 0. 378 0. 923** 1
C /N 0. 459 0. 350 0. 736** 1 0. 384 0. 626 * 0. 874** 1
① * P < 0. 05;**P < 0. 01.
4 结论与讨论
标志,也是评价土壤碳氮源汇功能的重要指示 (董
11. 74 ~ 29. 14 g·kg - 1,高于植被恢复前土壤平均碳
含量(10. 27 g·kg - 1 ),土壤氮含量为 0. 50 ~ 1. 19 g·
kg - 1,高于植被恢复前土壤平均氮含量 ( 0. 39 g·
kg - 1)。随着恢复年限增加,土壤碳、氮含量都呈逐
渐增加的趋势,7 年生林地土壤碳、氮含量均值与其
他恢复阶段土壤碳、氮含量均存在显著差异 ( P <
0. 05),这可能是因为矿区废弃地经过人工植被恢
完全相同,对照地和 1 年生林地土壤表现出先减少
后增加的趋势,3 年生与其相反,7 年生林地土壤则
随深度增加而逐渐增加。对照地和 3 年生林地土壤
氮含量随深度增加而降低,而 1 和 7 年生林地土壤
第 3 期 罗赵慧等: 栾树林对湘潭锰矿废弃地土壤碳氮含量的影响
植被恢复前,土壤碳氮比为 25. 55 ~ 27. 41,平
均值为 26. 60。植被恢复后,土壤碳氮比为 25. 20 ~
23. 75,随恢复年限的增加呈波动下降趋势。说明经
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(责任编辑 于静娴)