Abstract:Phyllostaohys bambusoides is a native in central and southeast China. It was introduced from China as an economic plant into Japan, Korea, United states of America, Britain and Soviet Union in different times. In recent times, the massive flowering cycle of this bamboo took place all over those areas. Bamboo blossomed in Japan earlier than those in other countries. In 1959, flowering began from the northern part of that country, and progressively widespread southward, than terminated in the early 1970. The flowering period lasts more than 10 years. In central and northwest China, flowering began in 1963 gradually spreading from northwest to southeast until 1979.After the gregarious flowering, the culms and old rhizomes soon withered completely, While the young rhizomes and the butt of young culms will still keep growing and maybe used for rejuvenation, and the new bamboo gradually recovered. By means of artificial stands have improvement of the growing condition, we can make the production of bamboos to reach the normal level within about 10 years.