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Competition and Coexistence of Leymus Chinensis and its Main Companion Species in the Songnen Grasslands


全 文 :文章编号: 1007-0435( 2006) 01-0095-02 ·博士论文摘要·
博士生:巴 雷 导师:王德利
(东北师范大学草地科学研究所, 植被生态科学教育部重点实验室, 吉林长春 130024)
  基于对松嫩草原优势物种羊草( Leymus chi-
关系对割草的响应, 以及羊草、芦苇( Phragmites
空间分布格局呈现从集聚分布向随机分布, 再由
侵羊草种群, 以及羊草种群抵御其它物种入侵的
2.羊草+ 芦苇群落中, 芦苇的补偿性生长快于
羊草; 羊草+ 全叶马兰( K alimeris integr if olia)群
落中, 羊草强于全叶马兰。刈割强度越大,植物的相
对生长速率越大。4 cm 和 8 cm 刈割强度降低羊草
和芦苇间的相互作用强度; 12 cm 刈割强度使羊草
不受种间关系的影响,芦苇受竞争抑制; 8 cm 和 12
cm 的刈割强度降低羊草和全叶马兰相互作用强
度, 4 cm 刈割强度改变了植物相互作用的方向。
pH 值资源维度上的重叠要大于电导率和水分。
羊草、芦苇对土壤肥力和 pH 要求不十分严格, 生
态位重叠较大, 而对水分和离子胁迫的适应存在
4. 生物量分配格局表明羊草、芦苇之间存在
资源的有效利用者。此外, 生长分析指数(尤其是
5. 控制实验的结果表明, 低营养条件下相对
产量总和( RT Y)接近 1,羊草和芦苇对环境中的
下建立互惠关系, 实验群落产量较高,主要因为植
和非资源胁迫对植物的适应选择机制”假说, 即
消耗的物种是竞争优势者, 且竞争力随环境营养
变化不明显; 非资源胁迫因素存在时,植物竞争力
决定;两者权衡的 4结果决定植物的竞争优势, 而
关键词: 松嫩草地; 竞争; 共存; 羊草; 芦苇; 资源; 适应性
中图分类号: S948. 12  文献标识码: A
论文完成时间: 2005年 12月
收稿日期: 2006-01-22; 修回日期: 2005-02-27
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(编号: 30571318) ;教育部(博士点基金)项目;东北师范大学自然科学青年基金项目(编号: 20060402)
作者简介: 巴雷( 1977-) ,女,理学博士,讲师,主要从事植物种间关系研究, E-mail : b al337@nenu. edu. cn
导师简介: 王德利( 1963-) ,男,教授,从事放牧生态学和理论生态学研究, E-mail : w angd@ nenu. edu. cn
第 14卷 第 1期
 Vo l. 14  No . 1
草 地 学 报
   2006年  3 月
 March  2006
Competition and Coexistence of Leymus Chinensis and its Main
Companion Species in the Songnen Grasslands
Candidate: BA Lei Superviso r: WANG De-li
( Ins t itute of Gras sland Science, Key Laboratory of Vegetat ion Ecology of M inist ry of Educat ion,
Northeast Normal University, C han gchun, J ilin Province 130024, China)
The mechanism o f plant compet it ion and coexistence w as invest igated by studying the spat ial dist ribut ion
pat tern and the response of inter -specif ic compet it ion to cut t ing betw een L . chinensis and its main companion
species; more part icularly , the relationship between the adaptat ion of L . chinensis and Phrgmites communis, and
their inter-specific inter act ion. Main conclusions of field invest igat ion and contr olled experiment are as follow s:
1. The competit ive interact ion among species enforced the change of pat tern type from aggregated to r an-
dom dist ribut ion, then to even and regular distr ibution. T he fo rming of agg regated dist ribut ion is an eff icient
pat tern fo r the companion species to invade into the communit ies dom inated by L . chinensi s, and for L . chinensis
to fend of f other species.
2. P . communis grows faster than L . chinensis in the mixed communit ies of both species. L . chinensis is a
superior competitor compared to K al imeris interif olia in the m ixed communities of the tw o. Cut t ing increases
the grasses growth r ate. T he interact ive intensity betw een L . chinensis and P . communis is reduced to zero w ith
4 cm and 8 cm cut t ing . T he grow th of L . chinensis is l it t le affected by inter -specific interact ion w ith 12 cm cut-
ting , though compet ition checks the gr ow th of P. communis. T he interact ive relationship between L . chinensis
and K . inter if olia is reduced w ith 8 cm and 12 cm cut t ing . With 4 cm cut t ing , the direction of interact ion is
3. T he index of niche overlap indicates that the overlap on the soil nut rient and pH value is larger than that
on the conductance and so il moistur e dimension for L . chinensis and P . communis. T he demand of bo th species
on the soil nut rient and pH value is similar , but different in soil moisture and salt ion. P . communis favor s habi-
tats w ith high level of nit rog en, and is an effect ive user o f the nutrient . L . chinensis is more adapt ive to habitats
w ith salt-alkal i st ress. The coexistence betw een L . chinensis and P . communis improves the possibil ity of niche
dif ferent iat ion on the so il mo isture in the natural grasslands.
4. There is intense light competit ion betw een L . chinensis and P. communis, because more biomass is allo-
cated to leaf w hen soil nut rients increase. T he allocat ion o f nit ro gen and non-st ructure car bohydrate and their
concentrat ion indicate that P . communis is a more ef fective user o f natural resources than L . chinensis. Results
of gr ow th analysis and the concentrat ion of chlorophyll also confirm that P. communis could assimilate more
light and dom inate the upper layer of community to boost the ability o f absorbing soil nutrients.
5. Results in the part ially cont ro lled exper iment suggest that the demand o f L . chinensis and P . communis is
sim ilar on the same resources w hen the value of relative y ield total equals 1 at a poor nutrient level. A posit ive
relationship ex ists betw een the species at a high nutr ient lev el, as the compet it iv e r elat ionship improves the ut i-
lizing eff iciency of resources, w hile the differences of space and g row th time of the tw o facilitate the resource u-
tilizat ion.
The hypothesis on “Select ion mechanism of plant adaptat ion to resources and non-resources st ress”has
been proposed based on the results of our experiments. It is reasoned that a plant with high capability in tap-
ping and employing resources is the superior compet itor in a rich nutr ient habitat ; it s compet ing ability increas-
es w ith the abundant furnishing of nutr iments. Under a poor nutrient condit ion, plants acquiescing to low de-
mand and low expense o f nutrients are w inner s, and their compet itiv e ability does no t change w ith the shift o f
condit ions. When there is non-resource stress on plants, the outcome of compet it ion is determined by the capa-
bility of tapping and employing r esources under rich nutr ient condit ions, and that of acquiescing to low demand
and expense of nutr ients in a nutriment-lacking situat ion, as w ell as the endurance to non-resource st ress.
Key words: Songnen g rasslands; Compet it ion; Coexistence; Spatial dist ribut ion pattern; M ow ing; Nutri-
ent ; Adaptat ion.
(责任编辑 才 杰)
96 草 地 学 报 第 14卷