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Effects of Fertilizer Application on Grass Seed Yield and Physiological and Biochemical Characters During the Seed Developing Period


全 文 :文章编号: 1007-0435( 2005) 01-0084-02 ·博士论文摘要·
博士生:孙铁军1, 2 导师:韩建国1
( 1.中国农业大学草地研究所/农业部草地植被恢复与重建重点开放实验室, 北京 100094;
2. 北京草业与环境研究发展中心, 100089)
  选择不同种类的禾本科( Gramineae)牧草,
“948”项目牧草种子田内, 连续两年 ( 2002—
2003)施肥、疏枝、喷施叶面肥及抗倒伏剂, 研究
程中生理生化变化的影响, 结果表明:
( A gropy ron cristatum L. Gaer tn. ) 种子产量的
主要营养元素, 其次是磷, 再次是钾。秋施 45
kgN/ hm
2、春施 90 kgN/ hm 2 时, 疏行到 45 cm
的扁穗冰草种子产量最高达 924. 3 kg/ hm2。同
一施氮量下, 秋春分施氮肥处理的种子产量高天
春季一次施氮处理的, 无芒雀麦( Bromus inermis
Ley ss. )秋施 135 kgN/ hm2、春施 90 kgN/ hm2
时种子产量最大为 1723. 1 kg / hm2 , 猫尾草
( Phleum p ratense L. )秋施 45 kgN/ hm2、春施
135 kgN/ hm
2 时种子产量最大为 718. 9 kg /
, 蓝茎冰草 ( A gropy ron smithii ) 秋施 45
kgN/ hm
2、春施 90 kgN/ hm 2时种子产量最高达
341. 4 kg/ hm
2。秋季施磷 ( P 2O 5 ) 对新麦草
( P sathy rostachys j uncea)种子产量影响较大,秋
施 45 kg P 2O 5 / hm 2 + 45 kgN/ hm2、春 施 90
kgN/ hm
2 时种子产量最高达 265. 1 kg / hm2。过
伏剂( PP333)可以在一定程度上降低植株倒伏
施氮可以提高禾本科牧草种子产量组分, 其
/ m 2增加。同一施氮量下,秋春分施氮肥比春季
分增加; 扁穗冰草春季施磷可以增加生殖枝数/
2、小穗数/生殖枝、种子千粒重; 春季施钾有利
子发育前期鲜重及干重增加, 延缓含水量下降;
率、酸性磷酸酯酶活性, 对种子发育前期可溶性
关键词: 施肥;禾本科牧草;种子产量;种子发育过程;生理生化特性
中图分类号: S812; S543   文献标识码: A
论文完成时间: 2004年 6月
收稿日期: 2005-03-05; 修回日期: 2005-03-10
基金项目:高等学校博士点基金项目“牧草种子产量形成机理的研究”( 20010019004)、国家“948”重大项目( 202009)专题“牧草种子
生产技术的研究与示范”和农业科技成果转化项目“优质高产牧草种子生产技术的转化”( 02EFN21690076)
作者简介:孙铁军( 1972-) ,男,农学博士,研究方向为牧草种子、牧草育种与生物技术,草业生态与环境, E-mail: s tj cau@ 163. com
导师简介:韩建国( 1958-) ,男,中国农业大学草地研究所教授,研究方向为草业科学, E-m ail : gras slab@ pub lic3. bta. net. cn
第 13卷 第 1期
 Vo l. 13  No. 1
草 地 学 报
  2005年  3 月
 M arch  2005
Effects of Fertilizer Application on Grass Seed Yield and Physiological and
Biochemical Characters During the Seed Developing Period
Candidate: SUN Tie-jun1, 2 Advisor: HAN Jian-guo 1
( 1. Inst itute of Grass lan d S cience, Ch ina Agriculture U nivers ity Key Laborator y of Grass land
Vegetation Res torat ion and Recons t ruct ion, MOA, Beijing 100094, C hina;
2.Beijing Research an d Development Center for Forage Indus tr y and Environment , Beijing 100089, Ch ina)
Studies w er e conducted for tw o successiv e years ( 2002 - 03) in a “948”item g rass-seed plot in Saibei
Adm inist rat ion Distr ict , Zhang jiakou, Hebei Prov ince, to determine the effects of fert ilizer applicat ion on
dif ferent g rasses seed y ield and physio logical and biochemical characters dur ing the seed developing pro cess.
Field management included spr ay ing lodging-resistance PP333, thinning w ithin row s, apply ing fert ilizers, etc.
Nit rogen( N) w as the essent ial element for promot ing forag e seed product ion, followed by phosphorus( P )
and potassium ( K) . Seed yield of A gropy ron cr istatum could reach a peak of 924. 3 kg / hm
when space betw een
row s w as 45 cm and 45 kgN/ hm2 were applied in autumn and 90 kgN / hm2 in spr ing . A pplicat ion of the same
amount of N fert ilizer, the seed yield of a plo t that had been fert il ized part of the N in autumn and the rest in
nex t spring accrued much more than that been fert ilized only in spring . For instance: the maximum Bromus
inermis seed yield reached 1723. 1 kg / hm
af ter 135 kgN/ hm
being applied in autumn and 90 kgN/ hm
spring; 718. 9 kg/ hm2 of Phleum p ratese seed output w ith 45 kgN / hm 2 application in autumn and 135 kgN/ hm 2
in spring; 341. 4 kg / hm
o f Agr opy ron smithii seed w er e garnered w ith 45 kgN / hm
applicat ion in autumn and
90 kgN/ hm
in spr ing . Ef fect o f P fert ilizer ( P 2O 5 ) on the seed yield of P sathy rostachys j uncea was impressive.
The maximum seed yield o f P . j uncea amounted to 265. 1 kg / hm
after applicat ion o f 45 kg P2O 5/ hm
2+ 45 kgN/
in autumn and 90 kgN/ hm
in spring . Excessiv e amount of nit ro genous fert ilizer caused the plant to lodge.
Applying K fert ilizer ( K 2O) and spraying lodging-resistance ppp333 could prevent in some ex tent the grass plant
fr om bending.
N appl ication increased the gr asses seed yield components, in w hich the prom inent factor w as determined
by the number of reproduct ive t illers per unit ar ea. Nit rogenous fert ilizer applied on P sathyr ostachy s j unces in
spring, and on Bromus inermis, Agr opyr on cristatum , Phleum p ratense, and Agr opy ron smithii in autumn
augmented the number of reproduct ive t illers per unit area. Separate applicat ion of a cer tain amount of N
fert ilizer in autumn and spring benef it ted v isibly the development of seed y ield compoments of A gropy ron
cristatum and A gropy ron smithii than a sing le applicat ion in spring of the same amount . P fert ilizer ( P 2O 5 )
mainly increased the number o f r eproductiv e t illers, the spikelets and thousand-seed w eight of A gropy ron
cristatum. Thinning of row space promo ted the gr ow th of Agr opy ron cristatum spikelets, f lorets, and seed
number and w eight .
Dif ferent fer tilizers increased the f resh and dry seed w eight of A gropy ron cristatum, Bromus inermis and
A gropy ron smithii in the init ial seed developing period, delay ed the evaporat ion of seed moisture content in the
later seed developing period. T he fert ilizer s also raised the germ inat ion percentag e, leng thened the seedl ings of
A . cri statum and B . inermis, r esisted bacter ia f rom invading the seed, and reduced the abnormal seedling
percentage and shr iv eled seed xx rate in the init ial seed developing period. M oreover , the incr ease of seed
chlor oplast pigment content , GA 3 content , phosphoester as activity and elect rical conduct ivity of seed leachates
of A . cr istatum were owing to the applying of nit ro genous fer tilizer, w hich also helped the synthesizing o f seed
so luble sugar in the seed init ial developing period and the accumulation of starch in the seed later developing
Key words : Fert ilizer application; Grasses; Seed yield; Seed development ; Phy siolog ical and bio chem ical
85第 1期 孙铁军等:施肥对禾本科牧草种子产量形成及种子发育过程中生理生化特性的影响