全 文 :植物科学学报 2015ꎬ 33(1): 33~35
Plant Science Journal
DOI:10 11913 / PSJ 2095-0837 2015 10033
平武翠雀花ꎬ 四川毛茛科一新种
(中国科学院植物研究所ꎬ 系统与进化植物学国家重点实验室ꎬ 北京 100093)
摘 要: 本文描述了自四川省发现的毛茛科翠雀属一新种———平武翠雀花ꎬ 并给出其与近缘种的区别特征ꎮ
关键词: 毛茛科ꎻ 翠雀属ꎻ 新种ꎻ 四川
中图分类号: Q949 746 5 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 2095 ̄0837(2015)01 ̄0033 ̄03
收稿日期: 2014 ̄02 ̄12ꎬ 退修日期: 2014 ̄03 ̄21ꎮ
作者简介: 王文采(1926-)ꎬ 男ꎬ 研究员ꎬ 中国科学院院士ꎬ 从事有花植物分类学研究ꎮ
Delphinium pingwuenseꎬ a New Species of
Ranunculaceae from Sichuan Provinceꎬ China
WANG Wen ̄Tsai
(State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botanyꎬ Institute of Botanyꎬ
Chinese Academy of Sciencesꎬ Beijing 100093ꎬ China)
Abstract: A new species of the genus Delphinium (Ranunculaceae)ꎬ D pingwuenseꎬ is
described from Sichuan Provinceꎬ China. The diagnostic differences between it and its ally are
Key words: Ranunculaceaeꎻ Delphiniumꎻ New speciesꎻ Sichuan
平武翠雀花 (图 1)
Delphinium pingwuense W T. Wangꎬ sp. nov.ꎬ
Fig 1. (Sect. Delphinastrum DC.)
Ob inflorescentias corymbosas pauciflorasꎬ
sepala caerulea et staminodia sepalis concoloria
species nova haec est affinis D eriostylo Lévl.ꎬ
quod caulibus glabris vel prope basin sparse his ̄
pidisꎬ foliorum laminis majoribus 7 -16 cm latis
minus divisisꎬ earum lobulis ultimis ovatisꎬ pedi ̄
cellis glanduloso ̄puberulisꎬ petalis apice 2 ̄lobu ̄
latisꎬ staminodiis ventro supra basin flavo ̄barba ̄
tis facile differt.
Perennial herbs. Stem ca. 45 cm tallꎬ above
base ca. 2 mm acrossꎬ densely spreading ̄pu ̄
bescentꎬ with 3 branches. Basal leaf and lower ̄
most cauline leaf at anthesis witheredꎬ other cau ̄
line leaves ca. 4ꎬ long or shortly petiolateꎻ blades
paperyꎬ pentagonal in outlineꎬ 2-3 × 4 8-6 cmꎬ
3 ̄parted to 3-5 mm above baseꎬ base deeply
cordateꎬ central primary lobe rhombicꎬ ca. 2 cm
broadꎬ pinnately partedꎬ secondary lobes linear
or narrowly triangularꎬ 1 -2 ̄denticulateꎬ ciliateꎬ
lateral primary lobes largerꎬ obliquely flabellateꎬ
nearly to base unequally 2 ̄partedꎬ secondary
lobes narrowly rhombicꎬ 3 ̄fidꎻ surfaces adaxially
and abaxially appressed ̄puberulousꎻ petioles 2-
5 5 cm longꎬ densely spreading ̄pubescentꎬ
base narrowly vaginate. Corymbs terminal to
stem and branchesꎬ 2-4 ̄floweredꎻ bract shortly
petiolateꎬ 3 ̄sectꎬ with linear lobesꎬ or undividedꎬ
linearꎬ 6-9 mm longꎻ pedicels slenderꎬ 3-7 cm
longꎬ densely appressed ̄puberulousꎬ near mid ̄
dle 2 ̄bracteolateꎻ bracteoles subulate or filiformꎬ
2 5-4 mm longꎬ glabrous. Sepals blueꎬ adaxially
glabrousꎬ abaxially sparsely puberulousꎻ upper
A. 植株全形ꎻ B. 退化雄蕊ꎻ C. 雄蕊ꎻ D. 雌蕊群ꎮ
A. Habitꎻ B. Staminodeꎻ C. Stamenꎻ D. Gynoecium. (all from the holotype)
图 1 平武翠雀花
Fig 1 Delphinium pingwuense
43 植 物 科 学 学 报 第 33卷
sepal broadly ovateꎬ ca. 1 1×1 cmꎬ spur subu ̄
lateꎬ 2 2 - 2 4 cm longꎬ decurvedꎬ base ca.
3 5 mm acrossꎻ lateral sepals broadly obovateꎬ
ca. 1 1 × 1 cmꎻ lower sepals long ellipticꎬ ca.
1 5 × 0 8 cm. Petals glabrousꎬ apex obtuseꎬ un ̄
divided. Staminodes ca. 1 3 cm longꎻ limbs
blueꎬ rectangular in outlineꎬ 8 mm longꎬ 2 ̄
partedꎬ adaxially above base sparsely white pu ̄
berulousꎬ lobes linear ̄triangularꎬ ciliateꎻ claws
whiteꎬ ca. 5 5 mm longꎬ glabrous. Stamens ca.
6 mm longꎬ glabrousꎻ filaments whiteꎬ lanceolate ̄
linearꎻ anthers dark ̄blueꎬ oblongꎬ ca. 1 8 mm
long. Carpels 3ꎬ glabrousꎻ ovaries greenish ̄
whiteꎬ 2 mm longꎻ styles 1 mm longꎬ above
dark ̄blue. Young follicles narrowly oblongꎬ ca.
1 4 cm longꎬ glabrous.
四川省(Sichuan Province): 平武县(Pingwu
County) 老河沟保护区 ( Laohegou Nature Re ̄
serve)ꎬ 2013-09-26ꎬ 张寿洲、 王忠涛、 杨建芬
( S Z Zhangꎬ Z T Wang & J F Yang ) 1072
(holotypeꎬ PE)ꎮ
本种的花序为具少数花的伞房花序ꎬ 退化雄蕊
的颜色与萼片的颜色相同ꎬ 均为蓝色ꎬ 从这些特征
Delphinium eriostylum Lévl. 在亲缘关系上相近ꎮ
两者的主要区别特征为: 本种的茎密被柔毛ꎬ 叶较
小ꎬ 叶片宽 4 8~6 cmꎬ 分裂程度较大ꎬ 末回裂片
呈条形或狭三角形ꎬ 花梗密被短柔毛ꎬ 花瓣顶端
钝ꎬ 不分裂ꎬ 退化雄蕊腹面基部以上疏被白色短柔
毛ꎻ 毛梗翠雀花的茎无毛或只在近基部疏被糙硬
毛ꎬ 叶较大ꎬ 叶片宽 7 ~16 cmꎬ 分裂程度较小ꎬ
末回裂片呈卵形ꎬ 花梗被腺毛ꎬ 花瓣顶端微 2 裂ꎬ
致谢: 深切感谢孙英宝先生为本文绘图ꎮ
[ 1 ] Wang WTꎬ Warnock MJ. Delphinium [M] / / Wu
ZYꎬ Raven PHꎬ eds. Flora of China: Vol. 6. Bei ̄
jing: Science Pressꎬ St. Louis: Missouri Botanical
Garden Pressꎬ 2001: 223-274.
(责任编辑: 刘艳玲)
53 第 1期 王文采: 平武翠雀花ꎬ 四川毛茛科一新种