Abstract:This paper reports the free amino acids content of two culture materials in somatic embryogenesis of Comellia chrysantha (HU) Tuyama, one of which has the normal ability of producing secondary embryo(The first), and the other has the poorer ability(The second). Amino acids in the first material is one to five-fold that of in the second, and no Phe, Pro and Tyr were detected in the second material.Based on-mationed results, we utilized Pro, Ser, Phe, Trp and mixed AA to s matic embryogenesis culture. The experiment shows that Pro and low concentration(50mM, 100mM)Ser promote the somatic embryogenesis and fresh weight increase, mixed 50mM Pro, Ser and Phe have the best effect, all of these additional AA except Tyr has a parallel relationship among frequence of embryogenesis, amounts and fresh weight.