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Genetic Structure and Diversity of Both Enhanced Germplasms Developed during 10th Five Year Plan and Modern Cultivars Released during 1968–1995 in China



To clarify the patterns of genetic structure, 22 relased modern cultivars and 22 new enhanced germplasms were analyzed with 24 SSR markers. Among the total of 231 alleles, 36 unique alleles were found only in new enhanced germplasms. At Satt309 locus, which closely linked with soybean cyst nematode resistance, an allele, which only was found in Chinese soybean landrace, was confirmed. Combining the results obtained by using UPGMA method and model-based method, four distinct clusters were discovered. Cluster Ⅰ was comprised of 13 new enhanced germplasms from Northeast region and Shanxi province. Cluster Ⅱ included 8 released cultivars from Northerneast region. Cluster Ⅲ consisted of 4 new enhanced germplasms and 4 released cultivars from Huanghuaihai and Southern region. Cluster Ⅳ contained 4 relased cultivars from Jilin, Heilongjiang, Shanxi and Henan provinces. The results of genetic diversity analysis showed that the new enhanced germplasms, which utilized foreign germplasms and wild species as parent, broadened the genetic base of released cultivars in northeast region.

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