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Developing Rice Lines Resistant to Bacterial Blight and Blast with Molecular Marker-Assisted Selection


水稻的白叶枯病和稻瘟病是水稻的两大主要病害, 通过分子标记辅助选择与传统的杂交、自交相结合的方法, 将抗稻瘟病的Pi9(t)基因和抗白叶枯病的Xa21及Xa23基因聚合到同一株系中, 经多代大田或/和温室接菌鉴定、室内标记选择和田间农艺性状的筛选, 获得了4个三基因聚合且农艺性状优良的株系L17~L20。用不同国家和地区的20个稻瘟病小种、中国流行的7个白叶枯病菌系C1~C7以及安徽省流行的白叶枯病菌系进行大田或/和温室抗病性鉴定, 结果显示, 株系L17~L20对20个稻瘟病小种均表现出抗性, 抗性水平与Pi9(t)基因的供体亲本75-1-127相当, 抗谱相同; 对白叶枯病的抗性和抗谱与Xa23基因相似, 不论在苗期还是在成株期均抗白叶枯病。与Xa21Xa23基因的供体亲本M12和CBB23相比, 成株期的抗性水平有所增强。利用多重PCR技术, 在同一PCR反应中可同时选择Pi9(t)和Xa21基因, 提高了PCR选择效率。

The bacterial blight (BB) and blast are two major diseases of rice. Through Molecular Marker-assisted Selection (MAS) and traditional breeding methods, hybridization and selfcross, blast resistance gene Pi9(t), BB resistant genes Xa21 and Xa23 were put together. Four stable lines L17–L20 which conferred 3 homozygous resistance genes and good agronomic characteristics were obtained through consecutive inoculation in the field or/and greenhouse, MAS and selection from agricultural aspects. By artificial inoculation of 20 blast isolates which came from different countries and areas, 7 Chinese epidemic bacterial blight races and an Anhui epidemic BB race in the field or/and greenhouse, 4 lines expressed resistance to blast and BB. L17–L20 had high resistance to all 20 blast isolates and showed similar resistant level to and same resistant spectrum as donor variety 75-1-127. At the same time, lines L17–L20 had similar resistance and spectrum to Xa23 gene both in seedling and heading stages. In the adult stage, the lines had better BB resistance than donor parents M12 with Xa21 gene and CBB23 with Xa23 gene. Using multi-PCR, gene Pi9(t) and Xa21 can be selected at the same time so that improves the selection efficiency.

全 文 : ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA 2008, 34(1): 100−105 http://www.chinacrops.org/zwxb/
ISSN 0496-3490; CODEN TSHPA9 E-mail: xbzw@chinajournal.net.cn


 (2006GB2C300117);  (06003010B)

(1974−), , ,  !#$

%&(Corresponding author):

()*#E-mail: yjianbo@263.net
Received(+,-.): 2007-04-23; Accepted(/0-.): 2007-07-31.
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2008.00100
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&, (  Pi9(t))* ( Xa21+ Xa23)*,$-./012, 345 67/ 89:;<=
9> 6?@ABCD, EFG 4 HI)*,$J@ABCKL01 L17~L20MNO.PQ RS
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B<=, #]^_, 01 L17~L20` 20H TUabcd(B, (BePi9(t))*fghi 75-1-127j,
(k.; `(B (k Xa23 )*l, Omnopq nr0pa(M Xa21 Xa23 )
*fghi M12 CBB23s, r0p(BetuvwMxN4y PCRz{, n./ PCR|}2~.
 Pi9(t) Xa21)*, €G PCR‚ƒM
: ;  ; Pi9(t) *; Xa21)*; Xa23)*; ; 4y PCR
Developing Rice Lines Resistant to Bacterial Blight and Blast with
Molecular Marker-Assisted Selection
NI Da-Hu1, YI Cheng-Xin1, LI Li1, WANG Xiu-Feng1, ZHANG Yi1, ZHAO Kai-Jun2, WANG
Chun-Lian2, ZHANG Qi2, WANG Wen-Xiang3, and YANG Jian-Bo 1,*
(1 Rice Research Institute, Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hefei 230031, Anhui; 2 Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural
Sciences/National Key Facility for Gene Resources and Genetic Improvement, Beijing 100081; 3 Plant Protection Institute, Anhui Academy of Agricultural
Sciences, Hefei 230031, Anhui, China)
Abstract: The bacterial blight (BB) and blast are two major diseases of rice. Through Molecular Marker-assisted Selection
(MAS) and traditional breeding methods, hybridization and selfcross, blast resistance gene Pi9(t), BB resistant genes Xa21 and
Xa23 were put together. Four stable lines L17–L20 which conferred 3 homozygous resistance genes and good agronomic charac-
teristics were obtained through consecutive inoculation in the field or/and greenhouse, MAS and selection from agricultural as-
pects. By artificial inoculation of 20 blast isolates which came from different countries and areas, 7 Chinese epidemic bacterial
blight races and an Anhui epidemic BB race in the field or/and greenhouse, 4 lines expressed resistance to blast and BB. L17–L20
had high resistance to all 20 blast isolates and showed similar resistant level to and same resistant spectrum as donor variety
75-1-127. At the same time, lines L17–L20 had similar resistance and spectrum to Xa23 gene both in seedling and heading stages.
In the adult stage, the lines had better BB resistance than donor parents M12 with Xa21 gene and CBB23 with Xa23 gene. Using
multi-PCR, gene Pi9(t) and Xa21 can be selected at the same time so that improves the selection efficiency.
Keywords: Bacterial blight; Blast; Gene Pi9(t); Gene Xa21; Gene Xa23; molecular market-assisted selection; Multi-PCR
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$%&[1-2]()*+ ,-./, 01234
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$:> ?@AB
CDEFG ,34H 30 2I[3], J
KLMN(Oryza longistaminata) OP,
 Xa2134[4]Q0N O. rufipogon R
8S, Xa23 34[5]TUVWSong X[6]
YZ[\]^_ Xa21 34; `abcdeX[7-8]
fg_h Xa2334ijkl mnZ[oEF
G ,-34H 30 2I[9-11], pqJKrs
NOryza minuta Pi9(t)349:+t ,u
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01mnZ[{|}~ Pi9(t)bXa21  Xa23 3
456g€*+‚ƒ, \„56…†‡ˆ‰_,
Xa21 34 ŒŽx M12, x‘’“”8;
Xa2334 ŒŽxCBB23, q•–—˜™š›
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010-4 µ¶©–—˜™šœª«yz·¸e
 Œ; ¦‚ Zhao TanbQian Shan§¨©–—˜™
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1.2.1  1999 3¹, )º» Xa23
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¾xˆ‰¿À, 2000 3¹,  CBB23 × 75-1-127
F2mÁq}ÃÄ Xa23 Pi9(t) łhº»
Xa21 34 M12 ÆÀ, ÇÈ_ÄÉ34 ÆÀ F1,
1KÀ, Ê 2001 ËÌ, mÍÎSmÏÐS
„ÆÀ F2mÁÑ҈‰ Ó¦, ÔÕ
ÚÛÜ}, 2005  3 ¹ÇÈ_ 4 IÄÉ34Ý6
*+‚ƒ L17~L202005 ËÌ, „ÞG‚ƒˆ
1.2.2    FG
ãäåÑ­ [14] æç , „ †‡mÎ
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‰; ‚SÓ ÚmÏÐSˆ‰)òóôà 5
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‚Ó 2~3úÓ… 20 d#, ïû„äé
ê 63üÞGñ, ýþ‚ ,ûÔÕ
m m,û , ò é
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 Ó,-Š‹ãä­[15], )
8Î, Dn, FG †‡
„ä=µ ! nm#$Êq, 3
èÆ% LðɁ&ñ, pðÓ¦“,
()Ó¦(Pyricularia oryzae)m*n+,
õ-./ 2×105I*nmL−1, )0)()1 q
23450~100 μm)()5m*n+,õ(6Ê
Îî, ()7ù 100‚Î 30 mLÓõ248ª9
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µ !üÞGñ, )C>çýþ
rÔÕm,û m 9
?, 0b1b2b3? R(,), 4b5b6b7b8b9? S(û)
1.3.1 DNA  PCR   Ã DNAãä
@AµBCD æç[16]
„Ê Pi9(t)34ijkl Z[ pB8 EœFGã
H LiuX[12], Xa2134Eœ PXa21ãäWangX[17] F
G, PCRƒãHI JX[18] æçXa2334
EœRM206PCRKLãäcdeX[8] æç
1.3.2  PCR (multi-PCR) Pi9(t) Xa21
  35 μL ƒq(10 × buffer
3.5 μL, 200 μmol L−1 dNTPs, 5 U Taq DNA polymerase,
pB8ËMEœN 100 μmol L−1, PXa21ËMEœN
250 μmol L−1, / 200 ng34O DNA)ˆ‰ PCRPQ,
RS 948TUV- 5 min, 948 1 minb558
1 minb728 1.5 minWX 30è, 728TYZ 5 min
…Ê 48Tª[, PQ\œ 1.5!]^_`aq 90 V
bcbd 2 h, e;fTghbä®
102      34

2.1  Pi9(t)Xa21
3  pB8
PXa21  RM206,  75-1-127M12 
CBB23,   !#
$%&( 1)

Fig. 1 PCR assay for Pi9(t), Xa21, and Xa23 genes
A:  PCR Pi9(t)Xa21; B:  PCR Xa21;
C:  PCR Pi9(t); D: PCR Xa23; M:
(A,B,C: DL2000; D: 50 bp DNA ladder marker)
A: Pi9(t) and Xa21 genes detected by multi-PCR; B: Xa21 gene de-
tected by PCR; C: Pi9(t) gene detected by PCR; D: Xa23 gene detected
by PCR; M: marker (A,B,C: DL2000; D: 50 bp DNA ladder marker)

 PCR  pB8  Xa21,
 Pi9(t) Xa21,  PCR
, ! 1 #$%&
Pi9(t)(Xa21Xa23 )*+, -./0
12(! 2), 345678, 9:;<= L17(L18(
L19(L20 4 )78*>$% PCR
-.?8, @ABCDEF$

75-1-127(M12  CBB23 -.MNORS, T
U, Pi9(t)VWX 75-1-127Q 20PYTZ
[\], O^_`Y 1%ab, \Ocd 0~2c,
eU Pi9(t)\fg(\]h$M12 Q GUY11(
05-032(78334ZA27(Zhao tan( 1018-14-1(
ML-25(IRRI101(F1001-7-2-1 i 13 PTZ[
jO, \jkd 5~7 c, l Q 78334ZA27 P
9dmj, cd 7 c, O^_`n 43.33%; Q
oS 108ZC(Qian shan(ZC13(B13001-44-1(

Fig. 2 PCR products from F2 generation by molecular marker
A:  PCR Pi9(t)Xa21; B:  PCR Xa21;
C:  PCR Pi9(t); D: PCR Xa23
A: Pi9(t) and Xa21 genes detected by multi-PCR; B: Xa21 gene de-
tected by PCR; C: Pi9(t) gene detected by PCR; D: Xa23 gene
detected by PCR

VWX CBB23Q GUY11(05-032(78334ZA27(
Zhao tan(Qian shan(ZC13( 1018-14-1(97102-2(
108ZB(ML-8(D303-010-4(IRRI101(KI-1117 o
SjO, Qlp 7oSTZ[\O(T 1)$qG
e, M12 CBB23QrsMNOoSYTZ[j
O, \MNOtuv$
% Iw.* 7xyzOP C1~C7{|
75-1-127(M12  CBB23 -.RP,  ! 3(
! 4 #$75-1-127 H~‚ƒ€>„H
\xyzO; M12 ~H\xyzO, …€>xyzO; CBB23~€>„\xyzO$
75-1-127 \MNO , H\xyzO ; M12 
tuv, ‡ M12 €>\xyzO; CBB23 ˆ‰Š
> L17~L20TZ[ 75-1-127‹*\f
‹Œ*\](T 1); ~QxyzO*\]CBB23
‹, \f CBB23‹(! 3); €>QxyzO
TZ[DŽ\], O^_` M12  CBB23 „o
(! 4)$TU Xa21 Xa23*?8QxyzO*
‘=\]’“”, ?8•–]—˜™@
š›*TZ , œ=lWXš@A]—$
75-1-127 ƒa IR31917 džŸ* ¡, ¢£¤Ž¥,
‡¦§›; M12*y¨©ª, «£o, ‡¢£¤
Žr, ¦§¬; CBB23¢£¤Žo, ¦§­, ‡«
£D$®¯8•–]—…°, )WX‰±˜
 1 :   103

Table 1 Resistance of the parents and elite lines to isolates


Origin 75-1-127 M12 CBB23 L17 (9,21,23)
GUY11  France R(2) S(5) S(7) R(1) R(1) R(3) R(2)
05-032  China R(1) S(6) S(7) R(0) R(1) R(1) R(0)
78334ZA27  China R(0) S(7) S(5) R(1) R(0) R(2) R(2)
Zhao tan  China R(1) S(7) S(7) R(1) R(1) R(1) R(1)
108ZC  China R(2) R(3) R(3) R(1) R(1) R(1) R(1)
Qian shan  China R(2) R(3) S(7) R(2) R(1) R(2) R(1)
ZC13  China R(1) R(2) S(5) R(2) R(2) R(0) R(0)
 1018-14-1 Zhong1018-14-1  China R(1) S(5) S(7) R(1) R(2) R(2) R(0)
B13001-44-1  China R(2) R(3) R(3) R(1) R(1) R(0) R(0)
97102-2  China R(1) S(5) S(4) R(2) R(2) R(1) R(1)
108ZB  China R(1) S(5) S(5) R(2) R(1) R(2) R(1)
ML-8  Mali R(1) S(5) S(7) R(0) R(1) R(1) R(1)
G1001-27-2-2  China R(2) S(5) R(3) R(0) R(1) R(2) R(0)
E1001-33-1-3  China R(0) R(2) R(2) R(1) R(1) R(1) R(1)
D303-010-4  China R(1) S(5) S(5) R(1) R(2) R(2) R(0)
ML-25  Mali R(1) S(5) R(3) R(2) R(0) R(3) R(1)
IRRI101  Philippines R(1) S(5) S(7) R(1) R(2) R(0) R(1)
KI-1117  South Korea R(1) R(2) S(7) R(0) R(1) R(1) R(1)
Y34  China R(0) R(2) R(2) R(0) R(1) R(1) R(1)
F1001-7-2-1  China R(1) S(7) R(3) R(2) R(1) R(1) R(1)
R: ; S: ; ( ):  ; (9,21,23): Pi9(t) + Xa21 + Xa23!
R: resistance, S: susceptible, ( ): resistance level; (9,21,23): Pi9(t) + Xa21 + Xa23.

3! L17~L20#$% 
Fig. 3 Resistance of parents and pyramided lines to BB at seedling stage

4& L17~L20#$% 
Fig. 4 Resistance of parents and pyramided lines to BB at heading stage
104  ! 34#

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56%789:12+;.12<& 8=>?
@AB([19] CD, E/01234.F, 
GH<& IJK12, LM 1N+12
OPQRDSGTU034 12 VWX([20]
YZ![\, . xa5]Xa3^01234#$ 1
2_`+1abcdGTe, fg. 1234
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l xa5]xa13]Xa21 YZhD, m8 1 0Q1
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xyzm Xa21Xa24Xa23{34.M, |G
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E Piz-5+ Xa2134.y IR50!, †‡ˆqzl
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‹M†‡1IJKr+€‚r YZŒŽ
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Œ ­”.®&¯š+°±
2², ³xz 4 0{34´.p°±2²™š
‹M L17~L20 4 012‹M†‡1IJKr+€‚
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’—˜“¶, .M°±2²S·, 
 12 %&!P –P/¥ PCR)*
†„OP˜M!¡g/034, ˆqz¡g=¬
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