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Effect of Irrigation Regimes on Phytic Acid, Protein, and Mineral Element Contents in Two Oat Cultivars


在防雨池栽条件下,研究了不同灌水时期、灌水次数和灌水量对两个不同类型燕麦品种内农大莜1号(Avena nuda L.)和白燕7号(A. sativa L.)籽粒产量及营养品质性状的影响。结果表明,内农大莜1号籽粒粗蛋白、总磷、钙、镁、锌、铁(P<0.01)和钾含量(P<0.05)高于白燕7号。不同灌水制度对植酸、总磷、蛋白质、钙、镁、钾、锌、铁和铜含量有显著影响,全生育期灌水3次(底墒+拔节水+抽穗水),灌水量1 800 m3 hm-2;或灌水4次(底墒+分蘖水+拔节水+抽穗水),灌水量2 400 m3 hm-2有利于燕麦籽粒产量和大多数品质性状的提高。大多数品质性状存在显著的品种×灌水互作效应。不同营养品质性状随灌水量变化规律不一致,并存在基因型差异。

Effects of irrigation regimes on grain nutritional quality and yield of two different oat cultivars Neinongdayou 1 (Avena nuda L.) and Baiyan7 (Avena sativa L.) were tested under proof-rainfall pool culture condition. The results showed that the contents of grain crude protein, total phosphorus, Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe (P<0.01) and K (P<0.05) in Neinongdayou 1 were higher than those in Baiyan 7. Under the experimental condition, most of the tested quality indices, including the above indices and the contents of phytic acid and Cu, were significantly affected by irrigation treatment. Irrigation treatment C (irrigated averagely with 1 800 m3 hm-2 in 3 times, before sowing + jointing + heading) or D (irrigated averagely with 2 400 m3 hm-2 in 3 times, before sowing + tillering + jointing + heading) increased both grain yield and quality in oats. The interactions of cultivar by irrigation were significant for contents of protein, Ca, Mg, K, Zn, Fe, Cu, and Mn. The Regression equations indicated that irrigation quota had linear relations to grain total phosphorus and Cu contents, and quadratic relations to phytic acid, Ca, Mg, K, Zn, Mn contents in Neinongdayou1; and linear relations to grain Zn and Fe contents, and quadratic relations to phytic acid, total phosphorus, crude protein, Ca and Mg contents in Baiyan 7, respectively.

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