Characteristics of Starch Synthesis in Grains and Translocation of Carbohydrate in Leaves and Sheaths at Filling Stage for Low Phytic Acid Mutant Rice Study on phytic acid,pentosan contents and relations with theirrelative characters in grain of different wheat varieties ANALYSIS OF NUTRITIONAL QUALITY OF LOW PHYTIC ACID MUTANTS IN MAIZE EFFECT OF PHYTIC ACID ON CELL GROWTH AND PRODUCTION OF POLYSACCHARIDES IN SUSPENSION CULTURES OF PROTOCORM-LIKE BODIES FROM Dendrobium huoshanense BRIEF REPORT ON SRCEENING MAIZE MUTANTS WITH HIGH INORGANIC PHOSPORUS AND LOW PHYTIC ACID CONTENT Effect of Phytic Acid on Vase Life of Cut Rose Flowers SDUDY OF ZNIC RELATIVE CONCENTRATION AND STATE IN RUMEN FLUID BY XANES Effects of different nitrogen and water treatments on phytic acidcontents and protein components in rice grain Effects of soil and foliar applications of Zn on winter wheat grain Zn concentration and bioavailability The Diversity of Four Anti-nutritional Factors in Kidney Bean SPACE TECHNIQUES INDUCED GRAIN QUALITY VARIATIONS IN RICE CULTIVAR 9311 POLYMERIZATION OF LOW PHYTIC ACID MUTANT GENES AND FERRITIN GENE IN RICE The Diversity of Four Anti-nutritional Factors in Kidney Bean Effect of Irrigation Regimes on Phytic Acid, Protein, and Mineral Element Contents in Two Oat Cultivars RESEARCH PROGRESS AND PROSPECTS OF LOW PHYTIC ACID CROPS 日粮营养素水平对东北肉鹅生长性能及血液生化指标的影响(1-28日龄)

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