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Growing Season Distribution of Tissue Fructan in Wheat


全 文 : 
第 26 卷 第 5 期 作 物 学 报 V ol. 26, N o. 5
2000 年 9 月 A CTA A GRONOM ICA S IN ICA Sep. , 2000
Growing Sea son D istr ibution of Tissue Fructan in W hea tX
HOU You2L iang1 L. O′B rien2 ZHON G Gai2Rong1
(1 Institu te of M aize R esearch, S hanx i A cad em y of A g ricultural S ciences, X inzhou, S hanx i 034000; 2 T he U niversity of
S y d ney , P lant B reed ing Institu te, N arrabri, N SW 2390, A ustralia)
Abstract T issue fructan con ten t of vegetative parts w as exam ined in four w heat geno types to
determ ine geno typ ic differences and distribution and accum ulation patterns th roughout grow ing
season. Effects indicated that sign ifican t geno typ ic differences w ere established fo r tissue fructan
con ten t of stem , chaff, leaf, peduncle and to tal p lan t th roughout grow ing season and grain
p ro tein con ten t and grain yield. To tal p lan t fructan con ten t accum ulated to a peak at about m ilk
stage, and then rap idly declined un til m aturity, co inciding w ith the period of rap id grain filling.
T he two h igh p ro tein geno types, Cunn ingham and PST 90219, had low er tissue fructan con ten t
in the stem and the to tal p lan t than their low p ro tein low er case coun terparts, SUN 109A and
TM 56, at most samp ling dates. Among p lan t parts, stem w as the most importan t tissue fo r
fructan reserve and the greatest con tributo r to grain filling. T issue fructan con ten t w as negatively
co rrelated w ith grain p ro tein con ten t betw een heading and m aturity, but no t co rrelated w ith
grain yield.
Key words T issue fructan distribution; W heat; Geno type differences
Grain p roduction of w heat substan tially invo lves CO 22assim ilated carbohydrates and n itrogen
compounds. T ranslocation of p reviously assim ilated carbohydrates and n itrogen compounds from
the vegetative parts of p lan ts to the develop ing grain can con tribute in a m ajo r w ay to grain
filling. Among p lan t componen ts, the stem (including leaf sheath) w as the m ajo r sto rage tissue
fo r non2structural carbohydrates and con tained more than 10 tim es as m uch of these compounds
as the leaves during the grain filling period [ 1 ]. T hese stem reserves w ere m ain ly translocated to
the grain during the later stage of grain developm en t. Green leaves m ain tained relatively stable
levels of non2structural carbohydrates th roughout the grow ing season [ 2 ]. Shading considerably
dep ressed the con ten t of non2structural carbohydrates of the stem s and leaves, but enhanced the
degree of dep letion of them at m aturity compared w ith con tro l p lan ts[ 1 ]. H igh temperature o r
drough t stress during grain filling p romoted the relative con tribution of p lan t2part carbohydrate
reserve to grain p roduction [ 3~ 6 ].
Among non2structural w ater2so luble carbohydrates, fructan w as the m ajo r reserve[ 1, 7~ 9 ].
Its accum ulation and translocation would, therefo re, appear to p lay an importan t ro le in
op tim izing grain p roduction.
T he p resen t study w as conducted to determ ine differences in the pattern of tissue fructan
distribution in various p lan t parts of four w heat geno types th roughout the grow ing season and to
exam ine its relationsh ip w ith grain yield and grain p ro tein con ten t.
X Received on 1999206223, A ccep ted on 2000201204

1 M a ter ia ls andM ethods
1. 1 Tr ia l background
T he trialw as conducted at the U n iversity of Sydney, P lan t B reeding Institu te, N arrabri, in
the 1995 season. It is located at 30°18′S and 149°18′E, w ith an elevation of 212 m. T emperature
and p recip itation during grow ing period w ere as fo llow s.
Table 1  Temperature and prec ipitation dur ing growing
per iod (Narrabr i 1995)
6 7 8 9 10 11
M ean M ax. (℃) 18. 3 17. 7 24. 9 24. 4 28. 2 30. 7
M ean M in. (℃) 5. 9 3. 0 6. 0 9. 2 13. 0 16. 4
P recip itation (mm ) 45. 4 14. 4 0 48. 6 39. 0 111. 8
1. 2 Genotypes
Four sem i2w in ter w heat geno types,
Cunn ingham , PST 90219, SUN 109A and
TM 56, w h ich, from p revious exam ination,
appeared to possess differen t capacities to
accum ulate n itrogen w ere chosen fo r study.
PST 90219 and Cunn ingham w ere h igher in tissue n itrogen con ten t and grain p ro tein con ten t than
their coun terparts SUN 109A and TM 56. Further, SUN 109A and TM 56 had h igh yield
po ten tial, w hereas PST 90219 w as quite the con trary. TM 56 w as earlier m aturing than the o ther
th ree w heats[ 10 ].
1. 3 Tr ia l managem en t
T he so il type w as a self m ulch ing black earth. T he experim en tal design w as a comp letely
random ised block w ith four rep lications of each geno type sow n at each of two n itrogen levels, 0
and 200 kg N ö hm 2. Ammonium nitrate fertilizer (34% N ) in granular fo rm w as app lied 20% at
seeding and 40% at each of Zadok s grow th stage 26~ 27 (m ain shoo t w ith 6~ 7 tillers) and 45~
50 (boo ts swo llen to first sp ikelet visible). A pp lication of n itrogenous fertilizer w as to create a
fertility differen tial in o rder to determ ine the influence of n itrogen on tissue fructan and to
m ax im ize genetic exp ression. Fo llow ing topdressing of the first post2seeding n itrogen app lication,
app rox im ately 30 mm sp ray irrigation w as app lied to the en tire field area to ensure that n itrogen
app lied would be available to the crop and that en tire experim en tal area w as under the sam e w ater
m anagem en t. T he second post2seeding topdressing of n itrogen w as app lied on 1 Sep tem ber and
33 mm of rainfall fell imm ediately after n itrogen app lication.
P lo ts consisted of 7 row s , 10 m long w ith 0. 25 m spacing betw een row s w ith in p lo ts and
0. 5 m betw een outside row s of adjacen t p lo ts. T he trialw as sow n on 8 June at a seeding rate of
30 kg ö hm 2 and harvested on 10 N ovem ber.
1. 4 Sam ple prepara tion and tissue n itrogen determ ina tion
A ll above2ground p lan t m aterials ( 0. 5 m length of the cen tre four row s) w ere taken
random ly at two w eek ly in tervals comm encing 53 days after sow ing and con tinuing un til
m aturity, giving a to tal of eigh t samp ling dates. Samp les w ere quick ly separated in to leaves,
stem s ( including leaf sheath ) , peduncles ( uncovered peduncle part by leaf sheath ) , chaff
( rach is, glum e, lemm a, palea and aw n) and grain, depending upon the developm en t stage.
Each componen t w as imm ediately m icrow aved fo r app rox im ately 2~ 4 m inutes p rio r to
ovendrying at 60℃ fo r 48 hours to a constan t dry w eigh t basis. D ry m atter fo r each p lan t part
055                 作  物   学  报                 26 卷

w as w eighed p rio r to grinding w ith a labo rato ry hamm erm ill fitted w ith a 0. 5 mm screen.
T issue fructan con ten t and grain p ro tein con ten t w ere m easured by N ear Infrared
R eflectance Spectrom etry (N IR ) using an Instalab 600 (D ICKEY2john, co rpo ration,U. S. A. ).
2 Results and D iscussion
T he analyses of variance indicated that sign ifican t geno typ ic differences ex isted fo r tissue
fructan con ten t in stem s, leaves, peduncles, chaff and the to tal p lan t tissue th roughout the
grow ing season (T able 2). T here w ere sign ifican t geno type×n itrogen in teraction effects
observed. T he nature of th is in teraction indicated that tissue fructan con ten t of p lan t parts
generally responded negatively to increased n itrogen rate although response varied in m agn itude.
D ifferences in grain yield and p ro tein con ten t w ere sign ifican t among the four geno types.
Cunn ingham and PST 90219 p roduced h igher p ro tein con ten t but low er grain yield, w h ile
SUN 109A and TM 56 had h igher grain yield and low er p ro tein con ten t. SUN 109A gave the
h ighest grain yield and the low est p ro tein con ten t.
To tal p lan t tissue fructan con ten t of the four geno types w as sign ifican tly differen t at all
samp ling dates excep t the 67 day samp ling. T he two low p ro tein geno types, SUN 109A and
TM 56, had h igher tissue fructan con ten t than the two h igh p ro tein ones, Cunn ingham and
PST 90219, at most samp ling dates. H igh fructan con ten t at flow ering m ay be a feature of h igh
yielding low p ro tein geno types, reflecting a larger energy sto re to con tribute to grain yield. T he
levels of fructan in the to tal p lan t w ere subject to rap id fluxes from the m ilk stage of grain
developm en t to m aturity. T he h ighest fructan con ten t w as at about the m ilk stage w ith a rap id
decline thereafter, indicating loss of fructan from these tissues co inciding w ith the period of rap id
grain filling and decreased of pho tosyn thetic capacity associated w ith the onset of senescence.
T he two n itrogen treatm en ts w ere sign ifican tly differen t in m ean tissue fructan con ten t at
most samp ling dates (T able 3). A pp lication of n itrogenous fertilizer generally decreased fructan
con ten t excep t at the first samp ling w here there w as a positive response to increased n itrogen
level. T h is inconsisten t response m ay be attributed to the base so il fertility differen tial betw een
two block s. N itrogen app lication at the rate of 200 kg N ö hm 2 sign ifican tly increased grain p ro tein
con ten t but no t grain yield.
2. 1 Tissue fructan con ten t (% ) of plan t parts with developm en t
2. 1. 1 Stem s  T here w ere sign ifican t differences among the four geno types fo r stem fructan
con ten t at all samp ling dates excep t the first. Stem s w ere the m ajo r sto rage tissue fo r fructan,
m ain tain ing a substan tially h igher tissue fructan con ten t than all o ther p lan t parts th roughout the
grow ing cycle. T h is reserve could readily con tribute to grain yield and energy consump tion fo r
grain filling [ 11 ]. T he two low p ro tein geno types, SUN 109A and TM 56, generally had h igher
stem fructan con ten t than the two h igh p ro tein geno types, Cunn ingham and PST 90219
th roughout grow ing season (T able 2). A round flow ering, stem fructan con ten t of SUN 109A
and TM 56 w as considerably h igher compared w ith Cunn ingham and PST 90219. SUN 109A
m ain tained the h ighest stem fructan con ten t at all samp ling dates excep t the last two samp lings.
1555 期     HOU Y. L. et al. : Grow ing Season D istribution of T issue F ructan in W heat       

Table 2  Fructan content (% ) of plant parts for four wheat genotypes at var ious
sampl ing dates and gra in yield and prote in content at matur ity
T issue fructan content
Days after sow ing
53 67 81 95 109 123 137 151
p ro tein
% T ö hm 2
Total p lant      
Cunningham 5. 61 9. 25 7. 46 16. 97 19. 11 22. 44 13. 14 7. 55 13. 40 4. 48
PST 90219 4. 39 8. 11 9. 87 19. 14 20. 50 20. 66 11. 92 7. 76 14. 93 3. 63
SUN 109A 5. 75 9. 57 11. 01 23. 02 25. 42 26. 29 13. 28 8. 99 12. 83 4. 77
TM 56 5. 94 8. 62 12. 60 22. 53 24. 12 23. 73 15. 67 10. 77 13. 17 4. 56
L SD (P< 0. 05) 0. 64 1. 77 1. 73 1. 15 1. 21 1. 73 1. 26 0. 42 0. 51
Genotype (G) 3 3 3 N S 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
G×N N S 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 N S 3 3 N S N S N S
Cunningham 11. 15 18. 66 19. 56 29. 14 26. 75 30. 60 16. 33 8. 08
PST 90219 10. 88 18. 96 22. 78 30. 82 28. 15 28. 59 15. 27 8. 68
SUN 109A 12. 11 20. 42 24. 97 35. 46 34. 74 35. 51 15. 99 9. 35
TM 56 11. 34 16. 22 23. 50 31. 88 34. 63 33. 72 19. 85 11. 69
L SD (P< 0. 05) 2. 25 2. 56 2. 20 1. 55 1. 11 2. 41 1. 81
Genotype (G) N S 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
G×N 3 N S 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 N S
L eaf        
Cunningham 4. 47 6. 03 1. 85 0. 94 0. 90 1. 44 0. 21 0. 17
PST 90219 3. 13 4. 21 1. 47 0. 43 0. 62 0. 43 0. 48 0
SUN 109A 4. 36 5. 27 1. 82 0. 99 0. 78 1. 50 0. 20 0
TM 56 4. 75 5. 11 2. 87 1. 23 3. 01 2. 24 1. 54 0. 19
L SD (P< 0. 05) 0. 62 1. 06 0. 55 0. 79 0. 56 0. 75
Genotype (G) 3 3 3 3 N S 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 N S
G×N N S 3 3 3 3 N S N S 3 3 N S 3
Cunningham   7. 06 9. 01 9. 22 6. 05    
PST 90219   4. 57 3. 94 6. 45 7. 63    
SUN 109A   8. 96 7. 77 3. 90 6. 42    
TM 56   10. 79 11. 90 14. 32 15. 11    
L SD (P< 0. 05)   1. 81 1. 27 3. 58 2. 30    
Genotype (G)   3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3    
G×N   N S 3 3 N S    
Cunningham   22. 84 23. 63 16. 68 13. 01    
PST 90219   26. 46 23. 54 16. 09 13. 08    
SUN 109A   28. 49 25. 75 17. 94 14. 19    
TM 56   24. 81 21. 56 18. 14 14. 58    
L SD (P< 0. 05)   0. 94 0. 93 1. 31 0. 77    
Genotype (G)   3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3    
G×N   N S N S N S 3 3    
  3 , 3 3 , 3 3 3 , Significant at the 5% , 1% and 0. 1% p robability levels, respectively; N S, no t significant.
A t the 109 day samp ling, the stem fructan con ten t of SUN 109A w as 29. 5% greater than that of
Cunn ingham. How ever, the difference betw een these two geno types w as on ly 15. 7% at
m aturity. T he four geno types exh ibited sim ilar patterns of stem fructan con ten t th roughout the
season, gradually increasing from early developm en t un til a m ax im um around flow ering, and
then rap idly decreasing un til m aturity , p resum ably a com bination effect of translocation to the
255                 作  物   学  报                 26 卷

Table 3  Effect of n itrogen treatment on fructan content of plant parts at var ious
sampl ing dates and gra in yield and prote in content at matur ity
N itrogen
treatm ent
T issue fructan content
Days after sow ing
53 67 81 95 109 123 137 151
p ro tein
(kg ö hm 2) % T ö hm 2
Total p lant 0 4. 54 10. 95 10. 46 21. 76 23. 16 25. 78 15. 47 9. 27 12. 48 4. 25
200 6. 30 6. 83 10. 00 19. 08 21. 42 20. 79 11. 53 8. 27 14. 65 4. 47
Significance 3 3 3 3 3 3 N S 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 N S
Stem 0 10. 58 21. 05 22. 82 33. 64 32. 36 35. 22 19. 56 10. 10
200 12. 16 16. 08 22. 58 30. 02 29. 78 28. 99 14. 16 8. 80
Significance 3 3 3 3 3 3 N S 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
L eaf 0 3. 28 7. 20 2. 87 1. 16 1. 06 2. 43 0. 62 0. 07
200 5. 08 3. 11 1. 13 0. 64 1. 59 0. 37 0. 59 1. 11
Significance 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 N S 3 3 3 N S N S
Peduncle 0 7. 42 9. 91 8. 09 9. 16    
200 8. 27 6. 40 8. 86 8. 44    
Significance N S 3 3 3 N S N S
Chaff 0 25. 94 24. 17 18. 75 14. 12
200 25. 36 23. 07 15. 67 13. 31
Significance N S 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
  3 , 3 3 , 3 3 3 , Significant at the 5% , 1% and 0. 1% p robability levels, respectively; N S, no t significant.
develop ing grain and declin ing pho tosyn thetic capacity. T h is steep decline in stem fructan con ten t
occurred betw een 123~ 151 days (betw een m ilk stage and m aturity) , a result consisten t w ith
o ther studies[ 1, 2, 7, 9 ]. SUN 109A and TM 56 stem fructan con ten t from flow ering to m aturity
decreased more than Cunn ingham and PST 90219, suggesting that the two h igh yielding
geno types m ay have translocated more fructan out of the stem , p robably to the develop ing grain
o r it w as consum ed as energy during grain filling p rocess.
2. 1. 2 L eaves   In con trast to the stem , fructan levels of leavesw ere low and relatively stable
th roughout the grow ing season. Sign ifican t differences in leaf fructan con ten t among the four
geno types ex isted at 6 out of the 8 samp ling dates. T he h igh p ro tein geno type PST 90219
generally had the low est value, w hereas the low p ro tein geno type TM 56 had the h ighest value
th roughout the grow ing season ( T able 2 ). T he h ighest levels of leaf fructan fo r the four
geno types appeared early in the season, at the 67 day samp ling (Zadok s grow th stage 31). T he
patterns of fructan con ten t fo r the four geno types w ere sim ilar w ith a sligh t increase occurring
betw een 53~ 67 days and then declin ing tow ard m aturity. A t m aturity, fructan con ten t of leaves
w as nearly zero w ith no differences betw een geno types. T h is pattern of leaf fructan con ten t
suggested that the ability of leaves to supp ly fructan during grain filling w as lim ited.
2. 1. 3 Peduncles ( uncovered peduncle parts by leaf sheath )     T here w ere sign ifican t
differences among the four geno types fo r peduncle fructan con ten t. F ructan con ten t of peduncles
w as m uch low er than stem s but h igher than leaves. TM 56 m ain tained h igher fructan levels
th roughout the grow ing period from flow ering to m aturity than o ther th ree geno types (T able 2).
T he patterns of change fo r peduncle fructan con ten t indicated that fructan supp ly by peduncles
w as low.
2. 1. 4 Chaff  Chaff ( rach is , glum e , lemm a , palea and aw n ) had substan tially h igher
3555 期     HOU Y. L. et al. : Grow ing Season D istribution of T issue F ructan in W heat       

F ig. 1  F ructan accum ulation (g ö 0. 5m 2) in
various p lant parts for four w heat genotypes
at eigh t samp ling dates
fructan con ten t compared w ith leaves and
peduncles, indicating it w as po ten tially an
importan t sto rage tissue fo r fructan, w h ich
could con tribute to grain filling. Geno type
differences in chaff fructan con ten t w ere
observed betw een flow ering and m aturity
w ith PST 90219 having the h ighest values at
the 109 day and SUN 109A at the 123 day
samp ling (T able 2). T he change in fructan
con ten t fo llow ed a sim ilar pattern fo r all four
geno types show ing a rap id decline during
grain filling. F ructan levels of all four
geno types rem ained rem arkably h igh at
m aturity, indicating that there still w as a
po ten tial reserve of fructan that could have
been translocated to the grain from the
2. 2 Fructan accum ula tion in plan t parts
with developm en t
T he analyses of variance revealed
sign ifican t geno typ ic differences fo r to tal
fructan (g ö 0. 5m 2 ) in stem s and leaves at
most samp ling dates and in peduncles and
chaff betw een flow ering and m aturity.
D ifferences fo r to tal p lan t fructan (g ö
0. 5m 2 ) w as sign ifican t fo r all samp ling
dates. T he pattern of fructan accum ulation
(g ö 0. 5m 2) in the various p lan t componen ts
and to tal p lan t th roughout the grow ing
season fo llow ed a sim ilar pattern fo r the four
geno types (F ig. 1).
To tal fructan of stem increased
gradually from tillering to 81 days after
sow ing ( about the m iddle of stem
elongation) and then increased rap idly un til
123 days (m ilk stage) and then declined
un til m aturity (F ig. 1). T he peak of
accum ulation of to tal stem fructan w as the
123 day samp ling, co inciding w ith the early stages of grain developm en t. T he h igh level at th is
455                 作  物   学  报                 26 卷

stage reflected the p lan t′s dem and fo r fructan fo r grain filling. T he sharp decline betw een 123
and 137 days (betw een m ilk stage and dough stage) w as associated w ith rap id grain filling,
indicating that stem fructan w as an importan t carbohydrate source fo r grain filling.
To tal fructan of chaff w as h ighest at 123 day samp ling fo r Cunn ingham , PST 90219 and
SUN 109A and at 109 day samp ling fo r TM 56, and thereafter these reserves decreased gradually
un tilm aturity (F ig. 1) , indicating they moved out of the chaff to the develop ing grain.
To tal fructan in leaves and peduncles w as low th roughout the grow ing season (F ig. 1) , so
fructan supp ly by them w as lim ited.
F ructan accum ulation over geno types w as 163. 5 g ö kg dry m atter in stem s and 53. 0 g ö kg
dry m atter in chaff at flow ering, w h ich accoun ted fo r 73. 4% and 23. 8% of to tal fructan per kg
dry m atter. A t the m ilk stage of grain developm en t, stem fructan increased to 175. 6 g ö kg dry
m atter and chaff con tained 50. 5 g ö kg dry m atter, w h ich w ere 75. 4% and 21. 7% of the to tal
fructan per kg dry m atter, respectively (T able 4) , indicating that in to tal, stem s and chaff
accoun ted fo r the overw helm ing p roportion of to tal p lan t fructan. D ecrease of to tal fructan of
Table 4  Fructan accumulation of var ious plant parts over
four genotypes at three sampl ing dates in gö kg dry matter
(g) (% )
(g) (% )
(g) (% )
L eaf
(g) (% )
F low ering 163. 5 73. 38 53. 0 23. 80 3. 3 1. 49 3. 0 1. 33
M ilk stage 175. 6 75. 44 50. 5 21. 67 4. 2 1. 81 2. 5 1. 08
M aturity 47. 0 53. 64 34. 6 39. 48 5. 8 6. 63 0. 2 0. 25
various p lan t parts during grain
filling reflected their respective
con tribution to the develop ing grain.
Stem s had m arkedly h igher
con tribution than all o ther p lan t
parts, indicating it w as the most
importan t source of fructan fo r grain filling. Chaff w as also an importan t source of fructan.
2. 3 Rela tion sh ip between tissue fructan con ten t and gra in prote in con ten t and gra in y ield
Chaff fructan con ten t and grain p ro tein con ten t w ere negatively co rrelated at the 137 and
151 day samp lings. F ructan con ten t in the stem and to tal p lan t tissue w as negatively co rrelated
w ith grain p ro tein con ten t at all 5 samp ling dates betw een 95 and 151 days after sow ing (T able
5). T he co rrelation coefficien ts ranged from a low of r= - 0. 360 (P < 0. 05) fo r stem fructan
con ten t at m aturity to a m ax im um value of r= - 0. 873 (P < 0. 01) at the dough stage. N o
correlations w ere observed betw een the fructan con ten t of chaff, stem and to tal p lan t tissue and
grain yield. How ever, B idinger et al. [ 4 ] , in a 14C experim en t, demonstrated that p re2an thesis
assim ilate of non2structural carbohydrates could con tribute up to 27% of the final grain yield
under drough t stress. T hese results indicated that emphasis on simp ly h igh fructan con ten t in
breeding p rogram s could result in a decrease in grain p ro tein con ten t. T issue n itrogen con ten t
Table 5  Correlations between tissue fructan content (% )
and gra in prote in content (% ) at f ive sampl ing dates
P lant parts
Days after sow ing
95 109 123 137 151
Chaff - - 0. 073  - 0. 320  - 0. 7633 3 - 0. 4943 3
Stem - 0. 5023 3 - 0. 5443 3 - 0. 8733 3 - 0. 6483 3 - 0. 3603
Total p lant - 0. 4653 3 - 0. 5223 3 - 0. 8533 3 - 0. 7023 3 - 0. 4343
  3 , 3 3 , Significant at the 5% and 1% p robability levels, respectively.
w as positively co rrelated to grain
p ro tein con ten t[ 12 ] , so if selec2
tion fo r h igh tissue n itrogen
con ten t could be com bined w ith
that fo r h igh fructan con ten t, it
m ay be possibe to increase bo th
grain yield and p ro tein con ten t.
5555 期     HOU Y. L. et al. : Grow ing Season D istribution of T issue F ructan in W heat       

3 Conclusion
Sign ifican t geno type differences fo r tissue fructan con ten t in the stem , leaf, peduncle, chaff
and to tal p lan t tissue th roughout grow ing season w ere established. T hese differences m ay result
from differing genetic capacities fo r fructan syn thesis, d istribution and translocation w ith in
p lan t, w h ich could have imp lications fo r w heat breeding p rogram s.
Stem s w ere the m ajo r sto rage tissue fo r fructan, but chaff also p layed an importan t ro le in
fructan reserve. T he to tal amoun t of fructan in the stem and chaff reached its m ax im um at 123
days after sow ing ( the m ilk stage of grain developm en t) , indicating coordination betw een the
tim e of m ax im um fructan syn thesis by the p lan t and dem and fo r it by the develop ing grain. T he
sharp decline from the peak of accum ulation at the m ilk stage w as during the starch deposition
phase of grain filling. T hus fructan would appear to be an importan t carbohydrate source fo r
grain filling.
F ructan con ten t w as negatively co rrelated w ith grain p ro tein con ten t. H igh p ro tein and low
yielding geno types like PST 90219 had low fructan con ten t, w hereas h igh yielding and low
p ro tein ach ieving geno types like SUN 109A had h igh fructan con ten t, If th is info rm ation w ere
com bined w ith the h igh positive co rrelation of grain p ro tein con ten t w ith tissue n itrogen, because
bo th can be early m easured easily by N IR Spectrom etry, then determ ination of fructan con ten t
has the po ten tial to enable breeders to imp rove grain p ro tein con ten t perhap s w ithout reducing
grain yield.
1 Judel G K, K M engel. C rop S ci, 1982, 22: 958~ 962
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侯有良1 L. O′B rien2 钟改荣1      
(1山西省农业科学院玉米研究所, 山西忻州, 034000; 2 悉尼大学植物育种研究所, N arrabri, N SW 2390, 澳大利亚)
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