Abstract:Thirty-five Chinese spring wheat genotypes were tested for their sensitivity to C58c1 Agrobacterium strain’s (harboring a binary vector pPTN290 with nptⅡ gene and GUS gene) infection and final transformation. Six cultivars including PM97034, P187, Ba1401051, Yangmai 158, Xinchun 9 and Kefeng 6 were proved to be more sensitive than Bobwhite to the Agro-infection according to X-Gluc staining, with GUS gene transient expression frequency of 15.0% to 30.0%. Regeneration plants obtained from selection medium were identified by ELISA, PCR, leaf bleach and X-Gluc, and stable transformation events were obtained from Xinchun 9, PM97034 and Bobwhite by 3.3%, 2.0% and 1.1%, respectively. Southern blot analysis showed the alien genes integrated in most transgenic plants just by single copy. The alien genes in most T1 transgenic lines segregated by Mendelian regulation, but the segregation ratio in a few T1 transgenic lines was a little bit away from the expecting value, according to X2c test. Xinchun 9 and PM97034 are suggested to be used in wheat Agrobacterium mediated transformation to replace Bobwhite for better result.
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叶兴国等:农杆菌敏感小麦基因型的筛选及其转化 图版Ⅰ YE Xing-Guo et al.: Screening of Wheat Genotypes Sensitive to Agrobacterium tumefaciens Infection and Transformation PlateⅠ
W Pa Pa W Pa Pa P G H K CK CK CK
Explanation of PlateⅠ Test of transgenic wheat pants by histochemic l staining, leaf bleach and ELISA for GUS g ne and nptⅡ gene respectively. A: GUS gene transient expression in the immat GUS gene stable expression in the leaves of t expression in the anthers of transgenic plants; F with nptⅡ gene (W: water; Pa: 300 mg/L paro control and negative control pointed by arrow, re
aure embryos after cocultivation; B: GUS gene ransgenic plants; D: GUS gene stable express : GUS gene stable expression in the mature see momycin solution; CK: negative control); H: spectively.). etransient expression in the callus of 7 d after cocultivation; C: ion in the spikelets of transgenic plants; E: GUS gene stable ds of transgenic plants; G: leaf bleach test of transgenic plants ELISA test of the transgenic plants with nptⅡ gene (positive 1CF