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Effects of Waterlogging on Accumulation and Redistribution of Water Soluble Carbohydrate Metabolism in Culm of Wheat


全 文 :第28卷 第2期 作 物 学 报 V ol. 28, N o. 2
2002 年3月  230~ 234页 A CTA A GRONOM ICA S IN ICA pp. 230~ 234 M ar. , 2002
姜 东1, 2 陶勤南2 曹卫星1
(1南京农业大学农业部作物生长调控重点开放实验室, 江苏南京210095; 2浙江大学资源科学系, 浙江杭州310029)
摘 要 盆栽小麦挑旗期至花后20天长期渍水处理植株节间可溶性总糖含量除在花后10~ 15天低于对照外, 其余时 期
尤其是成熟期均高于对照。渍水使W SC 主要组分果聚糖的合成关键酶 SST (Sucrose: sucrose fructo syltransferase)、FFT
(F ructan: fructan fructo syltransferase)活性减弱, 果聚糖积累速率下降, 积累持续时间缩短; 开花后果聚糖外水解酶 FEH
(F ructan exo- hydro lase)活性降低。对果聚糖代谢与小麦抗渍性及产量之间的关系进行了讨论。
关键词 小麦; 渍水; 水溶性碳水化合物; 积累与再分配
中图分类号: S512 01   文献标识码: A
Effects of Wa terlogg ing on Accumula tion and Redistr ibution of Wa ter Soluble
Carbohydra te M etabol ism in Culm of W hea t
J IAN G Dong1, 2 TAO Q in2N an2 CAO W ei2X ing1
(1 K ey L ab of C rop G row th R egulation, M inistry of A g riculture, N anj ing A g ricultural U niversity N anj ing 210095; 2 D epartm ent of R esource
S cience, Z hej iang U niversity H angzhou 3100291 China)
Abstract W inter w heat (T riticum aestivum L. ) cv. Yangm ai 158 w as p lan ted in po tsw ith diam eter of 20 cm
and heigh t of 25 cm. D uring jo in ting stage to 20 D PA (days after an thesis) , the w heat w asw aterlogged. A nd
sugars con ten ts, as w ell as enzym e activities invo lving in fructan m etabo lism in the culm w ere mon ito red to
investigate the effects of w aterlogging on accum ulation and redistribution of w ater2so luble carbohydrate. To tal
so luble sugar con ten ts in the culm w ere increased by w aterlogging   excep t during 10~ 15 D PA. A ctivities of
SST ( Sucrose: sucrose fructosyl2transferase) and FFT ( F ructan: fructan fructosyltransferase) , the key
enzym es invo lving in fructan syn thesis, w ere decreased by w aterlogging. F ructan accum ulating rate and
duration w ere dep ressed consequen tly. FEH ( F ructan exo2hydro lase ) activity w as also decreased by
w aterlogging. T he relationsh ip s betw een m etabo lism of fructan and w aterloging resistance, as w ell as yield of
w heat w ere further discussed.
Key words W heat; W aterlogging; W ater so luble carbohydrate; A ccum ulation and redistribution

1322期         姜 东等: 渍水对小麦节间水溶性碳水化合物积累与再分配的影响         

232                     作  物   学  报                    28卷

3322期         姜 东等: 渍水对小麦节间水溶性碳水化合物积累与再分配的影响         

432                     作  物   学  报                    28卷