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Effects of Water Stress of Soil on Rice Yield and Quality


以农大3号为试材,盆栽,控水,研究了不同生育阶段土壤水分(水势)胁迫(≤-75 kPa)对水稻产量和品质的影响。结果表明,孕穗中期土壤水分胁迫导致功能叶变短,穗粒数减少,生物产量与经济产量降低,糙米率、米粒长宽比、食味下降。分蘖期干旱胁迫使单穴有效穗数降低,生物产量与经济产量下降。出穗后干旱胁迫导致叶片萎蔫变黄,叶面积指数下降。乳熟期和灌浆期干旱胁迫,饱满粒率、饱满千粒重降低,整精米率下降。灌浆期干旱还导致垩白率、垩白度明显增高。蜡熟期干旱使叶绿素含量减少,胶稠度、蛋白质含量降低。

With Nongda 3 as a material, the effects of soil water stress (soil water potential) on the development, grain yield and quality of rice plants grown in the pots by manual rigorously controlling soil potential with tension-meter were studied. The results indicated that the yield and quality were affected in different degree when the soil water potential (SWP) was reduced to -75 kPa during the different growing period. The lengths of three leaves from the top, grains per panicle, biomass and grain yield of the plant, rate of brown rice, length/width of the kernel, and taste for eating were decreased by the water stress at middle booting stage. The panicle number, biomass and grain yield of the plant were reduced by soil water stress at the beginning of tillering period. The leaf turned to shrink and yellow,and leaf area index declined because of soil water stress after heading. Meanwhile, the percentage of ripened grain, 1 000-grain weight and head rice rate were decreased by soil water stress at the milk and filling stages, the percentage of chalky kernel and chalkiness were increased at the filling stage, and the chlorophyll content, gel consistency and protein content were declined at the wax period.

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