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Notes on the Genus Anemone (Ranunculaceae) of Southwest China


全 文 :华西南银莲花属研究随记
(中国科学院植物研究所 系统与进化植物学国家重点实验室ꎬ 北京  100093)
摘要: 在本文中将短柱银莲花 (于 2004 年被归并于毛果银莲花)、 凉山银莲花和鲁甸银莲花 (二种于
2001年被降级作为匙叶银莲花的二变种) 的种级地位予以恢复ꎻ 描述了自我国西南部发现的银莲花属 2
新变种 (直柱凉山银莲花和宽叶湿地银莲花)ꎬ 并给出其等的特征纪要ꎮ
关键词: 毛茛科ꎻ 银莲花属ꎻ 种级的恢复ꎻ 新分类群ꎻ 华西南
中图分类号: Q 949            文献标志码: A                文章编号: 2095-0845(2015)02-129-05
Notes on the Genus Anemone (Ranunculaceae) of Southwest China
WANG Wen ̄tsai
(State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botanyꎬ Institute of Botanyꎬ
Chinese Academy of Sciencesꎬ Beijing 100093ꎬ China)
Abstract: The specific statuses of Anemone brevistylaꎬ which was reduced into the synonymy of A􀆰 baicalensis in
2004ꎬ A􀆰 liangshanica and A􀆰 lutienensisꎬ which were both relegated to varietal rank under A􀆰 trullifolia in 2001ꎬ
are restored. Besidesꎬ two varietiesꎬ A􀆰 liangshanica var. rectistyla and A􀆰 rupestris var. latifoliaꎬ are described as
new from Southwest Chinaꎬ and their diagnoses are given.
Key words: Ranunculaceaeꎻ Anemoneꎻ Restoration of specific statusꎻ New varietiesꎻ Southwest China
Anemone L.
Sect. 1. Stolonifera (Ulbr.) Juz.
1. Anemone brevistyla Chang ex W􀆰 T. Wang
in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 12 (2): 162ꎬ pl. 2: 4-6.
1974ꎻ et in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 28: 16ꎬ pl. 3: 4-6.
1980ꎻ W􀆰 T. Wangꎬ Ziman & Dutton in Z􀆰 Y. Wu &
P􀆰 H. Ravenꎬ Fl. China 6: 318. 2001. Type: Si ̄
chuan: Tianquanꎬ 1936ꎬ K􀆰 L. Chü 2419 (holotype
and isotypeꎬ PE). Fig􀆰 1: A-C
A􀆰 baicalensis auct. non Turcz.: Ziman et al. in
J. Jap. Bot. 79 (5): 294. 2004ꎬ p. p. quoad syn.
A􀆰 brevistyla Chang ex W􀆰 T. Wang.
Distribution: Endemic to western Sichuan (Tian ̄
quanꎬ Luding and Dujiangyan)
Additional specimens examined: Sichuan: Lu ̄
ding Xianꎬ Moxiꎬ Yangliupeꎬ alt. 2 280 mꎬ fls.
whiteꎬ 1983-05-30ꎬ Veget. Group. Inst. Biol. Chengdu
30824 (PE)ꎻ Dujiangyan Shiꎬ Anonymous 960073
Sect. Stolonifera is characterized by sessile in ̄
volucral bractsꎬ filiform filamentsꎬ pantocolpate pol ̄
len grains and carpels with sessile or subsessile capi ̄
tate stigmas (Xi and Changꎬ 1964ꎻ Wangꎬ 1980ꎻ
Tamuraꎬ 1995). Howeverꎬ in a member of this sec ̄
tionꎬ Anemone bervistylaꎬ the carpels in structure are
similar to those of many species belonging to Sect.
Anemonantheaꎬ having subulate styles and lacking
stigmas. In the nineteen seventies after describing
this new speciesꎬ on the basis of its primitive carpel
morphology I had surmised that A􀆰 brevistyla might
植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报  2015ꎬ 37 (2): 129~133
Plant Diversity and Resources                                    DOI: 10.7677 / ynzwyj201514033
Received date: 2014-02-28ꎬ Accepted date: 2014-04-23
作者简介: 王文采 (1926-) 男ꎬ 研究员ꎬ 中国科学院院士ꎬ 从事有花植物分类学研究ꎮ E ̄mail: xiaobao@ibcas􀆰 ac􀆰 cn
Fig􀆰 1  A-C. Anemone brevistyla  A. habitꎻ B. stamenꎻ C. carpel ( from isotype)ꎻ
D-E. A􀆰 rupestris var. latifolia  D. habitꎻ E. stamenꎻ F. carpel ( from holotype)
031                                  植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报                            第 37卷
be the primitive species of Sect. Stoloniferaꎬ and
placed this species at the beginning position of
that section in Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae.
(Wangꎬ 1980) Afterwards in 2004ꎬ to my surpriseꎬ
Anemone brevistyla was reduced to the synonymy of
A􀆰 baicalensis (Ziman et al.ꎬ 2004). In factꎬ A􀆰 bai ̄
calensis obviously differs from A􀆰 brevistyla in its
spreading ̄pubescent petioles and scapesꎬ and in its
carpels with subsessile capitate or globose stigmas.
In A􀆰 brevistylaꎬ the petioles and scapes are sparsely
appressed ̄pubescentꎬ and the carpelsꎬ as mentioned
aboveꎬ have subulate styles and lack stigmas. Basing
the distinct morphological differences just mentionedꎬ
I would restore the specific status of Anemone brevi ̄
styla here.
Sect. 2. Himalayicae (Ulbr.) Juz.
2. Anemone liangshanica W􀆰 T. Wang in Acta
Phytotax. Sin. 12 (2): 170ꎬ pl. 9: 11. 1974ꎻ et in
Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 28: 44ꎬ pl. 10: 8-10. 1980.
———A􀆰 trullifolia Hook. f. & Thoms. var. liangshanica
(W􀆰 T. Wang) Ziman & Dutton in Z􀆰 Y. Wu &
P􀆰 H. Ravenꎬ Fl. China 6: 324. 2001ꎻ Ziman et al.
in Edinb. J. Bot. 64 (1): 78ꎬ fig. 8. 2007ꎬ syn.
nov. Type: Sichuan Province: Leibo Xianꎬ Liangs ̄
hanꎬ Huangmogengꎬ alt. 2 800 mꎬ 1959 - 06 - 19ꎬ
C􀆰 C. Hu et al. 761 ( holotype and isotypeꎬ PE)ꎬ
813 (paratypeꎬ PE).
2a. var. liangshanica Fig􀆰 2: A-C
Staminum filamenta lineari ̄lanceolata. Gynoeci ̄
um ex carpellis 25 constansꎬ stylis ovariis paulo bre ̄
vioribus apice recurvatis.
Distribution: Endemic to Leibo Xianꎬ Sichuan
2b. var. rectistyla W􀆰 T. Wangꎬ var. nov. Fig􀆰 2:
D-F. Type: Yunnan Province: Dali Shiꎬ Xizhouꎬ
Huadianbaꎬ alt. 2 900 mꎬ alpine meadowꎬ fls. whiteꎬ
with purple spotsꎬ 2009 - 07 - 17ꎬ X􀆰 H. Jinꎬ Bing
Liuꎬ Bo Liuꎬ X. Quanꎬ J􀆰 X. Su & Y. Zhong 1594
(holotypeꎬ PE).
Staminum filamenta linearia. Gynoecium ex
carpellis 5 constansꎬ stylis ovariis 2 ̄plo brevioribus
This variety differs from var. liangshanica in its
linear filaments and in its styles being 2 times shor ̄
ter than ovaries and straight. In var. liangshanicaꎬ
the filaments are linear ̄lanceolateꎬ and the styles are
slightly shorter than ovaries and recurved at apex.
Anemone liangshanicaꎬ which was relegated to
varietal rank under A􀆰 trullifolia in 2001ꎬ obviously
differs from the latter in its spatulateꎬ 3 ̄parted basal
leavesꎬ and in its white sepals lacking anastomosing
veins. In A􀆰 trullifoliaꎬ the basal leaves are broadly
rhombic or rhombic ̄obovate in outlineꎬ 3 ̄lobedꎬ and
the sepals are yellow in colour and have anastomo ̄
sing veins ( Wangꎬ 1980ꎻ Ziman et al.ꎬ 2007).
With the distinct morphological differences just men ̄
tioned the specific status of Anemone liangshanica
should be restored.
3. Anemone lutienensis W􀆰 T. Wang in Acta
Phytotax. Sin. 12 (2): 172ꎬ pl. 5: 12-14ꎬ pl. 10:
13. 1974ꎻ in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 28: 44ꎬ pl. 12: 12-
14. 1980ꎻ in W􀆰 T. Wang et al. Vasc. Pl. Hengduan
Mount. 1: 514ꎬ 1993ꎻ et in C􀆰 Y. Wuꎬ Fl. Yunnan.
11: 198ꎬ pl. 57: 16 - 18. 2000. ———A􀆰 trullifolia
Hook. f. & Thoms. var. lutienensis (W􀆰 T. Wang) Zi ̄
man & Dutton in Z􀆰 Y. Wu & P􀆰 H. Ravenꎬ Fl. China
6: 324. 2001ꎻ Ziman et al. in Edinb. J. Bot. 64 (1):
79ꎬ fig. 9. 2007ꎬ syn. nov. Type: Yunnan Province:
Lijiang Shiꎬ Ludianꎬ 1939-05-28ꎬ R􀆰 C. Ching 20548
(holotypeꎬ PE)ꎬ 20550 (paratypeꎬ PE). Fig􀆰 2: G-I.
Distribution: Endemic to Ludianꎬ Lijiang Shiꎬ
Anemone lutienensisꎬ which was together with
A􀆰 liangshanica relegated to varietal rank under A􀆰 tru ̄
llifolia in 2001ꎬ also obviously differs from the latter
in its longꎬ not winged petioles amd its subglabrousꎬ
3 ̄parted leaf bladesꎬ and in its white or blue sepals
lacking anastomosing veins. In A􀆰 trullifoliaꎬ the bas ̄
al leaves have shortꎬ winged petioles and densely
villousꎬ 3 ̄lobed bladesꎬ and the sepals are yellow in
colour and have anastomosing veins (Wangꎬ 1980ꎻ
Ziman et al.ꎬ 2007). With the distinct morphologi ̄
cal differences just mentioned the specific status of
Anemone lutienensis should be reinstated.
1312期            WANG Wen ̄tsai: Notes on the Genus Anemone (Ranunculaceae) of Southwest China             
Fig􀆰 2  A-C. Anemone liangshanica var. liangshanica  A. habitꎻ B. stamenꎻ C. carpel (after Wangꎬ 1980) .
D-F. A􀆰 liangshanica var. rectistyla  D. basal leafꎻ E. stamenꎻ F. carpel ( from holotype) .
G-I. A􀆰 lutienensis  G. habitꎻ H. stamenꎻ I. carpel ( from paratype)
231                                  植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报                            第 37卷
    4. Anemone rupestris Wall. ex Hook. f. &
Thoms. var. latifolia W􀆰 T. Wangꎬ var. nov. Fig􀆰 1:
D- E. Type: Sichuan Province: Dayi Xianꎬ He ̄
ishuihe Nature Reserveꎬ alt. 3 200 mꎬ in forestsꎬ fls.
whiteꎬ 2007 - 06 - 06ꎬ D􀆰 H. Zhuꎬ Z􀆰 B. Fengꎬ C.
Zhang & F. Wang 20070626 (holotypeꎬ PE).
A var. rupestri differt foliorum basalium laminis
pentagonisꎬ flore sepalis 7 praedito.
This variety diiffers from var. rupestris in its
pentagonal blades of basal leaves and in its flower
with 7 sepals. In var. rupestrisꎬ the blades of basal
leaves are triangular ̄ovate in outlineꎬ and the flower
usually has 5ꎬ rarely 7 sepals.
Acknowledgements: I am grateful to Prof. Z􀆰 Y. Su for revi ̄
sing the Latin diagnosesꎬ and to Mr. Sun Ying ̄Bao for making
the line drawings.
Tamura Mꎬ 1995. Anemone [A]. / / Hiepko P ed.ꎬ Die Natürlichen
Pflanzenfamilien [M]. Zwei Aufl. Berlin: Duncker & Humblotꎬ
17a (4): 324—349
Wang WT (王文采)ꎬ 1980. Anemone [ A]. / / Flora Reipublicae
Popularis Sinicae (中国植物志) [M]. Beijing: Science Pressꎬ
28: 1—56
Wang WTꎬ Ziman SMꎬ Dutton BEꎬ 2001. Anemone [ A]. / / Wu
ZYꎬ Raven PH eds.ꎬ Flora of China [M]. Beijing: Science
Pressꎻ St. Louis: Missouri Botanical Garden Pressꎬ 6: 307—
Xi YZ (席以珍)ꎬ Chang KT (张金谈)ꎬ 1964. Studies on pollen
morphology of Anemone L. [ J] . Acta Botanica Sinica (植物学
报)ꎬ 12 (1): 19—38
Ziman SNꎬ Keener CSꎬ Kadota Y et al.ꎬ 2004. A taxonomic revision
of Anemone L. subgenus Anemonanthea ( DC.) Juz. sensu lato
(Ranunculaceae) III [ J] . The Journal of Japanese Botanyꎬ 79
(5): 281—310
Ziman SNꎬ Ehrendorfer Fꎬ Keener CS et al.ꎬ 2007. Revision of Anem ̄
one sect. Himalayicae ( Ranunculaceae) with three new series
[J] . Edinburgh Journal of Botanyꎬ 64 (1): 51—99
Ziman SNꎬ Bulakh EVꎬ Kadota Y et al.ꎬ 2008. Modern view on the
taxonomy of the genus Anemone L. sensu stricto (Ranunculaceae)
[J] . The Journal of Japanese Botanyꎬ 83: 127—155
3312期            WANG Wen ̄tsai: Notes on the Genus Anemone (Ranunculaceae) of Southwest China