全 文 :一种特殊的长寿细胞 : 毛竹茎秆纤维细胞?
甘小洪1 , 丁雨龙2
(1 西华师范大学生命科学学院 , 珍稀动植物研究所 , 四川 南充 637002;
2 南京林业大学竹类研究所 , 江苏 南京 210037 )
摘要 : 利用显微和细胞化学方法 , 对毛竹 ( Phyllostachys edulis) 茎秆纤维次生壁形成过程中超微结构变化
以及 ATP酶、Ca2+ -ATPase和酸性磷酸酶的超微细胞化学定位进行了研究。研究发现 , 次生壁形成早期 ,
细胞核具有双层核膜 , 染色质凝聚 , 可见大量的线粒体、粗面内质网和高尔基体等细胞器存在于纤维细胞
中 ; 随后 , 双层核膜消失 , 细胞器将逐渐解体 , 多泡体开始出现在纤维细胞的细胞质 ; 随着年龄的增加 ,
纤维细胞壁逐渐增厚 , 并出现多层结构现象 , 而运输小泡、细胞膜、胞间连丝和凝聚的染色质将持续存
在。在次生壁形成的整个过程中 , ATP 酶、Ca2+ -ATPase和酸性磷酸酶在运输小泡、细胞膜、质膜内陷、
胞间连丝和凝聚的染色质中将持续存在。结果表明 , 毛竹茎秆纤维细胞是一种不同于木本双子叶植物的长
寿细胞 , 纤维原生质体中 ATP 酶和酸性磷酸酶的持续存在与次生壁的持续增厚密切相关。
关键词 : 纤维 ; 长寿细胞 ; 毛竹 ; 次生壁 ; 超微细胞化学定位 ; 超微结构
中图分类号 : Q 942 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 0253 - 2700 (2008) 02 - 151 - 08
A Special Long-Lived Cell: the Culm Fiber Cell
of Phyllostachys edulis (Gramineae) *
GAN Xiao-Hong1 , DING Yu-Long2
(1 Collegeof Life Science, Instituteof Rareand Precious Animals and Plants,
China West Normal University, Nanchong 637002 , China;
2 Bamboo Research Institute, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037 , China)
Abstract : With several microscopic andcytochemical methods, the ultrastructuremodification and ultracytochemical local-
ization about some enzymes like H
-ATPase, Ca
2 +
-ATPase and acid phosphatase (APase) of fiber in Phyllostachys edulis
culms during secondary wall formation were studied . Early, intact doublekaryotheca remained infiber nucleus, while nu-
clear chromatin agglutinated . A lot of organelles such as mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticula and Golgi bodies were
observed in fiber cell . Then, double karyotheca disappeared, and the organelles disintegrated . Multivesicular bodies ap-
peared in fiber cytoplasm . With thefurther development of fiber, fiber wall underwent continual thickening withaging, and
polylaminate structure gradually appeared . While the agglutinated nucleus, transfer vesicles, plasma membrane and plas-
modesmata still presented . During the secondary wall formation of fiber, H+ -ATPase, Ca2 + -ATPase and APase also sus-
tainablely remained in plasmamembrane, plasmamembrane invagination, plasmodesmata, transfer vesicles and agglutinat-
ed nucleus . The results demonstrated that (1) the fiber cell of P . edulis culm is a special long-lived cell, which differs
from that of woody dicotyledons, and ( 2) thesustainable persistenceof ATPaseandAPase infiber protoplast is closely cor-
related to thecontinual thickening of secondary wall with ageing .
Key words: Fiber; Long- lived cell; Phyllostachys edulis; Secondary wall ; Ultracytochemical localization; Ultrastructure
云 南 植 物 研 究 2008 , 30 (2) : 151~158
Acta Botanica Yunnanica
? ?Foundation items: TheStartup Fund for Scientific Research of China West Normal University ( No . 05B035) and theNational Natural Science Fund
of China (No . 30271064 )
Received date: 2007 - 07 - 23 , Accepted date: 2007 - 10 - 18
作者简介 : 甘小洪 (1974 - ) 男 , 汉族 , 副教授 , 主要从事发育植物学研究。
Generally, a mature plant fiber related to me-
chanical support was considered as a dead cell . How-
ever, Bailey ( 1953 ) reported that libriform fiber of
trees can remain living protoplast after lignifying and
thickening of secondary wall . Recently, lots of libri-
formfiber or fiber tracheid of many species were ob-
served to have living protoplast, and these fibers were
mainly in the woods of Tamarix, Chenopodiaceae and
other dicotyledon (Fahn, 1982) . A bamboo culmcom-
pletes its growth and reaches the uppermost height in a
few months, and then can keep alive for 16 years
( Zhou, 1998 ) . Different from other woody plants,
bamboo, in its absence of secondary growth, depends
mainly on its primary vascular system during the whole
lifeof a culm . Thereby, the fibers originated fromthe
procambiumcontribute to the mechanical support until
the death of bamboo . Previous observation suggested
that bamboo fibers can keep intercellular linkage
through the pits and plasmodesmata in a mature culm
(Murphy et al. , 1997 ) . Nothing has been reported
about the persistence of the intercellular linkage with
age .
Becauseof the high fiber content of 38% (Gross-
er and Liese, 1974 ) , Phyllostachys edulis is widely
used for making furniture, construction, pulp andother
industries . The morphology, chemical components and
tissue ratio of fibers in P . edulis culmwere studied by
Parameswarn and Liese ( 1976 ) and Xiong et al.
(1980b) . He et al. ( 2000 ) suggested that the suc-
cessive development of bamboo fibers could be divided
into threestages: fiber initials development, the forma-
tion of primarywall (cell elongation) and the formation
of secondary wall ( cell wall thickening and lignifica-
tion) . Xiong et al. (1980a) investigated the early dif-
ferentiation and development of bamboo fibers . There
were some reports about the structural diversification of
bamboo fibers with age ( Liese and Weiner, 1997;
Murphy and Alvin, 1997) , and the continual thicken-
ingof fiber secondary wall with aging was also report-
ed . Mostly recent observation showed that the pro-
grammed cell death (PCD) of bamboo fiber occurred at
the earlier stageof secondarywall formation (He et al. ,
2000) . There were few investigations about the struc-
tural development during the whole formation of fiber
secondary wall .
ATP was considered as an energycarrier of all liv-
ing system including plants, and involved in energy
transform related to metabolism, transportation and in-
formation transfer of living substance . Energy was re-
leased only after hydrolyzing of ATP, so hydrolyzingof
ATP became abasic function for all living cells (Liu et
al. , 2000) . Therefore, the persistence of H+ -ATPase
in cells can become a criterion to validate the living
character (Wang et al. , 2000) .
APase is a non-specific hydrolytic enzyme essen-
tial to phosphate esters, carbohydrate and phosphate
metabolism, which could be important for phosphorus
scavenging and remobilization inplants (Darleen et al. ,
1989; Cashikar et al. , 1997; Yan et al. , 2001) . Mas-
sive evidences have been accumulated to demonstrate
that APase plays crucial roles in metabolism of cell
wall , intercellular nutrient transportation and phosphate
transfer reaction ( Tian et al. , 1999; Wang et al. ,
1999; Ibrahim et al. , 2002; Ferte et al. , 2003) .
Can bamboo fibers keep living protoplasts after
maturation? Why can bamboo fiber wall continually
thickening after PCD ? To answer these questions, the
ultrastructural modification and ultracytochemical local-
ization of ATPase, APase and Ca
2 +
-ATPase of fiber in
P . edulis culms during secondary wall formation were
studied with several microscopic and cytochemical
methods . The results indicated that the culm fiber of
P . edulis is a special long-lived cell , which differs
from that of woody dicotyledons .
1 Materials and methods
1 .1 Plant Materials
Young shoots and culms of 1 to 8-year-old P . edulis were
harvested in May 2003 at the Bamboo Gardenof Nanjing Forestry
University . Young shootswith the heights of 60 cm, 80 cm, 120
cm and 700 cmwere collected, and all samples with the size of
from themiddle part of the culmwall were taken (Gan
and Ding, 2005 ; Fig . 1) .
1 . 2 Preparation for transmission electron microscopy
Samples were pre-fixed for 2 h in 0 .025 mol?l phosphate
buffer ( pH 7 .0) solution containing4% ( v?v) glutaraldehyde in
thecaseof young shoots and 1-year-oldculm, or 6 % (v?v) glut-
251 云 南 植 物 研 究 30 卷
araldehyde in the case of 2 to 8-year-old culms . After washing
with the same buffer, the samples were post-fixed in 1% OsO4
(also in thesamebuffer) . Followed by a further washing with the
buffer, the specimensweredehydrated in a graded ethanol series
and embedded in Epon812 resin . After cutting with a diamond
knife on aLKB-V ultramicrotome, ultrathin sectionswere stained
with saturated aqueous uranyl acetate for 5 min, followed by
stainingwith lead citratefor 5 min . Finally all sections were ex-
amined and photographed with an H-600 (Hitachi , Tokyo, Ja-
pan) transmission electronmicroscope (TEM) .
1 . 3 tPreparation for ultracytochemical localization of H+ -
ATPase ( ATPase)
Following pre-fixed in a mixture of 4 % paraformaldehyde
and 2 .5% glutaraldehyde, the samplesweretreated asthemeth-
od by Wang et al. (2000) . Thecontrolled specimenswere dealt
without substrate, or with substrate in thepresence of 10 mmol?L
sodiumfluoride (NaF ) . Made with LKB-V ultramicrotome, ul-
trathin sections of controlledmaterial werestained with uranyl ac-
etate, but normal samples no stained . All sectionswereobserved
and photographed usingan H-600 TEM .
1 . 4 lPreparation for ultracytochemical localization of APase
The samples from young shoots and 1 to 6-year-old culm,
were immediately fixed in amixtureof 4% paraformaldehydeand
2 .5% glutaraldehyde in 0 .05 mmol?L sodium cacodylate buffer
(pH 7 .2 ) for 2 h at 4℃ . After fixation, the samples were
washed in the same buffer at 4℃ for 1 .5 h, and were dissected
with a razor blade into slices of about 0 .5 mminthickness in the
buffer, and then rinsed with 0 .05 mmol?L Tris-maleate buffer
(pH 5.0) for 1 .5 h prior to enzyme reaction .
Theenzyme reaction procedure was performed following the
method by Wang et al. (1999) . The specimens were incubated
in a complete reaction medium (50 mmol?L Tris-maleate buffer,
pH 5 .0 , 3 .6 mmol?L Pb(NO3 )2 and 10 mmol?L sodiumβ-glyc-
erophosphate) at 37℃ for 2 h . The control specimens were re-
spectively incubated in the same medium but without substrate,
or with substrate in the presence of 10 mmol?L sodium fluoride
(NaF) . After incubation, all specimens were rinsed with 0 .05
mmol?L Tris-maleatebuffer ( pH 5 .2) for 1 .5 hat 4℃ , andthen
rinsed with 0 .05 mmol?L sodium cacodylate (pH 7 .2 ) buffer for
1 .5 h at the same temperature . Following this, these samples
werefixed at 4℃ with 1 % osmium tetroxide in the same buffer
overnight . Then all specimens were dehydrated stepwise in an
acetone series at 4℃ from30% to 100% . Specimenswere em-
bedded in Epon 812 . Ultrathin sectionsof control specimenswere
stained with uranyl acetate, while others were not .
1 . 5 ?Preparation for ultracytochemical localization of Ca2+ -
The samples were cut and fixed as above mentioned, and
theenzymereaction procedurewas performed following themeth-
od by Jian et al. (2000) .
Fig . 1 Ultrastructural modification of fiber during secondary wall formation
a, the fiber at the early stageof secondary wall formation; b-c, ultrastructureof fiber when PCD occurred; b, showing the agglutinated chromatin, disinte-
grated organelle, and the lomasomebetweenwall and plasmamembrane(arrow) ; c, showing transfer vesicles and disintegration of mitochondrion; d-e, the
fibers in one-year-old culm; d, showing themultivesicular bodies ( arrow) and agglutinated chromatin; e, showing theplasmodesmata ( big arrow) and vesi-
cles(small arrow) ; f , showing the agglutinated chromatin in 6-year-old fibers .
G, Golgi bodies; M , mitochondrion; N, nucleus; R , rough endoplasmic reticulum; SW, secondary wall ; TV , transfer vesicle . Scar bars = 1μm .
3512 期 GAN and DING: A Special Long-Lived Cell : the CulmFiber Cell of Phyllostachys edulis (Gramineae)
2 Results
2 .1 ?Ultrastructural diversification of fiber during
secondary wall formation
As fiber completed elongation, fiber wall began
thickening billowingly indicated the beginningof second-
ary wall formation . At that time, intact double karyotheca
remains in fiber nucleus, wherein the nuclear chromatin
agglutinated revealingtheoccurrenceof PCD . However, a
lot of organelles such as mitochondria, rough endoplasmic
reticula and Golgi bodies remained (Fig . 1: a) .
With the thickening of secondary wall , fiber or-
ganelles gradually disintegrated ( Fig . 1 : b, c ) ,
whereas lomasome remained between fiber wall and
plasmamembrane ( Fig . 1 : b) . Afterwards, multive-
sicular bodies appeared in fiber cytoplasm, and double
karyothecaof fiber nucleus disappeared ( Fig . 1: d) .
Nevertheless, fiber nucleus with the agglutinated chro-
matin persisted in 6-year-old culms (Fig . 1 : f) . Along
with the formation of secondary wall , fiber wall under-
went continual thickening with aging: the thickening
level obviously increased in the first 4 years, and then
gradually decreased (Gan and Ding, 2005) . Polylami-
nate structures arranged in regular alteration of broad
and narrow lamellae appeared with thickening, and the
bordered pits were observed between fibers during the
thickening ( Fig . 1 : e) . Plasmodesmata and vesicles
still presented in thepits (Gan and Ding, 2005) .
2 . 2 FLocalization of H + -ATPase (ATPase) during
the formation of fiber secondary wall
At theearly stage, ATPase activity localizedon the
plasma membrane, tonoplast, nucleus, pits and plas-
modesmata andmitochondrion (Fig . 2: a, b) .With the
Fig . 2 Ultracytochemical localization of ATPase in the fibers during secondary wall formation
a-b, the fibers at the early stageof secondary wall formation; a, showing ATPase activity observed on theplasma membrane, tonoplast, theplasmodesmata
and chromatin; b, showingATPase localized inmitochondrion and nucleus; c, showingATPase localized on the annulate lamella (asterisk) and agglutinat-
ed chromatin in the fibers when PCD occurred; d-e, the distribution of ATPase in 1-year-old fibers; d, showing ATPase distributed in plasma membrane,
plasmalemma invagination and multivesicular bodies; e, showing ATPasedistributed in the plasmodesmata; f , showing the distribution of ATPase on the
plasma membrane and plasmalemma invagination in 4-year-old fibers; g-h, thedistribution of ATPase in 6-year-old fibers; g, showingATPasepersisted in
the plasmamembrane and agglutinated chromatin; h, showing the persistenceof ATPase in theplasmodesmata ( arrow) and transfer vesicles in pit channel ;
I , showing little ATPasedetected on the fibers in the controlled specimen . Ch, chromatin; M, mitochondrion; MB, multivesicular bodies; N , nucleus;
Nu, nucleolus; P, plasma membrane; PI , plasma membrane invagination; SW, secondary wall ; V , vacuole . Scar bars= 1μm .
451 云 南 植 物 研 究 30 卷
occurrence of fiber PCD, ATPase was observed on the
annulate lamella and the agglutinated chromatin in nu-
cleus ( Fig . 2 : c) . With the thickening of secondary
wall , the distribution of ATPase in fibers showed spa-
tial-temporal changes with aging . First, the multi-ve-
sicular bodies and transfer vesicles in pit channel and
plasmamembrane invagination with ATPase activity ap-
peared in the fibers of 1-year-old culms ( Fig . 2 : d,
e) . In the fibers of 4-year-old culms, ATPase was ex-
amined on theplasmamembrane and plasmamembrane
invagination ( Fig . 2 : f ) . Then the multi-vesicular
bodies would disappear gradually, while ATPase was
persistent on the plasma membrane, plasma membrane
invagination, and transfer vesicles in pit channels and
plasmodesmata in the fibers of 6-year-old culms, and
ATPase distributed on the agglutinated chromatin in-
creased with aging (Fig . 2 : g, h) .
Little ATPase activity was detected in the fiber of
the controlled specimens ( Fig . 2: i ) , which demon-
strated that the results above were credible .
2 . 3 ?Localization of APase in fiber during the for-
mation of secondary wall
Early, APasewas distributed on the nuclear chro-
matin and tonoplast and the cleavage cytoplasmof fiber
(Fig . 3 : a) , indicating the in situ self-lyses of cyto-
plasm . With the further development of fiber, the dis-
tribution of APaseshowed dynamic changes with aging .
In the bamboo fibers of 1-year-old, the plasma mem-
brane and agglutinated chromatin with APase activity
were observed . The enzyme was present in the transfer
vesicles, plasma membrane invagination, and plas-
modesmata between fibers and their adjacent cells
(Fig . 3 : b) . Then APase remained on the plasma
membrane, agglutinated chromatin, andplasmodesmata
between fibers and their adjacent cells up to six years .
The transfer vesicles and plasmamembraneinvagination
with the enzymatic activity would largely persist in the
fibers of former 4 years, and then decreased (Fig . 3 :
c - e) .
Little APase was detected in the fiber of the con-
trolled specimens (Fig . 3 : f) , which indicated that the
results abovewere credible .
2 . 4 MLocalization of Ca2 + -ATPase in fiber during
the formation of secondary wall
Fig . 3 Ultracytochemical localization of APase during fiber secondary wall formation
a, showing the agglutinated chromatin in nucleus and tonoplast and the disintegrated cytoplasm (star) with APase activity; b, the fibers of 1-year-old,
showing the distribution of APaseon the plasmodesmata(arrow) and transfer vesicles, and in thenucleus; c-d, the localization of APase in the 4-year-old
fibers; c, showing theplasmodesmata ( arrow) with APase activity between fiber and parenchyma cell; d, showing theplasmamembrane, plasmalemma in-
vagination and transfer vesiclewith APase activity; e, showing the APaseobserved on the chromatin and plasmamembrane and plasmodesmata (arrow) in
the fiber of 6-year-old; f , showing little APase detected on the fibers in the controlled specimens .
Ch, chromatin; L , cell lumen ( empty space produced during cell death) ; M , mitochondrion; N , nucleus; P, plasma membrane; PC , parenchyma cell ;
PI , plasmalemma invagination; SW, secondary wall ; TV , transfer vesicles; V , vacuole . Scar bars= 1μm .
5512 期 GAN and DING: A Special Long-Lived Cell : the CulmFiber Cell of Phyllostachys edulis (Gramineae)
Fig . 4 Ultracytochemical localization of Ca2 + -ATPase during secondary wall formation of fibers
a-b, the fibers at the early stage of secondary wall ; a, showing Ca2 + -ATPase distributed in nucleus; b, showing the localization of Ca2+ -ATPase in or-
ganelles, cytoplasm and plasma membrane; c-d, the fibers when PCD occurred; c, showing Ca2+ -ATPase examined on thedisintegrated tonoplast and cy-
toplasm (star) ; d, showing thedistribution of Ca2 + -ATPase in plasmamembrane and transfer vesiclesand plasmalemma invagination; e-f , the fibers of 2-
year-old; e, showing Ca2 + -ATPase investigated on the transfer vesicles and plasma membrane; f , showing the plasmodesmata( arrow) with Ca2+ -ATPase
activity; g-h, the fibers of 4-year-old; g, showing Ca2+ -ATPase localized on the plasmodesmata(arrow) ; h, showing the persistence of Ca2 + -ATPase in
cell lumen (star) and agglutinated chromatin; i , showing little Ca2 + -ATPase detected on the fibers in the controlled specimens .
Ch, chromatin; L , lumen; Nu, nucleolus; P , plasma membrane; PI , plasma membrane invagination; SW, secondary wall ; TV , transfer vesicles; V ,
vacuole . Scar bars = 1μm .
Early, Ca2 + -ATPase was present on the plasma
membrane, cytoplasm, nucleusof fiber and someendo-
membrane system like mitochondria and endoplasmic
reticula but theATPase less aggregatedon the tonoplast
(Fig . 4 : a, b) . With the occurrence of PCD, Ca2 + -
ATPasein thecleavage tonoplast and cytoplasmand ag-
glutinated chromatin increased gradually, and the
transfer vesicles with activity of Ca2 + -ATPase appeared
in fibers ( Fig . 4 : c, d) .
In 2-year-old culms, abundant transfer vesicles
with Ca2 + -ATPase activity remained in fibers, and
Ca2 + -ATPase was detected on the agglutinated chroma-
tin and plasmodesmata and disintegrated cytoplasm
( Fig . 4 : e, f) . Whereas Ca2 + -ATPase persisted in
plasma membrane, plasmodesmata, transfer vesicles
and agglutinated chromatin and cleavage protoplast
(Fig . 4 : g, h) .
Little APase was detected in the fiber of the con-
trolled specimens ( Fig . 4 : i ) , which confirmed the re-
ality of the above results .
3 Discussion
In this study, fiber nucleus with the agglutinated
chromatin in the culmof Phyllostachys edulis persisted
for up to eight years . The pits and plasmodesmata per-
sisted in the fiber of 8-year-old culms of P . edulis,
and a large number of vesicles also remained in pits .
In general , vesicles in cytoplasmoriginated from endo-
plasmic reticula and dictyosomes, in which includes
many cytoplasm and organelles that can disintegrate
651 云 南 植 物 研 究 30 卷
them, but the vesicles in pits played a role in trans-
porting thematerial fromthe disintegrated protoplast to
its surrounding cells as transfer vesicle . Therefore, the
persistence of plasmodesmata and vesicles could guar-
antee intercellular linkage between the fibers and their
adjacent cells . Generally, a mature fiber is considered
as a dead cell without protoplast, whereby bamboo fi-
bers can remain their protoplast for many years (Liese,
1998) . In addition, it was reported that the xylem fi-
bersof Tamarix aphylla kept alive for 20 years (Fahn,
1982) . Due to secondary growth of woody dicotyle-
dons, new secondary xylemwill form and become sap-
wood insteadof old secondary xylem . Fibers with living
protoplast are usually in sapwood, and have functions
in sustaining and storing ( Gu et al. , 1993 ) . While
those in heartwood, losing their protoplast, become
dead cells to have only function in sustaining ( Liese,
1998) . Differently, bamboo in its absenceof secondary
growth depends mainly on its primary vascular system
during the whole life of a culm . Once differentiating
from procambium, bamboo fibers as an important com-
ponent of primary vascular system will remain many
years . Thepersistence of nuclei and intercellular link-
age contributes to continual thickening of fiber second-
ary wall . The results showed that the fibers in this re-
search kept their living protoplast for a long time after
lignification and wall thickening .
According to our investigation, H+ -ATPase was
persistent on endomembrane system like plasma mem-
brane, plasmodesmata andvesicles for six years, which
helped to the nutrient absorbance of fiber from its sur-
rounding cells during secondary wall formation . Fur-
thermore, the persistence of H+ -ATPase in agglutinat-
ed chromatin showed that nucleus chromatin of fibers
remained alive for many years after PCD and thickening
of secondary wall . This indicated that the fibers can be
alive during the formation of secondary wall .
During secondary wall formation of the bamboo fi-
bers, Ca2 + -ATPase persisted in plasma membrane,
plasmodesmata, transfer vesicles and agglutinated chro-
matin and cleavageprotoplast . As aCa2 + pump, Ca2 + -
ATPase localized in plasma membrane played a role in
2 +
from cytoplasm, which assured continu-
ous thickening of secondary wall and the maintenance
of living function ( Jian et al. , 2000; Morten et al. ,
2004) . TheCa2 + -ATPase activity on plasmodesmata in
fibers contributed to the sustainingpermeability of sub-
stance, which correlated to the symplast transportation .
Additionally, Ca
2 +
-ATPase persisted in fibers, as a
functional protein, was related to the supply of energy
as well as ATPase during secondary wall formation .
Hereby, the persistence of Ca
2 +
-ATPase in plasma
membrane and plasmodesmata served to maintain the
physiological function of culmfiber .
APase localized on the plasma membrane, plas-
modesmata, plasmamembrane invagination and transfer
vesicles were detected for many years in the develop-
ment of fibers . The results implied that fiber canmain-
tain active transportation of cell wall materials and nu-
trient for fiber via vesicles and plasmodesmata . Addit-
ionally, the APase in the nucleus is considered as a
non-lysosome enzyme that may be associated with the
dephosphorylation processof thenuclear protein, influ-
encing the type and the quantity of the gene transcrip-
tion (Tian et al. , 1999) . The persistenceof APaseon
thenuclear chromatin indicated that fiber kept physio-
logical metabolism for a long time after PCD, which
can contribute to serve the demand of many proteins
and enzymes about secondary wall formation and PCD .
Thereby, the APase persisted in the substructureof fi-
ber werecorrelated to keeping fiber cell alive after PCD
occurred .
In conclusion, plasmodesmata, vesicles, and the
nuclei with agglutinated chromatin remained in bamboo
fibers for many years during secondary wall formation,
and some enzymes including H
-ATPase, Ca
2 +
Pase, and APase were persistent in the substructure of
fibers . It obviously showed that the culmfiber of P . e-
dulis, different from that of many other woody plants,
is a special long-lived cell . The common roles of these
enzymes were closely correlated to the long-lived char-
acteristic and continual thickening of secondary wall
formation of fibers in P . edulis culms .
Acknowledgements : Theauthorsthank technician XihuaGan for
assistance in sample preparation and Dr . Jun Yang for helpful
suggestions and critical readingof this manuscript .
7512 期 GAN and DING: A Special Long-Lived Cell : the CulmFiber Cell of Phyllostachys edulis (Gramineae)
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851 云 南 植 物 研 究 30 卷