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A Newly Recorded Genus of Ericaceae and Clematis peii sp.nov. (Ranunculaceae) from China*


全 文 :中国杜鹃花科一新记录属及铁线莲属一新种*
谢摇 磊1, 彭摇 鹏2**, 阳文静3, 李良千3**
(1 北京林业大学生物科学与技术学院, 北京摇 100083; 2 东北师范大学生命科学院, 吉林 长春摇 130024;
3 中国科学院植物研究所系统与进化植物学国家重点实验室, 北京摇 100093)
摘要: 报道杜鹃花科仙女越橘属 (Andromeda) 在中国东北吉林省的新分布记录, 该属为单型属, 广布于
北美北部、 欧洲北部和东亚北部, 但以前中国境内未有记录。 本文提供了本属的形态描述和植物野外生境
照片。 另外, 还描述了产自云南西双版纳的铁线莲属一新种易武铁线莲 Clematis peii, 并绘图。 该新种隶
属于威灵仙组 (sect. Clematis) 并与 C. chingii近缘, 不同点在于, 该新种为三出复叶, 小叶片近全缘, 花
药较长 (约 3 mm), 且药隔显著凸出, 并讨论了该新种与 sect. Clematis中其它具有三出复叶的种类在形态
关键词: 中国; 仙女越橘属; 杜鹃花科; 新记录属; 铁线莲属; 毛茛科; 新种
中图分类号: Q 949摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 文献标识码: A摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 文章编号: 2095-0845(2012)02-157-07
A Newly Recorded Genus of Ericaceae and Clematis peii
sp. nov. (Ranunculaceae) from China*
XIE Lei1, PENG Peng2**, YANG Wen鄄Jing3, LI Liang鄄Qian3**
(1 College of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China; 2 School of
Life Sciences, Northeast Normal University, Jilin 130024, China; 3 State Key Laboratory of Systematic and
Evolutionary Botany, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, China)
Abstract: Andromeda is recorded for the first time in north鄄eastern China near the border between China and DPR
Korea. This monotypic genus is widely distributed in Northern America, Europe, and Northern Asia but has not
been reported in China before. The genus and species, A. polifolia, is described, and the pictures of the plant and
its habitats are presented. Also in this paper, a new species, Clematis peii from Xishuangbanna, southern Yunnan,
China, is described and illustrated. The new species belongs to sect. Clematis and is closely related to C. chingii,
but differs in its ternate leaves with nearly entire leaf margin and long anthers (nearly 3 mm long) with protruding
connectives. Other close allies with ternate leaves were also compared in this study.
Key words: China; Andromeda; Ericaceae; New record; Clematis; Ranunculaceae; New species
摇 The Ericaceae (the heath family or the heather
family) are a cosmopolitan family ( Lens et al.,
2007) with ca. 125 genera and 4000 species, many
of which, e. g., Rhododendron L., Cassiope D. Don,
Enkianthus Lour. and Lyonia Nutt., are ornamentals
(Fang et al., 2005). Some species of the family
provide blue berries (Vaccinium L. ), carving woods
(Rhododendron), and toxic or pharmaceutical chem鄄
植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报摇 2012, 34 (2): 157 ~ 163
Plant Diversity and Resources摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 DOI: 10. 3724 / SP. J. 1143. 2012. 11156
Foundation items: Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (YX2010鄄31), The State Key Laboratory Program from State
Key Laboratory of Systematic & Evolutionary Botany (LSEB2011鄄07), and the National Natural Science Foundation of
China (30870146, 31170201)
Authors for correspondence; E鄄mail: thismia_u@ hotmail. com; E鄄mail: lqli@ ibcas. ac. cn
Received date: 2011-11-09, Accepted date: 2012-02-03
作者简介: 谢摇 磊, 男, 博士, 主要从事植物分类学研究。
icals (Rhododendron, Pieris, D. Don, Craibioden鄄
dron W. W. Smith, Gaultheria L. ). Most of the
plants in Ericaceae are calcifuge ( lime鄄hating) that
occur in acidic soils.
The taxonomy of Ericaceae has been disputed
during its taxonomic history ( Drude, 1889; Cox,
1948; Watson, 1965; Stevens, 1971). Recently,
based on molecular and morphological evidence,
Kron et al. (2002) classified the family into eight
subfamilies and 20 tribes. The herbaceous plants
previously separated as Pyrolaceae and Monotropace鄄
ae were included in Ericaceae. Epacridaceae and
Empetraceae were also included into the family. In
this taxonomic framework, there are 22 genera and
more than 800 species of Ericaceae currently repor鄄
ted in China (Fang et al., 2005), most of which
are found in SW China.
When investigating the plant flora of Laolike
wetland, Antu Co. in eastern Jilin Province, NE
China, the authors found a delicate shrubby species
thickly clusted in the moss hummocks on alpine bog鄄
gy area. The plants of this species have pink nod鄄
ding urceolate flowers forming terminal umbelliform
corymbs. From morphology, this species obviously
belongs to Ericaceae and is superficially similar to
Chamaedaphne calyculata (L. ) Moench. After comp鄄
rehensive observation of the specimens, we identi鄄
fied this plant to the species known as bog鄄rosemary,
Andromeda polifolia L., which is newly recorded ge鄄
nus and species of Ericaceae from China. According
to specimens, field observation and literatures, this
newly recorded genus and species are described here.
Andromeda L. in Sp. Pl. 1: 393. 1753.
Type: Andromeda polifolia L.
Description: Evergreen shrubs ascending or
sometimes spreading, rarely branched; young twigs
glaucous. Leaves alternately arranged; dark green
above; blade linear to narrowly elliptic or oblong,
coriaceous, margins entire, revolute, abaxial surface
glabrous or densely hairy, hairs erect; venation
reticulodromous. Inflorescences terminal, umbelli鄄
form corymbs, 2-8鄄flowered, rarely solitary; bracts
glaucous. Sepals 5, connate; petals 5, connate for
nearly their entire lengths, pink, corolla globose鄄ur鄄
ceolate, lobes short; stamens 10, not extending out of
the corolla tube; filaments straight, flattened, hairy,
without spurs; anthers with 2 awns, dehiscent by api鄄
cal pores; pistil 5鄄carpellate; ovary 5鄄locular; stigma
subcapitate. Fruits capsular, 5鄄valved, with unthick鄄
ened sutures, obovoid to subglobose, dry. Seeds many,
ovoid or ellipsoid; testa multi鄄layered. x=12.
Species one.
Distribution: northern North America, north鄄
ern Europe, northern Asia.
The name “ Andromeda冶 is derived from Lin鄄
naeus by the habit of the plant, which is always
fixed on turfy hillock in the midst of the swamps, as
Andromeda (in Greek mythology) was chained to a
rock in the sea.
Andromeda polifolia L. in Sp. Pl. 1: 393.
1753. Fig. 1 仙女越橘
Type: Herb. Linn. No. 163 (LAPP) (Lecto鄄
type designated by Javis and McClintock, 1990).
Description: Evergreen shrubs 5-30 (-80) cm
tall, without multicellular hairs; rootstocks creeping,
sometimes horizontal. Leaf blades white鄄glaucous or,
sometimes, green abaxially, (1鄄) 2-5 cm 伊1-8 mm.
Pedicels recurved or sometimes erect, often reddish,
6-20 mm. Sepals valvate in bud, soon wide鄄sprea鄄
ding, whitish to reddish, 1-1. 8 mm, apex blunt to
acute, calyx saucer鄄shaped; petals short鄄spreading
or recurved, hairy adaxially, minutely papillate on
margins, corolla 5-8 伊 3. 5-7 mm, without stomata;
nectariferous tissue at ovary base; ovary depressed鄄
globose; placentae attached next to summit of colu鄄
mella; style 依 equaling corolla tube. Capsules 5鄄loc鄄
ular, 4-8 伊 4-5 mm, deeply depressed apically ob鄄
scuring style base, conspicuously glaucous when
young, glabrous or hairy at base. Seeds brown, ca.
1 mm; testa smooth, lustrous. 2n=48. Flowering in
May to July, fruiting in July to August.
851摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 第 34 卷
Fig. 1摇 Andromeda polifolia L. and its habitat. A, B. plants in flower; C. habitat鄄moss hummocks on alpine boggy area
摇 摇 Distribution: This species is distributed in a鄄
cidic wetlands, often in moss hummocks on swampy
alpine meadows and bogs in cold peat鄄accumulating
areas of northern North America, northern Europe,
and northern Asia.
Additional specimens examined:
US. Alaska: A. R. Batten & C. G. Batten CB5
UK. British Isle: North Somerset, Thomas Clark
917 (BIRM); Cardiganshire,M.H. Bigwood A57 (ABS);
China. Jilin: Antu County, Laolike wetland, ca.
1 400 m, 2011-06-29, P. Peng 2011016 (BJFC).
Note: According to Fabijan (2009), the twigs
and leaves are used in Russia for tanning leather.
The poison andromedotoxin, was first isolated from
Andromeda polifolia and later found to be common in
other genera of Ericaceae. This chemical causes low
blood pressure, breathing difficulty, vomiting, diar鄄
rhea, cramps, and potentially death. A single in鄄
gestion of “mad honey冶 causes poisonings in Europe
and Turkey each year (魻zhan et al., 2004).
From morphology, Andromeda is very similar to
Chamaedaphne Moench, but differs from the latter
genus by its linear to narrowly elliptic leaves, and
stamens without awns. Whereas, Chamaedaphne has
elliptic, lanceolate, oblanceolate, oblong, or obo鄄
vate leaves and anthers apically narrowed, forming
hollow awns (tubules).
According to the recent classification of Eri鄄
caceae, the genus Andromeda belongs to tribe An鄄
dromedeae Klotzsch in subfamily Vaccinioideae Arn.
(Kron et al., 2002). This tribe contains only two
genera, Andromeda and Zenobia D. Don. Although
there are few distinctive synapomorphies shared by
9512 期摇 摇 摇 XIE Lei et al. : A newly Recorded Genus of Ericaceae and Clematis peii sp. nov. (Ranunculaceae) …摇 摇 摇
these two genera, the monophyly of this small clade
was strongly supported by the molecular analyses.
One possible synapomorphy of the tribe may be lack
of multicellular hairs on the leaves according to Kron
et al. (2002).
Within the species, there are two varieties in
Andromeda polifolia, var. polifolia and var. latifolia
Aiton. According to Fabijan (2009), two varieties
are keyed by the following characters:
Key to two varieties of A. polifolia
1. Leaf blades (1鄄) 2-4 cm, abaxial surface white鄄glaucous
(sometimes green), glabrous; corollas 5 (鄄7) mm; cor鄄
ymbs 2-3( -4)鄄flowered, sometimes flowers solitary, e鄄
rect or lax, on erect or ascending branchlets; pedicels 10
-20 mm 1a Andromeda polifolia var. polifolia………
1. Leaf blades (2鄄) 3-5 cm, abaxial surface not glaucous,
white鄄hairy to white鄄velutinous; corollas 6(-8) mm; cor鄄
ymbs (2鄄)4-8鄄flowered, nodding, on curved branchlets;
pedicels seldom more than 6-8 mm
1b Andromeda polifolia var. latifolia……………
摇 摇 The plants recorded in China belong to Androm鄄
eda polifolia var. polifolia, based on its morphologi鄄
cal characters.
Distribution of Andromeda is circumboreal and
circumpolar (Jacquemart, 1998). It expands its ar鄄
ea from Scandinavia, Northern Europe, Siberia,
Mongolia, Korea, Japan to Alaska, Newfoundland,
Greenland, and northern United States (Poyarkova,
1952; Lee, 2003; Park, 2007; Fabijan, 2009).
So, it is not surprising to discover this species on
Chinese side near the border of China and Korea.
Clematis L. comprises 280-350 species of woody
climbers, perennial herbs and subshrubs with a cos鄄
mopolitan distribution (Tamura, 1987, 1992, 1995;
Johnson, 1997; Grey鄄Wilson, 2000; Wang and Li,
2005). Some species of Clematis are of horticultural
interest (e. g., C. montana Buch. 鄄Ham. ex DC., C.
patens Morr. et Decne., C. ranunculoides, and C. al鄄
pina L. ), and some others have been considered
pharmaceutically important ( e. g., C. chinensis Os鄄
beck, C. terniflora DC., and C. armandii Franch. ).
Clematis shows a considerable diversity in tem鄄
perate regions of the Northern Hemisphere especially
in eastern Asia with ca. 150 species reported in Chi鄄
na, ca. 90 of them being endemic to the country
(Wang and Bartholomew, 2001). In comparison,
species diversity of Clematis in tropical areas is rela鄄
tively low.
Taxonomy of Clematis has been extensively
studied (De Candolle, 1818; Spach, 1839; Kuntze,
1885; Prantl, 1888; Tamura, 1955, 1956, 1987,
1995; Snoeijer, 1992; Johnson, 1997; Grey鄄Wil鄄
son, 2000; Wang and Li, 2005), however, it has
been notoriously difficult because species of this ge鄄
nus are morphologically highly variable ( Johnson,
1997; Brandenburg, 2000; Grey鄄Wilson, 2000;
Wang and Li, 2005). Classifications of the genus
(e. g. Prantl, 1888; Tamura, 1995; Johnson, 1997;
Grey鄄Wilson, 2000; Wang and Li, 2005 ) differ
from each other due to the complexity of the genus
and the different characters emphasized in each sys鄄
tem. Further more, many tropical Clematis were
poorly studied due to the insufficient investigations
and limited materials. During a comprehensive taxo鄄
nomic revision on Clematis, we carefully studied all
the Clematis specimens from herbaria worldwide. A
new species collected in Xishuangbanna, the tropi鄄
cal area of Yunnan Province, China, is described
here as a result of this taxonomic revisionary work.
Clematis peii L. Xie, W. J. Yang & L. Q.
Li, sp. nov. Figs. 2, 3 易武铁线莲
Type: China: Yiwu, Manpi, Mengla Co., Xishuang鄄
banna, Yunnan Province, 8 Sept. 1959, S. J. Pei
59鄄9998 (Holotype: KUN; isotype: KUN).
Diagnosis: Species nova Clematidi chingii W.
T. Wang arcte affinis, sed foliis haud pinnatis, mar鄄
ginis fere integeris, antheris majoribus 3 mm longis,
connectivis apice 0. 3 mm longis productis differt.
Description: Woody vine. Branches shallowly
10鄄sulcate, appressed鄄puberulous. Leaves ternate;
leaflets or papery, ovate or broadly ovate, 5-7 伊 3. 4
-4. 5 cm, at apex acute, at base rounded or slightly
061摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 第 34 卷
Fig. 2摇 Clematis peii L. Xie, W. J. Yang et L. Q. Li sp. nov.
A. flowering branch, B. flower, C. sepal, D. stamen, E. carpel, F. adaxial surface of leaf. Drawn from the isotype
cordate, at margin nearly entire or rarely 1-2 den鄄
ticulate, abaxially densely puberulous, adaxially pu鄄
bescent with long hairs (ca. 1 mm long), veins ab鄄
axially prominent and reticulate; petioles 5 - 7 cm
long. Cymes axillary, many鄄flowered, panicle鄄like;
peduncles 3-10 cm long, puberulous; bracts petio鄄
late, linear to narrowly elliptic, sometimes leaf鄄like,
ternate, 0. 5-1. 5 (2. 5) cm long. Flower 1. 0-1. 5
cm in diam.; pedicel 0. 6-1. 8 cm long, densely pu鄄
berulous. Sepals 4, rarely 5, yellowish white, nar鄄
rowly oblong, 5-6 伊 2 mm, at apex rounded or ob鄄
tuse, inside glabrous, outside densely appressed鄄pu鄄
berulous. Stamens ca. 20-25, ca. 5 mm long, gla鄄
brous; anthers narrowly oblong to linear, ca. 3 mm
long, apex minutely apiculate (ca. 0. 3 mm). Ova鄄
ries densely puberulous; styles ca. 4 mm long,
densely villous. Achenes not seen. Flowering in
Distribution and habitat: Endemic to Xishuang鄄
banna, southern Yunnan, China. In forests or on
lime鄄stones; 1 000 m.
Etymology: The specific epithet is named after
1612 期摇 摇 摇 XIE Lei et al. : A newly Recorded Genus of Ericaceae and Clematis peii sp. nov. (Ranunculaceae) …摇 摇 摇
the collector, Prof. Pei Sheng鄄ji, in memory of his
contribution to Chinese ethnic botany and plant col鄄
lection in the tropical areas of Yunnan.
Note: According to its glabrous filaments and
white spreading sepals, the C. peii belongs to sect.
Clematis (sensu Wang, 2003; Wang and Li, 2005).
It is closely related to C. chingii in morphology but is
easily distinguished from the latter by its nearly en鄄
tire leaf margin, long anthers ( usually longer than
filaments), and protruding connectives, whereas C.
chingii usually has pinnate leaves with dentate mar鄄
gin, shorter anthers with obtuse apex. There are two
other widely distributed species in sect. Clematis
(sensu Wang, 2003; Wang and Li, 2005) with ter鄄
nate leaves, C. meyeniana Walp. and C. finetiana
L佴vl & Vant., that similar to the new species. The
new species is also easily distinguished from them by
its indumentum on the stems and leaves. Diagnostic
characters for C. peii, C. chingii, C. meyeniana, and
C. finetiana are compared in Table 1.
Fig. 3摇 Holotype of Clematis peii L. Xie, W. J. Yang
et L. Q. Li sp. nov
Table 1摇 A comparison of Clematis peii, C. chingii, C. meyeniana and C. finetiana
Character C. peii C. chingii C. meyeniana C. finetiana
Hair on the stem densely puberulous densely puberulous puberulous, glabrescent only near nodes puberulous
Leaf ternate ternate or pinnate ternate, seldom simple ternate
Leaf margin nearly entire or rarely 1-2denticulate few鄄dentate, seldom entire entire entire
Leaf blade papery papery subcoriaceous or papery subcoriaceous or coriaceous
Shape of the leaf
blade ovate or broadly ovate
ovate, broadly ovate, or
ovate, elliptic鄄ovate, or na鄄
rrowly ovate
ovate鄄lanceolate, narrowly
ovate, or ovate
Abaxial leaf blade densely puberulous, basalveins prominent
densely puberulous, basal
veins prominent
near base sparsely puberu鄄
lous, glabrescent, basal
veins prominent
glabrous, basal veins slig鄄
htly prominent
Adaxial leaf blade strigose strigose near base sparsely puberu鄄lous, glabrescent glabrous
cymes axillary and termi鄄
nal, many flowered, pani鄄
cymes axillary and termi鄄
nal, 3-10鄄many flowered,
often panicle鄄like
cymes axillary and termi鄄
nal, many flowered, often
cymes axillary and termi鄄
nal, 1-5 ( -9) flowered,
often raceme鄄like
Sepals 4, white, elliptic鄄oblong,oblong, or obovate鄄oblong
4, white, elliptic鄄oblong,
oblong, or obovate鄄oblong
4, white, narrowly oblong
or lanceolate
4-6, white, narrowly ob鄄
long, obovate鄄oblong, or
narrowly lanceolate
Anthers 3 mm long, 1. 5 mm long linear or narrowly oblong,3-5. 5 mm long
linear or narrowly oblong,
4-6. 5 mm long
Connectives minutely apiculate not protruding, apex obtuse minutely apiculate minutely apiculate
Filaments 1-1. 8 mm long 4-5 mm long 2-5 mm long 3-5. 5 mm long
Distribution endemic to southern Yun鄄nan Prov. China Guangxi and Yunnan, China
Southern China to Laos,
N. Myanmar, Thailand,
Southern China
261摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 第 34 卷
Acknowledgements: We thank Prof. WANG Wen鄄tsai for
his invaluable comments on this paper. We are grateful to
Mr. SUN Ying鄄bao for preparing the line drawing. We also
thank Dr. LU Lu and Dr. SUN Ming鄄zhou for their valuable
comments, Dr. LI Rong and Ms. WANG Jing鄄hua for provi鄄
ding type pictures, and Dr. YANG Yong and Dr. YOO Ki鄄
Oug for providing important references.
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3612 期摇 摇 摇 XIE Lei et al. : A newly Recorded Genus of Ericaceae and Clematis peii sp. nov. (Ranunculaceae) …摇 摇 摇