全 文 :西藏乌头属二新种
(中国科学院植物研究所系统与进化植物学国家重点实验室ꎬ 北京 100093)
摘要: 描述了自西藏自治区发现的毛茛科乌头属二新种ꎬ 新腋花乌头 (Aconitum novoaxillare) 和截基乌头
(A basitruncatum)ꎬ 并给出此二新种与近缘种的区别特征ꎮ
关键词: 毛茛科ꎻ 乌头属ꎻ 新种ꎻ 西藏
中图分类号: Q 949 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 2095-0845(2014)03-297-04
Two New Species of Aconitum (Ranunculaceae) from Xizang
WANG Wen ̄Tsai
(State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botanyꎬ Institute of Botanyꎬ
Chinese Academy of Sciencesꎬ Beijing 100093ꎬ China)
Abstract: Two species of the genus Aconitum (Ranunculaceae)ꎬ A novoaxillare and A basitruncatumꎬ are described
as new from Xizang Autonomous Regionꎬ China. The diagnostic differences between them and their allies are given.
Key words: Ranunculaceaeꎻ Aconitumꎻ New speciesꎻ Xizang
Aconitum novoaxillare W T. Wangꎬ sp. nov.
Fig 1.
Species nova haec est arcte affinis Aconito sino ̄
axillari W T. Wangꎬ quod foliorum laminis 3 ̄parti ̄
tis utrinque glabrisꎬ pedicellis inferne puberulisꎬ
bracteolis multo majoribus foliaceis 1 5-1 8 cm lon ̄
gis 1 2-1 7 cm latisꎬ petalis minoribus 8 mm lon ̄
gisꎬ eorum unguibus 3 5 mm longis facile differt.
Tubers carrot ̄shapedꎬ 2 5-4 cm longꎬ at apex
0 9-1 8 cm across. Stem ca. 95 cm tallꎬ near base
7-9 mm acrossꎬ proximally sparsely spreading ̄pube ̄
rulousꎬ distally sparsely retrorse ̄puberulousꎬ simple.
Leaves petiolateꎻ blades thinly paperyꎬ pentagonalꎬ
2 5-9 cm longꎬ 5-11 cm broadꎬ at base cordateꎬ 3 ̄
sectꎬ central segment rhombicꎬ at apex long acumi ̄
nateꎬ 3 ̄fid or subpinnatifidꎬ with triangular ̄linear
lobesꎬ lateral segments obliquely flabellateꎬ une ̄
qually 2 ̄partedꎻ surfaces adaxially and abaxially
sparsely appressed ̄puberulousꎻ petioles 0 7-10 cm
longꎬ glabrous. Flowers borne singly in the axils of 2
-4 apical leavesꎻ pedicels 2 - 4 cm longꎬ distally
spreading ̄puberulousꎬ below the middle or above
base 2 ̄bracteolateꎻ bracteoles filiformꎬ 2 - 4 mm
longꎬ ca. 0 12 mm acrossꎬ glabrous. Sepals blueꎬ
abaxially glabrousꎻ upper sepal navicularꎬ ca. 1 4 cm
highꎬ 7 mm broadꎬ shortly beaked and clawedꎬ lower
margin ca. 1 6 cm longꎬ above concaveꎻ lateral sep ̄
als suboblateꎬ ca. 1 4 cm longꎬ 1 3 cm broadꎬ adaxi ̄
ally sparsely puberulousꎻ lower sepals not seen. Pet ̄
als ca. 1 7 cm longꎬ glabrousꎻ claws ca. 1 5 cm
longꎻ limbs ca. 6 5 mm longꎬ 2 mm broadꎻ lips 2 mm
longꎬ slightly reflexedꎬ at apex dilated and emargi ̄
nateꎻ spurs incurvedꎬ 1 2 - 1 5 mm long. Stamens
glabrousꎻ filaments 6 - 7 mm longꎬ above filiformꎬ
elsewhere wingedꎻ anthers suborbicular or oblateꎬ
0 5-0 8 mm in diam. Carpels 3ꎬ ca. 5 mm longꎬ gla ̄
植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报 2014ꎬ 36 (3): 297~300
Plant Diversity and Resources DOI: 10.7677 / ynzwyj201413139
Received date: 2013-06-19ꎬ Accepted date: 2013-08-20
作者简介: 王文采 (1926-) 男ꎬ 研究员ꎬ 中国科学院院士ꎬ 从事有花植物分类学研究ꎮ E ̄mail: xiaobao@ibcas ac cn
brousꎬ with ovaries slightly longer than styles.
China. Xizang Autonomous Region: Chayu Co ̄
untyꎬ Ridongꎬ from Qimazhala to Xizhaꎬ alt. 3 800 mꎬ
under Abies forest on slopeꎬ fls. blueꎬ 26 Sept.
1982ꎬ Qinghai ̄Xizang Exped. 10718 ( holotype &
isotypeꎬ PE).
This species is closely related to Aconitum sino ̄
axillare W T. Wangꎬ but differs in its 3 ̄sect puber ̄
ulous leaf bladesꎬ distally puberulous pedicelsꎬ
much smaller filiform bracteolesꎬ and larger petals
which are 1 7 cm long and with claws 1 5 cm long.
In A sinoaxillareꎬ the leaf blades are 3 ̄parted and
Fig 1 Aconitum novoaxillare A. upper part of flowering stemꎬ B. middle cauline leafꎬ C. upper sepalꎬ D. lateral sepalꎬ
E. petalꎬ F. stamenꎬ G. gynoeciumꎬ consisting of three carpels. ( from holotype)
892 植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报 第 36卷
glabrousꎬ the pedicels are proximally puberulousꎬ
the bracteoles are much largerꎬ foliaceousꎬ 1 5-1 8
cm longꎬ 1 2-1 7 cm broadꎬ and the petals are ver ̄
y smallꎬ only 8 mm longꎬ with claws only 3 5 mm
long (Wang and Hsiaoꎬ 1965).
Aconitum basitruncatum W T. Wangꎬ sp. nov.
Fig 2
Fig 2 Aconitum basitruncatum A. terminal racemeꎬ B. lower cauline leafꎬ C. upper cauline leafꎬ D. upper sepalꎬ E. two lateral sepalsꎬ
F. two lower sepalsꎬ G. petalꎬ H. stamenꎬ I. gynoeciumꎬ consisting of three carpels. ( from holotype)
9923期 WANG Wen ̄Tsai: Two New Species of Aconitum (Ranunculaceae) from Xizang
Species nova haec est affinis Aconito kongboensi
Lauenerꎬ quod foliorum laminis basi profunde corda ̄
tis usque ad basin 3 ̄sectisꎬ sepalo supero majore 2-
2 5 cm alto conspicue rostratoꎬ petalis sparse hirtel ̄
lis distinguitur.
Tubers unknown. Stems 1 - 1 5 m tallꎬ near
base ca. 8 mm acrossꎬ retrorsely appressed ̄ puberu ̄
lous. Leaves petiolateꎻ blades coriaceousꎬ subpen ̄
tagonalꎬ ca. 5 cm longꎬ 8 cm broadꎬ at base sub ̄
truncateꎬ 3 ̄parted to 2 -7 mm above baseꎬ central
partition rhombicꎬ 3 ̄parted or 3 ̄fidꎬ the secondary
lobes with 3-5 triangularꎬ narrowly triangular or lin ̄
ear lobulesꎬ lateral partitions obliquely flabellateꎬ
unequally 2 ̄partedꎬ upper lobe similar to the central
partitionꎬ but smallerꎬ lower lobe unequally 2 ̄parted
tooꎻ surfaces adaxially sparsely appressed ̄puberu ̄
lousꎬ abaxially on nerves densely appressed ̄puberu ̄
lousꎻ petioles up to 9 cm long. Panicles ca. 50 cm
longꎻ lower bracts foliaceousꎬ upper bracts 3 ̄parted
with linear lobesꎬ or undividedꎬ linearꎻ axis with
pedicels densely appressed ̄puberulousꎻ pedicels 1 5
-5 cm longꎬ near the middle 2 ̄bracteolateꎻ bracte ̄
oles shortly petiolate or sessileꎬ broadly rhombicꎬ 7-
10 mm longꎬ 4-9 mm broadꎬ 3 ̄fid or 3 ̄lobedꎬ or
undividedꎬ long ellipticꎬ 5 - 7 mm longꎬ 2 - 4 mm
broad. Sepals whiteꎬ abaxially puberulousꎻ upper
sepal galeateꎬ ca. 1 8 cm highꎬ not beakedꎬ lower
margin ca. 1 3 cm longꎬ slightly concaveꎻ lateral
sepals slightly unequal in sizeꎬ narrowly obovate or
long ellipticꎬ 1 2 - 1 3 cm longꎬ 4 - 6 mm broad.
Petals glabrousꎻ claws 1 3-1 6 cm longꎻ limbs 3-4
mm longꎻ lips 1 2-3 mm longꎬ towards apex slightly
dilatedꎬ at apex 2 ̄lobulate or undividedꎻ spurs in ̄
curvedꎬ 1 2 - 2 mm longꎬ straight or slightly circi ̄
nate. Stamens glabrousꎻ filaments filiformꎬ 4-5 mm
longꎬ below the middle wingedꎬ edentateꎻ anthers
subquadrateꎬ ca. 0 8 mm broad. Carpels 3 (4)ꎬ 4-
4 5 mm longꎬ glabrous.
China. Xizang Autonomous Region: Linzhi Co ̄
untyꎬ near Wuzhangꎬ alt. 3 200 mꎬ in bush by riverꎬ
fls. whiteꎬ 25 Sept. 1983ꎬ Exped. from Xizang Insti ̄
tute of Biology 4025 (holotypeꎬ PE).
This species is related to Aconitum kongboense
Lauenerꎬ but differs in its leaf blades subtruncate at
base and deeply 3 ̄parted nearly to the baseꎬ upper
sepal smallerꎬ not beakedꎬ and glabrous petals. In
A kongboenseꎬ the leaf blades are deeply cordate at
base and 3 ̄sect to the baseꎬ the upper sepal is lar ̄
gerꎬ 2-2 5 cm high and conspicuously beakedꎬ and
the petals are sparsely hirtellous (Lauenerꎬ 1963).
Acknowledgements: I am grateful to Mr. Sun Ying ̄Bao for
kindly making the line drawings.
Lauener LAꎬ 1963. Aconitum of the Himalaya [ J] . Notes from the
Royal Botanic Gardenꎬ Edinburghꎬ 25 (1): 1—30
Wang WT (王文采)ꎬ Hsiao PK (肖培根)ꎬ 1965. Notulae de Ra ̄
nunculaceis sinensibus II [ J] . Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica
(植物分类学报)ꎬ Additamentum 1: 49—103
003 植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报 第 36卷