摘 要 :采用植物社会学的研究方法,对西双版纳热带季节性雨林中最具有代表性的绒毛番龙眼群落进行了初步的研究。用样地法取得了100m2(10 x 10 m)的 25个样地,通过整理排出了植物群落地综合表。通过对综合表中25个样地的分析反映群落中植物的多优度、存在度和盖度系数的状,以显示各个植物种类在群落中的地位和作用,以及各个植物在群落中水平分布的状况和特点。而各个样地中植物分布的相似和差别情况则可以反映植物群落以下分类单位的状况。
Abstract:Using the phytosociological method, a preliminary study was made on the Pometia tomentosa forest community. The community is one of the representative types of the tropical sea-sonal rain forest in Xishuangbanna. 25 plots was made in the forest and a synthetic table of the community was got from the study. In the table, the character and function of each plant in the community can be reflected through its abundance-coverage, presence and coefficient of coverage.The horizontal distribution of the species in the community and the classification units under the community can also be obtained from the study.