摘 要 :尖突紫堇组(Sect.Mucroniferae Fedde)是青藏高原及喜马拉雅地区特有的高山类群。分布中心在北纬28-32度,东经88-96度之间,除短喙黄堇(C.brevirostrata C.Y.Wu et T.Y.Shu)生长在海拔3600米的林间草甸外,全部种类生长在4000—5400米的高原荒漠、流石滩、砂砾地或河滩上。在高海拔低纬度的自然条件下,它们共同发育了适应干寒和强辐射的特性。本组植物为具主根垫状高山草本,叶柄宽展,叶片1一3回羽状全裂,末回裂片椭圆形或匙形,通常具短尖。总状花序短缩,花少而直立着生,多少呈伞房状排列,除花冠上部外,大部为苞片所复盖。苞片大,扇形多裂或叶状具柄,裂片顶端常具有短尖或刚毛。蒴果椭圆形,成熟时通常下弯而隐藏于苞片之中。全组11种,2变种,除尼泊尔产的大萼黄堇(C.megacalyx Ludlow)和棒苞黄堇(C.clavibracteata Ludlow)外,全部种类青藏高原均有分布。
Abstract:Sect. Mucroniferae Fedde is an endemic alpine group of the Genus Corydalis Vent.in Qinghai-Xizang plateau and Himalayas. The center of the distribution of this Section is between 28-32℃ N. 88-96°E. All species of this section, except C.brevirostrata C.Y.Wu et T.Y.Shu distributing merely up to 3600 m. altitude in the forest meadows, dwell in the plateau-desert, alpine scree, gravel or river banks up to 4000-5400 m. altitude. They had in common developed the specific characters adapting dryness and coolness under the natural condition of high altitude and low latitude. They are the cushion-like alpine herbs which possess taproot, leaves with flattened petio1e, 1-3 pinnatisect. The ultimate lobules of leaves elliptic or spathulate are often mucronated.