Abstract:The gall-nuts are endemic aphids from E. Asia, they have long been known as a profitable value by product in China. These products are available for medical and chemical industry uses.Certainly, the Chinese gall-nuts are refered to the galls produced by aphids on the genus Rhus(sumach) ,Anacardiacae. There are 14 species of Chinese gall aphids have been became Chinese gall-nuts. The Chinese Gall aphids are always specialized to host on 3 hosts (the leaves of Rhus chinensis, Rhus potaninii and Rhus punjabensis var. sinica) in spring and summer. On the other hand, the Chinese gall aphids are usually highly specialized to host on several moss-hosts in winter. Among them, 21 species have been published by Tang, Zhang, Takagi & Tian etc., there are 11 species are new recorded by the authors in thrs paper. They arc ( 1 ) Mnium lyco podioides Schwaegr, ( 2 ) Mnium thomsonii Schi-mp., (3) Orthomnium dilatatum (Mitt.) Chen, (4) Plagiomnium rhyncho-phorum (Hook.) T. Kop., (5) Brachythecium albicans (Hedw.) B. S. G., ( 6 ) Brachythecium buchananii ( Hook. ) Jaeg., ( 7 ) Brachythecium velu-tinum (Hedw.) B. S. G., (8) Brachythecium rutabulum (Hedw.) B. S. G., (9) Homalothecium perimbricatum Broth., (10) Hypnum callichroum Brid., (11) Erythrodontium julaceum (Schwaegr.) Par., etc. From (1)-(4) are the winter hosts of Schlechtendalia chinensis (Bell.).