摘 要 :堵喇是云南民间用来解草乌毒的一种乌头属(Aconitum)植物,在清代吴其浚的《植物名实图考》中就有记载。根据其绘图和描述,可以看出堵喇为乌头属中的藤本种类,但长期以来对于堵喇究竟为何种乌头属植物一直未能确认。本文参考有关文献,并结合野外观察,考证出堵喇的原植物应为苍山乌头(A.contortum Finet et Gagnep.)。
Abstract:"Dula", a chinense herbal drug used to prevent from poisioning of the Aconitum plants, is first recorded in Chih Wu Ming Shih Thu Khao written by Wu Chi Chun. According to his description and figure, it can be only known that "Dula" belongs to the genus Aconitum, but which species it is has becomed a problem unsolved for a long time. Almost all of the climbing plants of Aconitum, such as A. bulleyanum Diets, A. delauayi Franch., A. stapfianum Hand.-Mazz., A. episcopate Levl., A. vilmorinianum Kom., A. contortum Finet et Gagnep., are named "Dula" by the native people of Yunnan.Through the field investigation and taxonomic study combined with the data of the chemical components of the plants above mentioned, it is found that the original plant of "Dula" is A. contortum Finet et Gagnep., and the other several plants are false "Dula" and must be strictly prohibited from using as "Dula".