Photosynthetic numerical simulation of tomato production in self-controlled greenhouse EFECT OF Ambrosia trifida ON ROOT GROWTH AND NODULATION OF SOYBEAN Relation sh ip Between Morphology and Hormones Dur ing Weeping Peach ( Prunus persica var. pendula ) Shoot Development Relation sh ip Between Morphology and Hormones Dur ing Weeping Peach ( Prunus persica var. pendula ) Shoot Development Morphology and Histochemistry of the Glandular Trichomes of Isodon rubescens (Hemsley) H. Hara [Lamiaceae] STUDIES ON THE MORPHOLOGY,STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE GLANDULAR HAIRS IN PERILLA FRUTESCENS (L. ) BRITTON THE DEVELOPMENTAL MORPHOLOGY ON THE TRICHOMES OF THE LEAVESIN DENDRANTHEMA ZAZWADSKII(HERD.)TZVEL. MORPHOLOGICAL AND ANATOMICAL STUDIES ON THE SEEDLING IN CALENDULA OFFICINALIS LINN. Current distributions of three endangered mangrove species in China Progress in the mechanism of modulation on marine bacterial production Analysis of grey relatedness between the modular structure of wild Brassica juncea population in Tibet and the environmental factors Allelopathic potentials of volatiles from Artemisia lavandulaefolia DC. Prodr Nodulation effects, feeding quality and nutrient absorption of Dolichos lablab L. in different soils Study on fertilizer-N absorption and distribution of soybean [Glycine max (L).]during the seed-filling period Advance of growth modulation and genesis gene of plant crown gall Cloning a Homologous Linalool Synthase Gene of Lavandula latifolia and Construction of Plant Expression Vector Effects of simulated acid rain on the growth and antioxidant activity of Zebrina pendula Characters and dynamics of modular biomass and its allocation ratio in five cultivars of elephant grass A New Species of Boea (Gesneriaceae) from Anhui Milletia pendula Benth. (Papilionaceae), a new record to China A new species and a new variety of Paphiopedilum (Orchidaceae) Cytological Study on Male Sterile of Lavandula pinnata L. Glandular Hairs on the Leaf Epidermis of Elsholtzia ciliata (Thunb.) Hyland and the Process of Secreting Flavonoids by the Glandular Hairs Based on Histochemistry Method Functions of Small GTPase Rac1 in Nodulation Process in Lotus japonicus Biomass structure analysis of Atractylodes lancea in different ecological environments Co-inoculation of peanut bradyrhizobium and molybdate and its inoculation effect on acid purple soil Comparative Studies on the SOD and POD Activities and Their Isoenzymes in the Seed and Pod shell of Nodulating and Non-nodulating Soybean Isolines during the Course of Fruit Development Morpho-histological Study of Somatic Embryo-like Structures and Somatic Embryos in Lily Effect of Manganese Stress on Nitrogen Accumulation of Soybean FERTILIZER N ABSORPTION AND DISTRIBUTION BY SOYBEAN FROM SEEDLING TO POD BEGINNING Studies on the Morphology, Structure and Development of the Glandular Hairs in Mentha haplocalyx Brig. Primary Analysis of Components in Different Soybean Nodulating Mutants and their Effects on Nitrate Reductase Activity and Nodulation Characteristic Responsiveness of Modular Populations of Kobresia humilis to Grazing in Alpine Meadow Studies on the Development of Glandular Hairs in Nymphoides peltatum and the Ultrastructure During Their Secretory P Three-stage Transformation of Chlorophyll Transient Fluorescence Pattern Under Sustained Dehydration and the Discovery of Critical Water Content in Seaweeds (in English) Symbiotic matching between soybean cultivar Luhuang No.1 and different rhizobia. Research progress of nodularin STUDIES ON BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND CONTROL OF THREE SPECIES OF MOLDS INJURIOUS TO EDIBLE FUNGI IN JIANGXI Responses of Acacias to Rhizobia Inoculation Effect of Different Fertilizations on the Growth Modulation and Nitrogen Fixation of Myrica rubra The Influence of High Temperature and Drought on the Growth, Nodulation and Nitrogen-Fixation of Alnus cremastogyne in Different Kinds of Soils THE DEVELOPMEN T MORPHOLOGY OF THE TRICHOMES OF THE PLAN TS IN THE NORTH- EAST CHINA: Ⅰ.THE DEVELOPMENT MORPHOLOGY OF THE TRICHOMES IN GLECHOMA HEDERACEA L.VAR.LONGITUBA NAKAI Immunomodulatory effect of Indian ginseng root extract on immunodeficiency mice Induction and culture of hairy roots in Scutellaria viscidula and its baicalin production Establishment of High-frequency Regeneration System from Leaf Explants ofLavandula angustifolia ‘Munstead’ Analysis on Karyotye of Lavandula angustifolia Mill. and L. pinnata L. The Responses of Momordica Charantia at Different Modular Levels to the Changes of Support Diameter Analysis of Grey Relatedness Between the Modular Structure of Reaumuria soongorica Population in the Desert of Fukang, Xinjiang and the Environmental Factors Effects of salt stress on the growth, antioxidant ability and salt stress protein of Calendula officinalis Optimization of Culture Conditions to Produce MnP and Dye Decolorization of TN02A7-He-mnp1 and TN02A7-He-mnp2 HPLC determination of anthraquinones from various parts of R. Tanguticum,R. undulatum and R, spiciforme Biochemical regulatory mechanism of asiaticoside in preventing and treating stent restenosis Phenotypic modulation of vascular smooth muscle cells in diabetes mellitus and intervention of traditional Chinese medicines Studies on Chemical Constituents of Tannin in Filipendula palmata Pall. Advances in modulation of cytochrome P-450 by Chinese herbal medicine Effect of different fractions from DANGGUI BUXUE TANG on immunological function in normal and blood-deficiency mouse Distinguish WULINGZHI from its imitations by microscopic examination Effects of chemical fertilizer combined with organic manure and rhizobium inoculation on growth,feeding quality and nutrient absorption of Dolichos lablab L . Effects of nitrogen nutrition levels on N-accumulation and yields of soybean Comparison of Pharmacological Studies on Ootheca Mantidis THE STUDY ON MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT OF NODULAR VASCULAR BUNDLES OF CORIARIA NEPALENSIS WALL. Responses of Tree Legumes to Rhizobial Reinoculation Studies on the Biomass Structure of Neosinocalamus offinif Population in Jinyun Mountain Root colonization and nodulation of Sinorhizobium fredii HN01DL in Glycine max rhizosphere Individual and modular biomass dynamics of Kingdonia uninflora population in Qinling Mountain Morphogenesis and Developmental Law of Glandular Hairs of Elsholtzia stauntoni Benth STUDIES ON THE BIONOMICS AND CONTROL OF CRYPTOTYMPANA ATRATA FABR Primary Study on the Endangered Mechanism of the Rare Plant Keteleeria evelyniana var. pendula Biomass and Leaf Area Dynamics of Modular Populations in Gordonia acuminata Responses of Acacia Crassicarpa seedlings and soil nutrition to Rhizobia isolated from Acacia Crassicarpa A STUDY ON ECOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF LOCUST NODULATION AND NITROGEN FIXATION Studies on Al ka line Solution Extraction of Polysacchar idefrom Sil kworm Pupa and Its Immunomodula ting Activ ities A comparative study of plant biomass in a native grassland exclosure Analysis on Karyotye of Lavandula angustifolia Mill. and L. pinnata L. Expression of the Gene Lg-mnp2 Encoding for Manganese Peroxidase 2 (MnP2) from White-Rot Fungus Lenzites gibbosa in Aspergillus nidulans Isolation and Analysis of Differential Expressed ESTs from Stem Trichomes of Lycopersicon esculentum (Solanaceae) The Grey Relatedness Analysis between the Modular Structure of Clonal Population of Calligonum mongolicum and the Environmental Factors in the Minqin Desert Preliminary study on the effect of low pH on the nodulation of Medicago sativa and corresponded mechanisms SOUND PRODUCTION IN LONGHORNED BEETLES: STRIDULATION AND ASSOCIATED BEHAVIOUR OF THE ADULT (COLEOPTERA: CERAMBYCIDAE) Correlation between histochemical location and content of artemisinin

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