摘 要 :本文主要用法瑞植物社会学学派的方法对元谋干热河谷植被的群丛以上单位进行划分和研究。经分析,确定了从群目(order)到群丛(association)的一个分类等级系统。整个河谷区的植被可以归入到扭黄茅、坡柳群目(Dodonaeo-Heteropogonetalia contorti)中,下面再分出两个群属(alliance)和九个群丛。经使用模糊聚类分析数学方法验证,分类基合理。经研究表明元谋干热河谷1600米以下地区的气候及植被特点与热带的稀树草原(savanna)十分相似,可以称为半自然稀树草原或次生性稀树草原(semi-natural savanna or secondary savanna)。
Abstract:Abstract Through applying the method of Franch--Swiss phytosociological school to study the vegetation types and using the method of fuzzy cluster analysis to class them, we have identified the vegetation of Yuanmou dry--hot river valley to be an "order" and name it "Dodonaeo--Heteropogonetalia contorti", two"alliances" and nine "associations" have also been identified and named based on the floristic criteria. All the character species of these types have been summarized and arranged into an "order--alliance--association table" to show a connect classification system. The vegetation of Yuanmou dry-hot river valley is somewhat like the "savanna" of tropics,it can be called "semi-natural savanna or secondary savanna".