摘 要 :白珠树属(Gaultheria Kalrn ex Linn.),全世界约100种以上。分布于太平洋周围,西达喜马拉雅西坡至印度南部,2种在北美,8种在巴西东部,日本2种,东南亚有22种。我国产24种,其中有3新种,长江以南各省皆有,但主产于云南西北部、四川西部和西藏东南部。本属植物花药具2—4芒或钝头,蒴果室背开裂,由于有白色宿存萼包被而呈浆果状,易与科内其他属区别。国产本属植物的分类工作,尚没有人作过系统整理。除在一些文章中涉及外,杨衔晋教授1947 (Contr.Biol. Lab.Soc.China Bot.12:14—153)论述我国西部本属植物时,记载了我国西部有5种。
Abstract:Gaultheria is a genus of medium size in Ericaceae. This genus has more than 100 species. It is distributed around Pacific Ocean, westwards to western slope of Himalayas and southern part of India. There are 24 species in China (including 3 new species), of which 23 species distributed in Yunnan, Sichuan and Xizang(Tibet), being 96% of this genus in China. There are 22 species distributed in Gongshan of Yunnan, west part of baoxing of Sichuan and Chayu, Motuo of Xizang, 27°5′, -30°2′ N, 95°2′, -100°E, being 80% of this genus in eastern Asia.