Abstract:Shorea chinensis forest distributing as a relict in the limited habitats of southern Mengia County, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan. Covering about 800hm2, where is a tropical consociation with a single dominant tree species Shorea chinensis ofDipterocarpaceae. The for-est is mainly charactered by evergreen mega and meso phaenerophytes with simple leathy and entire mesophylls. With 3-4 tree layers, butress appearing in the upper trees, cauliflory ap-pearing in the lower trees, abundant woody lianas and epiphytes in the interlayer, the forest is thoroughly a vegetation type of tropical rain forest. Situated on the northern border of main-land SE Asia, the forest grows under the limiting conditions of the climate, latitude and alti-tude of tropical rain forests, therefore, the forest community has some deciduous trees among the upper trees, less megaphaenerophytes and epiphytes, more abundant lianas, meso and microphaenerophytes.